Had a takeaway, now feel terrible as I went over my cals!

Ugh, I don't even know why I'm posting this. Considering its 1.06am in London.

I went OTT on calories today, I set my daily allowance too 1200 a day. But then my dad bought the family kebab and it was so juicy I ate it all up. Till I relised it tastes good while your eating it then once you've total up the calories. Not including the drinks.. its OVER my daily allowance. I'm seriously sat here beating myself up about it. I'm -2250 and I've honestly cried because I've gone over.

Too some of you? It may not seem like a huge deal. But loosing weight is a big deal for me as my body holds to many memories at this size! (255lbs). I just want it gone, I know it's going to take time and commitment. But I feel as if I've fhucked it up in a sense as today I weighed myself (earlier today, before the kebab) and lost a total of 11lbs. Now I feel like I've completely.. messed it up.

Any advice or anything. I can't sleep as its eating away at me.


  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    It probably isn't horrible to go over if you have been eating 1200 cal/day. Most people need more than that anyway and lose weight well with higher calories. Remember, 3500 calories=1 lb so I doubt you went over by that much!
  • RickXX
    RickXX Posts: 5
    Everyone gets to have a crazy day once in a while. Just get back on like it never happened. Be aware next time. Have some and stop.
  • It probably isn't horrible to go over if you have been eating 1200 cal/day. Most people need more than that anyway and lose weight well with higher calories. Remember, 3500 calories=1 lb so I doubt you went over by that much!

    Still eating away at me, just when you see the minuses on your screen/phone. Grr, don't think I'll be doing that agian! Haha. But thanks.. I guess my minds semi-cleared. Just worried thats all if it does effect me when I weigh in next week! Only time will tell...
  • In the past when I had kept my calorie/fitness level the same for awhile, a big "mess up" day (in my mind) actually kick-started my metabolism back up. Who knows, maybe the same will happen for you! Tomorrow will be better... Every day you wake up is a fresh one with no "mistakes" in it yet. :)
  • I agree with RickXX. An occasional break probably won't hurt, and will make you aware for the future. The other thing is YOU LOST 11 POUNDS, in what, a month? Seems you earned a bit of a celebration! Now get up, dust yourself off, and start tomorrow where mfp starts you: a clean slate. Good fortune to you.
  • In the past when I had kept my calorie/fitness level the same for awhile, a big "mess up" day (in my mind) actually kick-started my metabolism back up. Who knows, maybe the same will happen for you! Tomorrow will be better... Every day you wake up is a fresh one with no "mistakes" in it yet. :)

    You're lucky, I doubt it'll do that for me though as I used to skip days without eating. Currently forcing 1200 calories into myself to be honest! Even though I'm overweight, I hardly eat.. its weird o.o. But yeah, tomorrows a brand new day.. its weather I can get to sleep or not now lol! ♥
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Ugh, I don't even know why I'm posting this. Considering its 1.06am in London.

    Any advice or anything. I can't sleep as its eating away at me.

    Get a good book to read and go to bed!

    I ate over 3,000 calories last night because my husband wanted to try out the new Carl's Jr burger place that was in town.
    Didn't really taste that good, either!

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • I agree with RickXX. An occasional break probably won't hurt, and will make you aware for the future. The other thing is YOU LOST 11 POUNDS, in what, a month? Seems you earned a bit of a celebration! Now get up, dust yourself off, and start tomorrow where mfp starts you: a clean slate. Good fortune to you.

    Near enough a month, I started recording me weight before I joined MFP. A mate recomenned it to me when I started to think of losing weight seriously. But yeah, about a month I'd say!

    Okay, I'll try and semi-forget about it. Just eating away that it.. looks so horrible seeing the big -2250 on my screen!
  • kvg1210
    kvg1210 Posts: 35
    Dont punish yourself. I only started on Sunday and on my first day had gone over by 90 calories. It's very easy to do - but like you I thought tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday was day 5 and although i know i shouldnt weigh yet I did and found I had lost 4lbs. There is always tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • Dont punish yourself. I only started on Sunday and on my first day had gone over by 90 calories. It's very easy to do - but like you I thought tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday was day 5 and although i know i shouldnt weigh yet I did and found I had lost 4lbs. There is always tomorrow :flowerforyou:

    Awe, true.. I'm trying not to. Guess its all hard for me -.- as I don't normally eat. Yet today I'm stuffing my face? o.o
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over one day. If it helps you to feel better, look at your weekly goal instead of daily. You went over today, but I'm sure you had a few days in the past week where you were far under your 1200 calorie daily goal, correct? As long as you're under your weekly goal, you're good. :)
  • Don't beat yourself up over one day. If it helps you to feel better, look at your weekly goal instead of daily. You went over today, but I'm sure you had a few days in the past week where you were far under your 1200 calorie daily goal, correct? As long as you're under your weekly goal, you're good. :)

    Hmm, true. Going to head to bed soon, hopefully I can get to sleep.. :( x
  • Actually, some people recommend one 'free meal' to kickstart your metabolism, especially near a plateau of weight loss. And realize, it's just one day. The biggest thing is to not let it derail you from your goals. YOU CAN DO IT! Business as usual tomorrow! :happy:
  • johncaraher
    johncaraher Posts: 44 Member
    1200 is probably too low a goal for you anyway, given your current weight. What does MFP recommend? (I suspect you're overriding the recommendation... though I'm older and a guy, I'm at about 175 pounds and MFP says I should take in 1500 cal/day to lose 1 pound/week. MFP's recommendations are actually quite accurate for sustainable long-term weight loss.)

    I think going over was probably healthy, and as others have pointed out you probably have days under your goal that "cancel" this somewhat anyway!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Tomorrow is another day. Don't beat yourself up--you're human. We make mistakes. Hopefully we learn from them and move on. Don't give up, you can do this.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would be wary of getting too obsessed and being too strict as that reeks of a diet and diets do not work longterm, whereas a lifestyle change, complete with the occasional takeaway, dessert, meal out etc, tends to be a lot more effective. Many who get too obsessive this early on, end up either completely giving up, get caught in a vicious cycle of binge eating, or develop eating disorders. You should not be so stressed out about a takeaway that you cannot sleep. There are far more important things in life to be worrying about. You are probably only a tiny bit above your maintenance calories, so you are unlikely to gain any weight from it, beyond short term water retention from the sodium.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Every time I go over, I remind myself that 3500 calories = 1 pound. You are already eating at a deficit, so unless you ate 3500 calories extra, you are fine. Also, keep in mind you are shooting for weight loss by the week, not the day so just eat a little less on the other days. I have been known to take some of the extra calories I ate one day and add it to days later in the week to make up for it. If your weekly calories are less than 3500 over, you still lost something!
  • After my workout tonight I was extremely hungry so I went to Burgerking; goal cals 1370, total for today was 2488 :-(
    I don't feel too bad about it since I spent 90 mins at the gym but still all the workout cals burnt gone down the drain lol.
  • One of the things i try to do when it comes to a perceived 'failure' is to accept that it happened and you can't change it now. It is done and you do not need to worry about the event itself.

    Once I get past that it happened, I look back and analyze what went wrong and what went right. Pick one thing (only one thing), that went wrong and come up with 3-5 options you can try next time to prevent that situation again.

    Losing weight is a journey, you will make mistakes, but mistakes are just an opportunity to find a better way to handle a 'failure'.

    Those bumps you take will polish you and make you shine. More bumps, more shine.
  • Well just woken up! Thanks for the replies everybody. Todays a new day right? Not going to let it beat me up! :)