Short, fat and not proud of that

Where to begin? I'm going to be thirty this year and I've been a dieter since I was an elementary school student (not by choice). At my highest weight I was 287 (spring 2003 and again in fall 2011) and I stand all of 5 feet tall.

I've planned to lose weight HUNDREDS of times but I never followed through. From 2006 to 2009 I thought I truly changed my life and I got down to 220-pounds when I got into a situation that forced me to move back in with my parents at 26-years-old. I failed immediately and between Labor Day and Christmas Day 2009 I gained 67-pounds. (I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad one that I still had a closet full of "fat clothes" from before.)

I basically shut down physically and emotionally until 2011 when I moved out and in with other family members to help out in a time of crisis. I quickly got into a routine and without my mom's cooking and without my dad's pressure to "eat". I got back into my good eating habits and started moving all of the time--taking care of kids and housework--and sleeping well.

Somewhere along the way I found MFP and started occasionally logging my food. By summer 2012 I'd dropped down to 211. A few weeks later I gained 15-pounds and plateaued there into the fall. I got depressed but I never gave up and November 1 I was back on track losing 2.5-pounds for the first time. Just days later I was thrown into another family crisis and by December 15 was down to 212. Yes, I was stressed but in times of stress I grab onto familiarity and routine run with it. So, I absolutely ate perfectly, slept and threw myself into housework and taking care of kids.

I gained a little bit of weight at Christmas but I think it's going to come off and I am going to continue losing. I weighed myself on the sixth of January and plan to again on Saturday. I tried to weigh last Saturday but I got a number that seemed impossibly low so I'm ignoring it and going back to weighing twice a month.

So far I've lost 70+ pounds. I've never used any part of MFP other than occasional logging and I've never added any kind of true exercise into my plan. I want to change that. In the last few weeks I've seen amazing success stories and I want that for me more than I've ever wanted anything before. (Now I just need to find some before pictures!)

I have some obstacles, in that I am still over 200-lbs and I have a physical disability that makes many things hard but only a few truly impossible. I also don't have any kind of real life support system (for losing weight) and if I can't do it in the house with what limited tools I have (some pilates DVDs, rubber band dealies, a mat, some light hand weights--1, 3 or possibly 5-lbs) and whatever else I can dream up than exercise is out of the question.

Aside from continual weight loss at this point my goal with exercise is to lose inches from my thighs because pants are becoming a bit of a nightmare. Waist is 38-inches but hips/thighs are a squishy 53-inches. I'm lucky in that it's been so long I can't remember the last time I truly binged (not just "over ate") and that I've held out and not comforted myself with food since the end of summer and even when I did I did so with healthy foods (homemade soups! *yay*).

I'd love any recommendations for things I can do during the day in between my domestic duties and anytime I just flat-out feel like sitting on my not-as-fat-as-it-used-to-be butt that will help me reach my goal. I don't have any friends (pals?) and I'd love few here or there that can relate to any part of where I've been or where I'm going. I don't care if it takes forever to lose this weight, (though I will say it would be nice to be able to buy myself something really nice to wear for my upcoming birthday later in the year and if it weren't plus-sized that would be fantastic.) I want it gone for good and I am up for the challenge.

Anyway that's the gist of my story--sorry I'm long-winded.


  • piritaoro
    piritaoro Posts: 17 Member
    Just keep on going. It will be hard at times but just keep on watching your calorie intake and exercise at any level that you can, and try to challenge yourself. That is what I say to myself when things get tough.

    I also know what losing weight and gaining it back is. I am at 95 kg (aprox 210 pounds) at the moment. Just started here. Finding it good, but a bit complicated when it comes to log everything I eat. So untill I can do a better use of this tool, I'm just gonna eat what I know for sure how to log in! LOL :)

    I am 46 and I can do this. Imagine what you can when you are 20 years younger!

    Keep going! You can do it! :)
  • oldsailor
    Dear 1two3four,

    First congrats on making another attempt. You have to want to do this for yourself and in your case it looks like you do. Realize that the real you is within, and don't sell yourself short because of your body profile. Having said that, DON'T DIET, but develop a lifetime change. By the beginning of November this year I was 280 pounds and I am 6'1" tall. I started having neurological problems a few years ago that have become worse and started to affect my health in other ways. I am 59 and I want to live a lot longer and experience of life. Over the nine years I was working on my doctorate, working full time and going to school full time tooks it toil. The more tired I got, more I ate to stay alert and study. Needless to say the pounds starting piling on. So on the 6 Nov I joined weight wtchers and going to the meetings. For a while I was the only man at the meeting, and start sitting a table with ladie who are about 10 to 15 years older. They are funny, flirty, and great support. But WW is not the end all. I use MFP to ensure that I am eating a balanced diet and meeting certain vitamin goals. I did some research using scientific databases on published peer review articles on nutrition and that changed my way of eating. I thought eating a "healthy bowl of cereal with lowfat milk, fresh fruit, and orange juice" was healthy. It's not. That kind of breakfast increases your blood sugar and along with it, cortisol which sabotages weight loss. I started eating an omelet with eggbeaters (or store brand) with fresh tomatoes, peppers and onions and reduced fat cheddar cheese, along with a piece of whole wheat bread that is 80 calories. That breakfast is about is 320 calories and gives me a sense of fullness that lasts until lunch. There is almost no cholesterol and no fats. Next I looked at other higher sources of protein foods that I like. I buy lean lunch meat and reduced fat cheese and make my self a wrap with a carb friendly whole wheat tortilla. I gave up frequent eating of bread, white potatoes and rice. Then I was so out of shape that I could only ride my stationary bike for ten minutes.After losing 15 lbs I got enough energy to increase my activity and then I started losing 2 lbs a week.

    Your need a support buddy who is going to be positive and not critical. There are a lot of us willing to help you. Just open up.

    Good luck,

    Dr Ron
  • NeewMee
    NeewMee Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on your hard work and success thus far! I think you are doing amazing. I just started the journey and I am 5 ft almost 300 LBS! I can promise you that what I consider a work out and gets my heart pumping isn't anything compared to what most of the people on here do. But I worry about me, not them. I have medical issues preventing me from some activities and I work around them. I do what I can do physically and I try to eat the best I can. My theory is anything is better than nothing! I started with 3 LB weights and have only worked up to 5 LBS- but I can do up to 50 reps each arm/exercise with them (working various muscles) and I'm moving up to 10 the next chance I get to go to the store. I love my heavy elastic bands too; use them for lots of stuff! The more you do the better your endurance. Keep up the great work!!
  • orangelobster
    Dear 1two3four,

    I buy lean lunch meat and reduced fat cheese and make my self a wrap with a carb friendly whole wheat tortilla. I gave up frequent eating of bread, white potatoes and rice.

    Can't emphasize this enough.

    "Old sailor" is right on the mark here!
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Congratulations on your success thus far. You didn't say whether or not walking is an option for you, if it is I would suggest you take a 20 minute walk everyday at whatever pace works for you. Walking is an amazing weight loss tool, which doesn't require more than shoes and determination. I love the mental boost that walking always seems to provide, not sure if it's the fresh air or perhaps change of venue but it works wonders for me. As you feel able you could add time on. If walking isn't an option perhaps google exercise videos using the bands or our local library lends videos, I've tried lots of new things out through the library in the past. Good Luck you will be at your goal before you know it!