100lbs or more

I am a female from Florida! I am looking for people who are trying to lose 100 or more. I need to be encourage I love to encourage others.


  • frankb69
    frankb69 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello , i just hit 100 lbs today, still wanna lose many more. add me if you like.
  • wetuscox
    wetuscox Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome! I have a total of 140 pounds to lose....feel free to add me!!
  • gemaudlin
    You can add me! I have a total weight loss goal of 136 pounds. I'm already down 75. Only 61 more to go! I could use the encouragement as well. I'm from West Des Moines, IA.
  • MasterMazen
    Hi there. I'm a person who has lost over 100 pounds (130 to be precise). It's possible, but requires time and patience. Keep focused and you'll do it. Good luck.
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member
    I"ve got over 100 lbs to lose...you can add me if you like :smile:
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm looking for more friends who are losing large amounts of weight too!! my goal is 130. Please feel free to friend me also! :)
  • breeshabebe
    I need to lose about 80 now and had lost 50 about 2 years ago. Since then, I've been gaining 10lbs back and losing it all over again.... now I'm ready for it to all be gone! Friend me!
  • RavBansal
    Hi, Good Luck!

    I am in a same boat, I have 100 lbs to lose also. This is the beginning of a healthier, happier me! You can add me to if you wish.
  • glitter67
    glitter67 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there... 34 pound lost so far but another 100 to go!! Feel free to add me if you like.. Alison x
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    I am a female from Florida! I am looking for people who are trying to lose 100 or more. I need to be encourage I love to encourage others.

    I'm from FL too! :) And I'm also looking to lose +100lbs. Would like to lose about 120lbs more.

    Pls anyone feel free to add me-- have been using MFP for over a year, but just got my first friend earlier this wk lol! I like the idea of being accountable to people, now, though and think it will help w/ my motivation and to keep me on track.

    I also just joined fitbit this wk and am ADDICTED.
  • MrsWalker2013
    Hello, I am also trying to lose 100 lbs. well 115 to be exact. Add me as a friend!!!!!
  • Mom2Jakob
    I am from Florida too - native actually. I dont have exct number but guessing want to lose about 150. Friend me if you like
  • sss_grc
    Welcome my goal is 120 ! Add me if you would like.
  • Hi there! I've lost 90 before joining myfitnesspal (which I just did today), and still have more than 50 pounds to go. Feel free to add me!
  • heidelbergerin
    heidelbergerin Posts: 28 Member
    Hey :)
    I have more than 100lbs to lose... I started needing to lose 150lbs.... I'm now down 6 :) so only another 144 to go haha.
    I need all the encouragement and motivation I can get, so feel free to add me. I'm in the UK.
    Happy slimming!
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I've got at least100 I'd like to lose, feel free to add me :)
  • cjaynep
    cjaynep Posts: 40
    I've been on the site for a week, I have at least 100 lb to lose also. I've been using the site for a week...and only the last few minutes been looking into the "community" part of it. So anyone who would like to, olease feel free to add me. I've lost 13lb already so I'm feeling very optimistic and excited about this better life style I have chosen. It's a long road ahead and I would be so glad of the support and help, plus I hope I could be of some help for someone
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 64 Member
    I have over 100lbs to drop as well so any and all please feel free to add me. I'm just starting over again so I could really use some new friends.
  • brandiepair
    pick me, pick me!! I'm down 26, but need to lose about 100 more!!
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    Hi I need to loose 100 pounds, will turn 55 in July, this is my 2nd time around loosing 100 pounds and it is much harder this time. First time I was in my teens and early 20s.Love dogs and live in the cold hardy northern state of MN. I have been on here awhile but just started actually using it I intend to take my goals 10 pounds at a time until I see that magic number pop up on the scale. My motto is " There is no food that taste as good as being healthy feels." Been there once and know that this is true. Friend me if you think we can encourage each other. Talk to you soon! Chin Up /Weight Down