Morning, noon or night?

Hi everyone!

I'm starting P90X today and I'm already feeling a little anxiety over the biggest obstacle in my way... TIME! I'm busy during the day at work, and that often extends into my after-work hours. Then there are after-school activities (2 to 3 times a week), grocery shopping (I try to get this done once a week, but when you go through 4L. of milk a day, it's kinda tough), food preparation, and the occasional need for Taxi-Mom (without a moment's notice, of course).

By the time the dust has settled, I'm usually ready to start taking care of ME at around 8 or 9pm. I just don't know how or where to make exercise fit into my day, and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.

Any suggestions?


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    it is hard juggling life everyday, there is so much to do! But look at the workout as "ME TIME" you are working out to better yourself! you will be more energized and feel much better! I am a mom of 3 kids and this is my final week of my first round of p90x and it is sooo worth it! I do not work, but do stay very busy! Just do what you can and forget the rest!
    Good luck!!
  • kimberlymejia
    Today is the beginning of my second week of P90X. The only time I have to fit it in the day is at 5 a.m. Because I work 8-5, three nights a week I have Hapkido class, am a part of a run club and just everyday things like laundry, dinner, and errands. It is difficult creating a longer day but I am hoping that it gets easier. But I do find though, that no matter how hard it is to actually get out of bed, once I start working out the energy is there.

    And also, working out gets your metabolism going so if you work out in the morning your metabolism will be working as you are moving throughout your day, rather than if you work out at night and then your metabolism is working while you are sleeping.
  • wayneb
    wayneb Posts: 3
    I started P90x in February and completed the first 2 phases. I did mine in the evening but I noticed if I went to be less than 2 hours after the work out I did not sleep well. If you can do it in the evening make sure there are at least 2 hours from the end of your work out before you go to sleep. I would recommend if you can get up an hour early and do it in the morning it would be better(you may want to head to bed an hour earlier as well.)