Older and struggling to lose

I am 45 and have to work everyday to control the weight gain!! Looking for others in the same boat....if you are over 40 you know what I am talking about. Also this time of year is extremely hard - cold and nasty out and hard to get motivated to move.

Looking for anyone living in the cold north and over 40 trying to stay in control.

Hoping to beable to add a few friends for moral support!


  • I am 60 and started the program on Jan. 3rd. Due to chronic pain/health issues, my exercise is limited. I do walk 45 minutes on days I can get outside. Just had surgery on both knees in Nov. & Dec. so I'm slowly working my back to more walking. The scales are going in the wrong direction. I do not know what I'm doing wrong. I know I'm getting frustrated but trying real hard not to be. I am on the 1200 calorie program (I'm 5' 3"). Maybe some of the other members can give us some pointers. Some people say 2 or 3 weeks is not enough time but I do know I should have dropped a pound or two by now....not gained. Good luck!
  • i'm 42 and have never felt better. I've struggled being chubby my whole life, but in the last 4 months, i've managed to lose the most weight since high school and college. It takes time and patience, but you'll get there. I'd first start off by analyzing what foods you're eating that make it so hard to lose/maintain weight. Look in the nutrition section. Then you can analyze your workout and see what needs improvement there. good luck!
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    I"m not over 40 (33) but feel free to add if you'd like - we can all use the motivation :)

    Good Luck on your Journey!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    41. . .started in '11 @ 39. Northeast Ohio. . .it's chilly here!!! No real experience with post surgery fitness, but do know that weight loss can take awhile. When I started in Mar 11, I was 168 (5'5") and extremely motivated. Revamped the diet. . .working out 5 days a week. . logging my food. . .the scale did not budge for over a month!!! Even when it did, it was slower than I wanted. My goal of 140 by 40 did not happen. It took 6 months longer to drop a full 28 lbs. Some folks do drop weight fast. I prefer making changes that take longer, but are more reasonable for my lifestyle and demands to maintain. Hope your knees are getting stronger and are pain free! Hopefully you'll be able to get out there and get some strong exercise going soon and see that scale move in a healthy direction soon!!
  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    HI I am in my mid forties, and struggle daily... it's been a slow walk since July, but am losing and feeling better. Feel free to add me, but do send a bit of a message, so i know why you are adding. thanks,
  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Almost 45, you are more than welcome to add. Good luck, I have been on for a year and I have learned a ton. Especially from the people on here.
  • mfdl1
    mfdl1 Posts: 24
    Hi,i am fourty this year and struggling with my weight,i started dec last year and have not lost a pound,so hope we can be friends and help each other along.
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    I know what you mean, Im just 52, but strugged most my life, though the last 12 yrs its more of a struggle and I keep getting heavier, Having a low throid doesnt help one bit, even on medication, I live in northern Wi.so Iknow about cold, I go to the gym 3 days/wk work out at home, and when its above 20 degrees walk or snowshoe, the key is to mix it up. Dont give up! Friend me if you would like.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm 43, and I gained about 40 + lbs in less than 2 years. It has taken me about 5 months to lose it, again. It is very hard to keep myself disciplined. I understand what you are going through.
  • Absaluteme
    Absaluteme Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 54 and there really are only three things to say. 1 Hang in there and no cheating. 2 Be sure that the weights and calories are accurate.I bought a little set of scales and was amazed at how little constitutes 100 grams. 3 Exercise, exercise, exercise. Doesn't matter what and you don't need to run a marathon but you do need to keep it moving. I was stuck on a weight for three weeks and found that very depressing but I hung in there. I've lost 25 lbs since the start of October 2012 and it never feels enough. I sometimes think that feeling like a failure is what motivates us. Best of luck.
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    I was typing and lost it.. I live in Vermont hate the cold especially when its -2 I want to stay in, I feel your pain I can relate, turned 40 this year and the weight is just not coming off like before. Doing a lot of exercise hopefully its turning to muscle I don't know... this is a awesome site very supportive and knowledgeable people on here. You will get what you need from all of us.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm 51. I think exercise becomes a more important part of weight control as we get older. The best tips I can give you are:

    1. Don't use age as an excuse, even if it is a legit one.
    2. Eat right. Eat for health and not for weight loss. If you eat a healthy diet and stick to your calorie goals you will get to a healthy weight.
    3. Have patience. Don't get caught up in gimmicks for quick weight loss. Eat a diet that you can live with forever.
    4. Exercise! Start slow if you are not used to it, but constantly push yourself to do more. Intensity matters. Include aerobic, flexibility and strength exercises. Find activities you enjoy. It shouldn't feel like work all of the time (though it probably will some of the time)
    5. Don't get discouraged when you have a bad day/weekend/week. You will have them. Everyone does. Shake it off and get back on track.
  • Hi my name is Naomi and I live in the cold. I'm also mid. 40's. It's hard but keep up the work.. I watch what I eat everyday and this site has helped me keep on track. Good luck!
  • Runs4Pasta
    Runs4Pasta Posts: 28 Member
    46 years old and I noticed from 40-45 it was a little harder to maintain my weight. Then at 45, bam, here's 5 lbs. The older you get the harder it gets metabolically so hit it hard now. Strength training is key. We lose around 8% of muscle mass per decade after 30 so it's very important to lift heavy things to keep that at bay. Muscle keeps the metabolism up!
  • Well I just turned 50 and am also looking for support. I am having trouble getting going. Like you because its cold outside and I want to walk but just can't seem to get going. I just started this website this week but hoping to keep track of what I eat and make a permanent change i my life so I can lose and not gain it back. I live in Kentucky but its cold right now can't wait for the spring! Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use the support too!:smile:
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I'm 45. Started October 1 at 347 lbs and am at 291.6 today. It honestly doesn't seem that much harder to me to lose weight as an older person. Exercise was hard at first because I'd just injured my knee pretty severely and wasn't able to walk, much less work out. It was 100% diet for me for the first three months.
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I'm in my mid-40's and live in Michigan. It's freezing here. I really hate that I didn't start my journey when it was warmer but I won't let that stop me. I am currently doing the 30 Day Shred. I am on day 10. I like the fact that I don't have to leave my house or join a gym to workout.

    Try doing some video workouts and then incorporate some outdoor exercises when it warms up. I plan on walking when it warms up and then graduate to jogging and eventually running.
  • bbrown148
    bbrown148 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 43 and live in Indiana, where it is cold as well. Feel free to add me as a friend — I have a lot to lose and have struggled to lose or maintain most of my adult life. I know I will get there eventually and I won't let myself lose this battle. We can't afford a gym membership but I have a large living room with a large TV and so I'm making the Wii and exercise DVDs work for me.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I absolutely agree. NO CHEATING! No cheat days, no cheat meals, and weigh and measure everything. The difference in what I "think" I'm eating and what I am actually eating can be wildly off if I don't measure.
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    I just turned 57 Jan 3rd. I have struggled with my weight on and off most of my life. After I turned 50 it really became difficult. MFP has been a huge help. My daughter in law got me started on it and I LOVE IT. It is truly motivating to know you are going to WRITE DOWN whatever you put in your mouth. I love knowing that I will get "credit" for whatever calories I expend. For once in my life I feel in "control". I have lost 13 pounds since October...I had lost a few and gained a few in December but I am very happy with this program. Stick with it and you will lose!!! Stay positive; you can do this!