Exercising Early...HOW???

I am a stay at home mom...my girl only takes one nap a day, down at 12-1 up at 230-330 so thats my window to exercise. I find myself thinking all morning, come on, hurry up, just get here so I can exercise and get it over with. It ruins my whole day...I feel like ive accomplished nothing during the day. I cant shower till after I exercise (and I hate not being showered) Getting up early, getting it done and having your shower just makes the rest of the day look so much brighter! When everythings done and you have the whole day to do whatever!

Id love to get up at 6am, before my husband gets up and before he leaves for work at 730. Get up at 6, get my exercising done and shower that way I can get it all done before my girl even wakes up for the day! For the past week ive had my alarm set for 6...and every morning I shut it off and go back to sleep!!! Someone give me some tips to get my butt out of bed in the morning, how to train myself to get up early!


  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    Put your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off?

    I usually get up between 5:15-5:45 to work out before my husband leaves for work at 6:30am. I was never especially a morning person, either, but that's the time I have and I'm too tired (plus have two kiddos to look after) after I get home from work to make it happen. I don't really have any other good suggestions other than the old Nike cliche - you have to suck it up and just do it. :)

    I am a big believer in the idea that if you can do anything for a month, it becomes a habit. So if you do start getting up early to work out, eventually your body gets used to it and your internal body clock will go off around the "wake up to work out" time anyway. But there's no easy way to get started. :)
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Go to bed super early. once you do it for a few days it gets easier =)
  • I am a full time working mother who gets up at 4-4:30AM every weekday to get my work out in.I love working out in the morning. I find that I am more awake as the day goes on and that when I get home from work- I have time for my family. I am lucky enough to not be one of those people who hits snooze.
    What gets me out of bed is the guilt of thinking how I just gave up on making myself feel better. I like to think of the calories that I have burned even before most people are waking up.
    If it's that important to you---you will get it done. Remember, the more you do something - it becomes a habit! Good luck
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    Go to bed super early. once you do it for a few days it gets easier =)

    Exactly. Just do it.

    The first few days are really tough, but once you get past that, you'll be hooked.

    And I NEVER thought I could be a morning exerciser.
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    I am a full time working mother who gets up at 4-4:30AM every weekday to get my work out in.I love working out in the morning. I find that I am more awake as the day goes on

    I DEFINITELY find that working out in the morning energizes me for my day. On the odd occasions where I take a day off, I'm actually more sluggish than if I'd gotten up earlier to work out.
  • Lovlilyn
    Lovlilyn Posts: 79 Member
    I am a stay at home mom...my girl only takes one nap a day, down at 12-1 up at 230-330 so thats my window to exercise. I find myself thinking all morning, come on, hurry up, just get here so I can exercise and get it over with. It ruins my whole day...I feel like ive accomplished nothing during the day. I cant shower till after I exercise (and I hate not being showered) Getting up early, getting it done and having your shower just makes the rest of the day look so much brighter! When everythings done and you have the whole day to do whatever!

    Id love to get up at 6am, before my husband gets up and before he leaves for work at 730. Get up at 6, get my exercising done and shower that way I can get it all done before my girl even wakes up for the day! For the past week ive had my alarm set for 6...and every morning I shut it off and go back to sleep!!! Someone give me some tips to get my butt out of bed in the morning, how to train myself to get up early!

    Do you have a friend or a relative or neighbor that would be willing to work out with you? I'm not a morning person either, but I'm in the same boat as others who have replied - if I don't get it done at 5 AM, then it usually won't get done at all. I started by meeting my bf every morning. I was fortunate that she wanted to do it too. She usually drove (2 m) to my house to start - we walked outside - but then I also would drive to her house due to scheduling. Anyway, having to meet someone every morning made it so that I didn't have any choice and neither did she, so we were able to keep up with it. When the weather got cold, and it was too dark outside at 5 AM, I moved it inside to my treadmill, and now I get up by myself for myself.

    I would disagree that it gets easier, though. At least not for me. I keep hoping that one day I'm going to not feel like it's a struggle to get up, but it hasn't happened yet (and it's been 7 months). Sure, it's not as hard as it was in the beginning, but it's still not easy. And, some days I am totally exhausted at work. In fact, sometimes when I'm driving to work, just 3 short hours after I woke, I feel like I could fall asleep. I cannot get to bed any earlier than 10 PM most nights due to work I have to get done at night after I come home from work, so most nights I'm only getting 5-6 hours of sleep (at least according to my Body Media monitor). I envy your daughter's nap time - I would be taking a power 30 minutes with her :-)
