Anyone else notice a change in their body towards age 20

I'm about to turn 20, and I have found that my body has changed. I have never been stick skinny, but during high school, I had a pretty straight figure. I had a skinny waist and muscular legs. Now, it seems that I have gotten curvier and I don't realize understand why!! My waist is still about the same, but the body half of my body is definitely wider. I look toned and in shape, a little bit may be fat, but it's gotta be mostly muscle. What do you guys think?? Ladies, did this happen to you?!!


  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    Ya i found that as i approached 20 (probably closer to 18) my fat/muscle distribution changed...i do blame a lot of it on the fact that i went from being EXTREMELY active and training for soccer 6 out of 7 days a week, to almost sedentary because of 2 bad lower body injuries...but ever since then i havent been able to get that same body shape back...its frustrating without a doubt but i blame it on AGING!! lol. now im just trying to get fit again and be healthy and im forgetting about that person 6 years ago, and am looking forward to the new me!!!
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Not to be mean, but just wait until 40... ;)

    Yes - I think you will see a difference between high school and your true "adult" body...remember, you are barely out of puberty at 20, so there are still changes and growth happening up until about 25...I had a friend who grew almost 6 inches taller AFTER high school...almost didn't recognize him...
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    At age 25-ish my metabolism changed so that'w when I noticed some changes. I'm definitely curvier than I used to be.
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    that's part of becoming an adult, and part of being a woman. there's not much you can do, as you get older, your metabolism slows. losing weight won't be as easy, and not gaining weight won't be as easy.

    and as a woman your body is just going to keep changing, your hips widen, your breasts get bigger, all in preparation for bearing children. after i had my son, my goal was to fit back into my favorite jeans. well guess what, he's over a year old now, i've lost all the weight plus some, and i've got pretty much the same body. but those jeans are never gonna fit me. because my hips changed, and there's nothing i can do to shift my bones back to where they were. no matter how much weight i loose, no matter how many butt toning exercises i do, they will never fit, because my bones are the reason they don't fit.

    it just a part of life.
  • annegirl
    annegirl Posts: 13
    I'm about to turn to 20 also and I haven't noticed any changes like that. Right now I working on changing my body shape, but that's just because I'm overweight and need to lose a bunch of weight. Did your body change much when you went through puberty? I have a friend who grew about an inch when she was 20 because her body still hadn't finished changing from puberty. Sorry if that doesn't help.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I also think that when the "real world" responsibility kicks in, our time is used differently and we will drive somewhere rather than walk because we have so much to cram into a very short day. Oh to be as carefree as my kids.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    It's because your metabolism was in crazy teenager calorie burning mode!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I'm turning 25 this year, and the main difference I've been noticing the last few years is that my hourglass figure (however plump that hourglass tended to be) has turned extremely pear! :noway: It's like the only part that doesn't gain weight when I go up is my chest and the only part that doesn't lose weight when I'm down is my hips/thighs. I'm trying to reassure myself with the little-comforting fact that I'm at least carrying most of my weight in the healthiest area to carry weight, but I just miss the near-perfect hourglass that I used to have, again, no matter how plump it was.

    PS, Iceprincessk25, you are ROCKIN that dress in your pic! You go girl!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I wish i could remember back that far, i can say i have noticed a big change from age 20 to 48!! As we age our bodies change each year so any changes whether noticeable to us or not are taking place.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Not to be mean, but just wait until 40... ;)

    Yes - I think you will see a difference between high school and your true "adult" body...remember, you are barely out of puberty at 20, so there are still changes and growth happening up until about 25...I had a friend who grew almost 6 inches taller AFTER high school...almost didn't recognize him...

    Just wait until 56 and gravity grabs ahold and oops wait until 55 I'm one of the two. But this thing called gravity is not nice. The only thing its good for is to keep you teathered to this earth.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    As others have said, your body will continue to change over time and in different ways. At age 20 you are barely out of puberty and continued changes are probably very normal.

    However, I do not buy into the notion that we have to accept that our metabolism slows and we won't be able to do much about it as we grow older. Maintaining muscle mass is the key to keeping your metabolism going. And if you have been sedentary, or grow sedentary over time and lose muscle mass, rebuilding muscle will be the key to managing a healthy weight and not gaining the weight that many people say is inevitable with age. If someone says to me "that's just the way it is..." I find ways to prove it wrong. Just my nature. Don't settle. Create the life and body you want. It is possible.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I backed out of posting, but I came back. You know what Yogarunner - positive attitude is great, but we don't always get to "create the body we want" We do have to work with the genetics we have. Yes, we can lessen the rate our metabolism slows down by maintaining muscle mass, but it will eventually slow down some. You do have to work with what you have and thinking that we all can create the body we want leads to things like eating disorders because it's simply not true. We can however, have the best body and shape that genetics will allow us thru hard work and healthy eating. We can learn to love and appreciate what we have and maintain it to the best of our ability. Our bodies are wonderful and do many unique and amazing things - don't discount that just because your hips aren't as small as you think they should be or your boobs aren't as big/small as you want. Or your waist is straight instead of hour glass. Or whatever! O.K. - all done now. Back to the grindstone.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I didn't reach my full height or my full shape until I was at least 25. At high school graduation I was barely 5'10", in college, 5'11" and now 6'0"... and my hips/thighs have grown proportionately! :laugh: What you're experiencing is totally normal, it just happens at different ages for different people. When you go back for a reunion in several years, you'll notice that all of the girls that once had the slender hips and straight waists have rounded out a bit. Now you'll look more "womanly" (I hate that word) which is a good thing, but you may have to stop shopping in the junior's section at the department store. :wink:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Creating the body we want may not have been the best choice of words. Mea Culpa. But there are so many negative messages we are expected to accept and it keeps us from achieving what is reasonably possible. I am certainly not advocating unrealistic expectations about what we have been given and achieving the impossible, the unhealthy or anything of that sort. My post did not intend to advocate for a lack of acceptance or for achieving some Barbie Doll figure. But I did intend to challenge the negative beliefs that we have been taught to accept out of hand or due to lack of knowledge. Many negative thoughts have gotten people to the place we are in with our weight problems.
  • Rokssana
    Rokssana Posts: 14
    yeah I definitely know what you mean! When I was 17 my hips were a lot slimmer. Now that I'm almost 21 my hips are wider and my booty is also bigger....I also grew 3 inches taller since then so that maybe why but I embrace my womanly curves and all women should, regardless of age! Its all about fine tuning the body you have NOW---that's my goal.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Not me! I just turned 21 and I've always been curvy. :happy:
  • workoutqueen628
    Thanks for all the responses!! I was so depressed because all of the clothes that fit me a year or so ago, I can barely get into!! Then I realized that most of them are junior sizes, so who cares?! I got to embrace the new me!! I do hope I get taller though. :) I think yogarunner is correct- it's all about making the right choices in order to see the results you want. You can't necesariy change your body shape (unless you do it the unhealthy way and stop eating), but by making healthy choices and treating your body well, it will thank you 20 years down the road.