How often should you weigh yourself?

I was hoping to get some opinions on how often you should weigh yourself? I don't want to become so obsessed with weighing myself going through the up's and down's of trying to do it everyday. I am trying to lose about 80 pounds and in about a week and a half I have lost about 12 pounds. Thanks for the feedback!


  • 1newcat
    1newcat Posts: 75 Member
    If my tainer had her way, once a month. I do it twice a month, not even weekly because i find my body goes through cycles weekly and i get a better picture on a bi-monthly basis of what is and isn't working. But that's just me, we're all different and it certainly takes a lot of energy to keep away from the scale those off weeks. Lol
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Once a week. Same day of the week. After urinating. While naked.

    That is the best way to keep everything constant. The contents of your bladder can add several pounds. Different clothes weight different amounts. People's weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day due to hydration level.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I weigh myself twice a month. If i weigh myself more i get frustrated and negative.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    I weigh myself every time I lose weight.

  • missanagarcia
    i weigh myself once a week. on the same day. before breakfast
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I step on the scale once a week - after my Saturday morning workout.
  • Kitty_Kat_meow
    Firstly wow well done! I weigh myself once or twice a week depending what I'm up to :)
  • sigsiddy
    sigsiddy Posts: 21 Member
    A smart friend of mine recommended Thursday mornings. Thursday morning as soon as you use the bathroom.. naked of course.
    Thursdays work great for me. I still get on the scale randomly... but record my Thursday weight.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Every hour. Just kidding. I try for once a week maximum though I've been out of a scale for a while and need a new one. The number on the scale isn't the most imporant thing. Don't forget to measure and see how your clothes fit, of course.
  • LexThaSongbyrd
    LexThaSongbyrd Posts: 63 Member
    Since having bariatric surgery, I weigh myself daily, first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, with underwear on or no clothes. It may seem obsessive to some, but alot of the people in my support group find it beneficial to do it daily. I want to see how daily eating habits, water intake, time of the month and even poor eating days effect my weight daily. If I notice anything drastic (outside of a few lbs of water weight that go up and down from day to day), I can catch it earlier and immediately go into a plan of action (early prevention) to avoid serious gain that could get out of hand within a couple weeks or month...I can see if i need to go back to some more protien shakes everyday, up my proteins for each meal, cut back on sodium/carb intake, etc. That's just been my experience so far and it works for me.
  • Gothangelik
    Gothangelik Posts: 2 Member
    It's funny I see this topic right now after updating my status about 2 minutes ago. And this is what I wrote:

    "Weighting yourself according to me.
    Most accurate way: having a personal scale and stepping on it naked once a week (same day and around the same time), after waking up in the morning. Pee and maybe poop first if you can (I'm serious).
    Worst way: using the scale at the gym after a workout. Again, that's according to me."
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Totally depends on your own preference. I weigh every day in the morning. Weight fluctuates up and down somewhat on a daily basis. Weighing daily allows me to become comfortable with fluctuations and track the trend over time which is the important part. After awhile you will understand your typical range, mine is 4lbs. Anything above or below that set range is actual gain or loss.
  • creativecarabao
    Im doing it a little differently . I'm not really concerned about weight loss. I know I have to lose weight, and I'm taking my journey here on MFP . My goal isnt a certain amount of weight. I really want to try to eat sensibly, and accurately and just be honest with myself. I know I'm losing weight, my clothes are getting big and people are starting to ask questions and comment. Not being focused on the weight has really a breath of fresh air. I only weigh in if I go to my parents house for the sake of doing it. So the scale isnt something that stares me down and tells me to do more or I failed. I know just by looking at my MFP log Im doing well. 95% of the time I come in just under my calorie limit, so i guess I achieve my goal almost every day. Weight loss is a mere side affect.

    my two cents.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I do every day.

    But I'm a data nerd. I've got a spreadsheet that keeps track of a moving average of my weight, my calorie intake/burn, and calculates my non-exercise maintence amount to keep track of what my metabolism is up to. First thing in the morning I take my weight and update with yesterday's numbers (I also weigh in before and after exercise (when I remember), if the number is lower I use it, the lowest number is a better measure than same time of day). I need charts and graphs to satiate my inner nerd.

    Been doing this now more than a year and a half, I reached my (first) goal weight about 9 months ago.

    One of the best ways to prevent post-goal relapse is to weigh yourself daily (or at least fairly frequently).
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Should? As often as you need to in order to keep you on track, but not often enough that you become neurotic about it. No one *needs* to know their weight unless they are flying in a small plane or jumping on a trampoline.
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    Ive always done it in the morning, right when I get up, once a week on the same day. It's been the most consistent method for me. I'm curious as to how my weight fluctuates so the last couple weeks I've been doing it daily though, with the understanding that it will go up and down. It's "official" only once a week just like normal.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i used to weigh in daily. it was way too stressful though since our weight changes day to day for various reasons.
    now i weigh once a month, same day and same time every month.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I have to admit that I weigh almost every day I am at work (where the scale is) mostly because I can't believe I'm actually losing weight. I only update my weight once a week, though. It's a nice feeling to step on the scale and see it lower than it's been since 2005.

    Only you really know how often you should be weighing yourself. If it makes you anxious to see the scale fluctuate, then you should probably pick a day (once a week, once a month) and weight then.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    Should? As often as you need to in order to keep you on track, but not often enough that you become neurotic about it. No one *needs* to know their weight unless they are flying in a small plane or jumping on a trampoline.

    i disagree. if your goal is to lose weight, you obviously need numbers to track your progress. Yes you can use "how your clothes feel" but thats not really a reliable, measurable unit.
    I've been working my butt off for almost 12 months and i'm at the end of my "weight loss journey" (of course the healthy habits i've adapted will continue), and i want to be able to say "I worked hard and I lost ___ amount of weight!"
  • browi
    browi Posts: 47 Member
    Every Morning, after waking up.

    Is that too often? Don't know - that's how do it....