Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

I just got this DVD through Netflix (a great way to test out a DVD before buying it to make sure it's something you will actually use). I can definitely see myself buying it in the near future.

Anyhow, today was my first day. It was a great mix of simple, basic movements that were very effective. I am looking forward to seeing the changes that take place in my first 30 days.

Anyone else try this DVD and enjoy it?


  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    I just finished day 2 of level 1 yesterday, and enjoyed it!
    I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    You can get all three workouts for free on YouTube :)
  • Gakaiser2005
    Gakaiser2005 Posts: 32 Member
    I am on day 7 with it and am still really enjoying it.
  • agreed! i use you tube and hook my computer up to my tv and go from there...totally free!
  • I did day 2 level 1 last night. It is definately a workout. My 4 yr old daughter did it with me. I'm really out of shape so i have to push myself to work through the pain, but i love it and i even though i'm tired after I feel better.
  • I just did day 1 of level 2 and I felt like I was starting all over again! I love it and those first few days of level 1 were killer for me. My whole body was sore but in a really good way. I took before pictures and hope I see a difference after the 30 days are up!
  • cosmic0074
    cosmic0074 Posts: 91 Member
    I just finished Day 4, Level 1 this morning! It was hard for me, to get through the first two days, but I've surprisingly improved greatly and my body is already starting to change =)
  • arnioa
    arnioa Posts: 1
    I just finished a few weeks ago and thought it was great! I was into week 2 through the holidays and even with moderate indulging I was able to lose 7 pounds and gain lean muscle. I was in pretty good shape when I started so I was shocked to see that much improvement. I definitely recommend it!
  • TracyBarrett81
    TracyBarrett81 Posts: 24 Member
    I have been watching it on YouTube. I haven't worked out in years so it is kicking my *kitten*! So far I am sticking with it and look forward to seeing results.

    Would love to have more MFP friends for support so please feel free to add me. Thanks.
  • Miles4040
    Miles4040 Posts: 1 Member
    I finished 30 Day Shred about two weeks ago. I injured my metatarsal (not while performing the workouts) about three days into Session Two and started the entire routine over after I recovered. In my opinion these are great progressive workouts that you can use to add variety to a running, treadmill or weightlifting routine. Just use it as a warm up or single routine when pressed for time. My initial concern was how many calories could I burn, I purchased a heart rate monitor (Polar- Amazon 60 bucks) and it allowed me to gauge my heart rate so that I could not only finish the routines without collapsing but also calculate calorie burn (between 325-370) as you get better you wont loose as much because you'll get more efficient. I incorporated a real jump rope into the routine rather than her 'ghost jump rope' in session 2. I purchased 'Ripped in 30 Days' and plan to start it in Feb. Good Luck and like Jill says: 'Dont phone this one in!!'
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    5 days till completion. :happy: Not much in way of pounds lost or even inches, but I truly believe that I look different. Waiting to take my 'after' pics. My muscles feel harder and tighter than before and my clothing fits better. I think I would have gotten more out of it if it hadn't been December and the holidays.:ohwell: I skipped a lot days and my eating was a bit out of control, but overall, I think the DVD is worth it.

    I recommend:

    -Doing it EVERY day. Each level for 10 days in row. No skipping if you can help it.
    -Eat properly, losing weight is mostly about your diet
    -TAKE PICTURES before and after to really see your results. You don't have to post them, do it for yourself.
    -Even it you have carpet, get a mat. One particular exercise in level three has given me rug burns on my elbows. :grumble:
    -and remember, no matter how hard it gets, it's only temporary. You can do pretty much anything for just a short period of time. Most of the exercises are only 30 seconds to a minute and then you switch.

    Good luck :happy:
  • kfien
    kfien Posts: 1
    I did 30 Day Shred a year ago along with MFP. Awesome, awesome, awesome DVD! I spent about a week on level one, 2 weeks on level 2 then moved up to level three for the rest of the 30 days. I did 30 days straight, no breaks, and continued to do it after the 30 days but would take a day or so off a week. I reached my goal weight (23 pounds lost overall) in about 4-5 months and the difference in my muscles is incredible! I then moved onto Ripped in 30 Days and then more recently Killer Abs. Now I rotate between the 3 DVDs at level 3 (level 4 for Ripped in 30). I can't recommend Jillian's DVD's enough. I am hooked!! BTW, I am 48. :-)
  • Lobster_Lover
    Lobster_Lover Posts: 45 Member
    You can get all three workouts for free on YouTube :)

    Great idea! I don't know why I didn't think of that. Although I'm not sure if my internet would allow the video to play through 20 minutes without freezing.

    Thanks for all the input everyone. I was truly blow away to see so many respond so quickly and with so many positive reviews of the workout, it is really encouraging. I will keep you posted on how it goes!
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    I stopped 30DS mid level 2 (holidays came up lol) and I lost about 8 lbs. This time I finished day 5, level 1 today and have already lost 2.6 lbs! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jillian! After 30DS, I will be starting her Body Revolution. =) (its a 90day program)
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    I just started again today. I got up at 5:30 this morning to do it before work. I was sweating like crazy, but I am not too sore. We will see what tomorrow brings....
    I had started the 30 day shred a few times, but was never consistent and never completed the 30 days. I am pushing myself to complete all 30 days without any days off. I want to see the results and feel stronger and more fit.

    Anyone else just starting, feel free to add me as a friend....I will need the support to stick with it. :)
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Doing it now! Level 1, Day 9 right now. I'm ready to move on to the next level though. I'm starting level 2 tomorrow. I have made it to level 2 before, but the holidays came up, and I stopped :/. I fully intend on finishing it this time!
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Hi fellow new englander and B's fan (thank God this lock outs done) I'm on day 2 of level 3. & it is kicking my *kitten*. I have lost a little weight but notice it more in my clothes. My recommendation is to modify where you have to and do each level longer if you need to. Good luck!
  • arwerth
    arwerth Posts: 3 Member
    I've done the Shred through twice now... this will be my third time after trying out a few other work out programs including several others by Jillian, and for some reason, no matter what I do, I see the best progress and changes in my body with the 30 day shred. This time around I upped my weights (was originally doing it with 3 lbs and this time I'm doing it with 5's). Level 1, day 6 just completed.

    Happy Shredding!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Freaking LOVE shred! I've been doing it every other day with interval running in between and have lost 6lb already this month and about 12 since I started doing it! I didn't take measurements but I've lost a pants size, almost 2, and am only JUST getting ready to start level 3!
  • lesleyworth
    lesleyworth Posts: 9 Member
    Started Level 2 today! I was amazed at the difference in how I felt between day 1 of Level 1 and day 10...and even though Level 2 kicked me in the teeth today...I know if I stick with it...success will be mine!