Is is possible to strengthen muscles with Zumba?



  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I think it really depends on the instructor. My Zumba instructor really add moves for strengthening and defining into her routines. Her version for "When Doves Cry" has been renamed by myself and friends "When Abs Cry" She is really fit with strong biceps and really great abs, I have seen pics of her before she got into Zumba and started teaching. WOW. I have only been doing Zumba for a few months but already I see a difference from when I was just doing the elliptical and Curves, so does my DH:blushing: Try it and see if it works for you. Also you can check out for class schedule in your area. I hated the class at the Y, but love the ones I am going to now, so if one class doesn't look fun, try someone else.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Zumba certainly laid the ground for me to shape up. I attend a very high-impact class 6 times a week, and it certainly zapped my body fat to a degree that made my newly-formed muscles pop through!

    For me, it particularly built my calves, thighs and shoulders - dancing on my toes for the former, strong repetitive arm movements on the latter. I also have what I call flabs - very defined abs, but hiding a little behind my leftover bellypooch.

    I also lift weights to support my cardio regime, but don't write off cardio. It's a great workout, and zumba does indeed shape you up.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    @ jenbusick Thank you for the information and experience. I really appreciate when it is something first hand you know? I wish I had abs to tone. Haha. I will some day. P.S. What is a burpee and excuse you? lol. The Zumba at my gym is so blegh if that is what I seen the other day. It was not even a work out or anything like the videos I tried.

    This is a burpee:
    From Wikipedia:

    The burpee (identical to what is in US English termed a "squat thrust") is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee":

    Begin in a standing position.

    Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)

    Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2)

    Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3)

    Return to standing position. (count 4)

    Do 36 of those (3 sets of 12) <i>in rhythm</i> and really, no other workout is necessary. Go home, take two ibuprofen, try to explain to your spouse why you love Zumba so much...
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Also, yeah, I've been in some Zumba classes that were not much of a workout at all. If you get a chance, look for a different gym/instructor. A lot depends on the instructor. You need one who's serious about fitness, not just dancing around.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Bump! Thinking about buying this game.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    @ jenbusick Thank you for the information and experience. I really appreciate when it is something first hand you know? I wish I had abs to tone. Haha. I will some day. P.S. What is a burpee and excuse you? lol. The Zumba at my gym is so blegh if that is what I seen the other day. It was not even a work out or anything like the videos I tried.

    This is a burpee:
    From Wikipedia:

    The burpee (identical to what is in US English termed a "squat thrust") is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee":

    Begin in a standing position.

    Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)

    Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2)

    Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3)

    Return to standing position. (count 4)

    Do 36 of those (3 sets of 12) <i>in rhythm</i> and really, no other workout is necessary. Go home, take two ibuprofen, try to explain to your spouse why you love Zumba so much...

    :[ I remember those.. I can not even do one of those. I tried with the 30day shred or Killer Buns & Thighs. I felt so pathetic lol Thank you! :]
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    @ meshashesha20 It may take 10 years at this rate! LOL Not literally, but I danced to 4 songs and I literally stood there dripping sweat (I know sorry TMI LOL) while I put on Netflix for my kids while I went to cool down. I seriously was dripping for a few minutes nonstop and it is freezing cold outside. lmso Plus side? I still got 5 stars on bellydancing WOO haha I loved that one. I think for my first time and not dancing much in my life I did pretty well.

    @ Julicat6 Thank you! I love the game and it was hard for me. I was in socks though, so sliding around once in a while didnt help, plus you have to learn as you go because it does not start slow.

    @ mogletdeluxe Yes, the dancing on my toes. I actually could not help but be on my heels at the end lol I am just not ready for that long of it yet. I danced on my toes for 90% and the last round of that part of belly dancing I had to drop or my feet would have fallen off instead. lmso. Thank you. I was wondering then how often do you lift weights. Would I be able to start with cans? lol Just wondering and thank you!

    @ jenbusick It was not even dancing to say the least. They moved side to side and shook there hands, then they shook their whole body like in belly dancing routines and that was basically all I seen in the 5 minutes I watched them, over and over they did those steps.

    @ petechiae I love it! It was lots of fun and a quick workout that does feel like it burns a lot. You can set goals for one or more days for calories burned, time or other things as well as it will tell you the % score you earned, what "badges" and how many calories. There are multiple intensities and the option to take little practice parts for each move to learn them and their name is there so you learn what the moves are called too. This is my favorite workout game from what I've tried. I also love Michael Jackson The Experience about the same, but it is for Xbox and although we have one we don't have a large enough living room for it.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    UPDATE: I just played this game for nearly 90 minutes and it was so much fun I can't even explain it! :]
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Other than building endurance, I really don't think so.

    I lift weights as my main exercise and I sometimes do Zumba once a week or so for the calorie burn because I find it more tolerable than other cardio, but it is not stength training.
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140

    @ hkry3250 I have Jillian Michaels 30DS as well. I was curious about certain moves mostly. I mean, for example, a belly dancer, would they be working their abs with the way they flex them 24/7? Just curious and maybe it is a weird question, but I always wondered. lol.
    Yes, Belly dancers have amazing abs. Not so much six pack type, but hard none the less.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    depends on what your starting point is strength wise. for someone who's been a sitting doing nothing and never exercised, they might get strength increase at first but after while they'd have to move on tpo something more challenging


    The only "strength" gains achieved by doing cardio exercises like Zumba (or a bike, or an elliptical, etc) will be the specific adaptations needed to perform the exercise activity. There is likely to be little or no progressive resistance, so once a person adapts to the movements, any strength gains will plateau.

    Depending on the individual, that modest adaptation might be of noticeable benefit, so I don't want to dismiss it entirely. It's just not a substitute for resistance exercise.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    Nice snatch.
  • use weights. I used to take a zumba tone class at my gym where we danced with light weights. sometimes I liked it better than the regular zumba classes. You can even buy a weighted belt or arm/leg bands and stuff...
  • Dance/Zumba can definitely work your core and your legs - take a look at some of the professional latin dancers out there and they look super toned. But it won't do anything for your arms.

    Not true. I purposely have songs in my classes dedicated to particular muscle groups... including arms. and not to toot my own horn, but I've got some pretty nice arms and very toned shoulders considering the body fat that I still carry. (that.... is a diet issue :) but I'm a Zumba instructor, not a dietician haha)
  • depends on what your starting point is strength wise. for someone who's been a sitting doing nothing and never exercised, they might get strength increase at first but after while they'd have to move on tpo something more challenging


    The only "strength" gains achieved by doing cardio exercises like Zumba (or a bike, or an elliptical, etc) will be the specific adaptations needed to perform the exercise activity. There is likely to be little or no progressive resistance, so once a person adapts to the movements, any strength gains will plateau.

    Depending on the individual, that modest adaptation might be of noticeable benefit, so I don't want to dismiss it entirely. It's just not a substitute for resistance exercise.

  • zumba.jpg

    Have done Zumba two years with several different instructors and haven't seen the type of results I'm now seeing doing heavy lifting. Bottom line, weights = awesomeness.
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    It just depends on what you want to do. I'm a Zumba instructor as well, and I can tell you that it works every muscle group in your body. I'm currently working on 9 new songs and I'm sore every day - mostly my core. Some songs/instructors work arms more, some work legs more - it's going to be different every class you go to. That's the beauty of Zumba.

    But it truly is cardio. It's not meant to be a muscle-building activity. It's fun as heck and people get out of it what they put into it. It's not for everyone, but many of us truly love it. I'm an addict. I'm not thin; I have a long ways to go to shape up. The Zumba community is loving and accepting. Shaking your *kitten* to awesome music is still better than sitting on the couch.

    If you want more definition and muscle mass, you could always add weights to your fitness routine. No single exercise is going to do everything for every person. You'll have to experiement with what works for you. I love the "fun" aspect of Zumba. I love to dance and although I'm out of breath and sweating like crazy at the end, it never feels like a "workout".
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Also, yeah, I've been in some Zumba classes that were not much of a workout at all. If you get a chance, look for a different gym/instructor. A lot depends on the instructor. You need one who's serious about fitness, not just dancing around.

    I agree with this... there have been some instructors that are WAY too easy for me... but then there are others where I feel like dying later on... Zumba Toning can really burn as well.