Breakfast is not an option.

edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I really don’t ever eat breakfast. By the time I get up I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. So I never have time to eat breakfast. If I do end up with a little time to eat breakfast it is usually out of a vending machine. Even then I am hurrying to get to class on time and eat it before the teacher comes in. So that’s why I really don’t ever eat breakfast. Even on the weekends I don’t have time to eat breakfast. Any ideals about what is fast and easy or can be made or prepared the night before?


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    When I'm in a hurry, I just put some mini wheats in one bag and some apple slices in another. I can snack all morning on those.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch, I fill a cup in a baggies and eat it if I am in a hurry on the way!

    Sooooooo good!!
  • I have to be at work pretty early. So I cook a egg white spinach omlet for myself the night before. I also cook up turkey sausage/turkey bacon on the weekends and just heat it up for breakfast on the weekdays. In the end, I've found it much more beneficial to just wake up a half hour earlier. I now fit in the gym at 0530 every morning and eat my quick breakfast afterwards.
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    I dont beleiev I have to tell you that breakfast is he most important meal of the day do I? Opps.. I just did! lol
    Seriously, you need to eat, (you know that) Ya just woke up from a fast and it's time to break it and start your metabolism for the day!!

    ok.. there are these things called Bananas that are pretty portable. Oh yea.. they make this stuff called yogurt and they put it in this little small portable cup that has its own seal. Speaking of seals.. ziplock baggies, they hold things in them, so like someone above mentioned ya can put cereal in them. A spoon full of peanut butter does wonders as well.

    I know I'm being a smartass, hopefully its more funny then offensive. But just tryng to make a point, lol, which is..

  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member (LOVE that place!) has a recipe for giant oatmeal cookies that are made to be eaten for breakfast. I used to make them for my hubby when he was home to take in the car with him. cookie and a glass of milk for b-fast?! I think so!!
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    I eat some type of breakfast bar....I usually keep one or two in my purse or bag and a piece of fruit. I personally like Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix--Fruit and Nut and Dark Chocolate and Nut. Can't get much easier than this!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member (LOVE that place!) has a recipe for giant oatmeal cookies that are made to be eaten for breakfast. I used to make them for my hubby when he was home to take in the car with him. cookie and a glass of milk for b-fast?! I think so!!

    have to check that out!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I already gave you my two cents but I'm posting it here for all to see! I say that should be one of your goal to make sure you get breafast in even if it is a yogurt, hard boiled egg, toast. It doesn't have to be anything that takes a long time. I think it help you to start your day off right and you also will be less likely to over eat later. Take 5 minutes before bed and make a plan or weigh out your cereal so all you have to do is add milk in the AM. You can so do this. This is also about making healthy changes for yourself to life by. This would be a great change for yourself! Do a body good and eat your breakfast! :bigsmile:
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    soup to go, sip it in your car! or slim fast, drink that in your car!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member (LOVE that place!) has a recipe for giant oatmeal cookies that are made to be eaten for breakfast. I used to make them for my hubby when he was home to take in the car with him. cookie and a glass of milk for b-fast?! I think so!!

    have to check that out!!

    found this one after I found the other this one is for the microwave

  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day without it you cannot do anything.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Skipping breakfast is NOT an option. It really is the most important meal of the day as it gets your metabolism going and everything else revved up. If you honestly have no time to fix food (not even some peanut butter on toast? really?) then grab a meal replacement drink like Ensure or Slim Fast. At least you'll be getting your nutrients in :)
    Don't forget fruit, too. I can't think of anything much faster than a banana, some toast, and/or an Ensure!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    You can't make time to eat? seriously? Wake up 10 minutes earlier, have some oatmeal and a banana, you won't be hungry until later, the fibre will fill you up, which means, you'll avoid wanting to eat garbage late in the morning, and will be able to make a sensible food choice because you're not starving yourself. You are only delaying and prolonging your weight loss goals by skipping breakfast.
  • Thank you all for the kind words.
  • You can't make time to eat? seriously? Wake up 10 minutes earlier, have some oatmeal and a banana, you won't be hungry until later, the fibre will fill you up, which means, you'll avoid wanting to eat garbage late in the morning, and will be able to make a sensible food choice because you're not starving yourself. You are only delaying and prolonging your weight loss goals by skipping breakfast.

    Well no not really. I wake up at 6 ever morning. As soon as I wake up I am going, going, gone. I didn’t say that I cant make time to eat. I do try it’s just really hard to find time in the morning before I start my crazy day. I do eat breakfast sometimes, but most of the time I am on the go. That’s why I wanted suggestions for things I could make the day before or just grab and go.
  • I dont beleiev I have to tell you that breakfast is he most important meal of the day do I? Opps.. I just did! lol
    Seriously, you need to eat, (you know that) Ya just woke up from a fast and it's time to break it and start your metabolism for the day!!

    ok.. there are these things called Bananas that are pretty portable. Oh yea.. they make this stuff called yogurt and they put it in this little small portable cup that has its own seal. Speaking of seals.. ziplock baggies, they hold things in them, so like someone above mentioned ya can put cereal in them. A spoon full of peanut butter does wonders as well.

    I know I'm being a smartass, hopefully its more funny then offensive. But just tryng to make a point, lol, which is..


    I literally laughed out loud when I read this. : ) I want to print it out and tape to fridge so I never say I don't have time breakfast again.
  • I really don’t ever eat breakfast. By the time I get up I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. So I never have time to eat breakfast. If I do end up with a little time to eat breakfast it is usually out of a vending machine. Even then I am hurrying to get to class on time and eat it before the teacher comes in. So that’s why I really don’t ever eat breakfast. Even on the weekends I don’t have time to eat breakfast. Any ideals about what is fast and easy or can be made or prepared the night before?

    I am not starving myself, I would never do that. I have seen what happens when someone does it to themselves and its not pretty. If I was starving myself I wouldn't eat lunch and dinner, which I do every single day. Its also kind of rude to just assume that I am starving myself because I don’t eat breakfast most of the time. If you have rude comments then I don’t want to see your reply to my topic. I was just simply asking for quick things that are healthy that I can make the night before or just grab on my way out door. I have never eaten healthy in my life. My ideal of healthy is not the healthy I should be doing. So if you don’t have a rude comment and would like to give me some ideals please do so, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  • I dont beleiev I have to tell you that breakfast is he most important meal of the day do I? Opps.. I just did! lol
    Seriously, you need to eat, (you know that) Ya just woke up from a fast and it's time to break it and start your metabolism for the day!!

    ok.. there are these things called Bananas that are pretty portable. Oh yea.. they make this stuff called yogurt and they put it in this little small portable cup that has its own seal. Speaking of seals.. ziplock baggies, they hold things in them, so like someone above mentioned ya can put cereal in them. A spoon full of peanut butter does wonders as well.

    I know I'm being a smartass, hopefully its more funny then offensive. But just tryng to make a point, lol, which is..


    I am not a retard I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don’t like people judging me because they think I am stupid. I have not eaten breakfast regularly ever, even in high school when I was skinny. All I wanted was advice and I got some of that and I am really grateful for the nice people that are willing to help me. But I don’t need people talking to me like I am 2 years old. I just don’t understand why people have to be so rude. They make fun of you when you are fat but when you want help to shape up and get healthy they just want to be *kitten*. I know I shouldn’t let people get to me but it’s hard when they do it so publicly. I mean really fight the urge to be rude and hold back your rude comments.
  • dpqueen1
    dpqueen1 Posts: 1
    I find mornings uper hectic as well! I'd rather sleep in 10 minutes than get up and eat breakfast. What I do to help myself along is boil eggs. I will boil a dozen egg and typically I eat 2 a morning. It is an easy solution for me.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I drink a glass of milk, and maybe some toast with applesauce and cinnamon.
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