
Hi! My name is Chrissy and I am new to this site, I am currently 324lbs and I feel like I just keep gaining, but I'm making an attempt at changing my life style. I'm ready to be in shape and live a long healthy life style. I have a beautiful 7 month old son, who I want to teach good, healthy habits too. I think this site will be very beneficial to me and my progress, I love reading some of your stories, you guys are such an inspiration!


  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Awesome! So Glad your found MFP! Lots of motivation and inspiration here. Add me if you want that extra motivation! :)
  • gparks
    gparks Posts: 56 Member
    I have been on and off of a diet but I now know that it is about life changes and MFP is the best place to start to receive motivation and inspiration. Take one day at a time.
  • NikiMorgan27
    Welcome Chrissy! I have only been on this site for two weeks but have already seen some results! Stay true to what foods you have and what exercise you do. It works! Using this site kinda holds you accountable for what you are doing, which I love! Plus if you have friends that can see your progress, it keeps you even more motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi, I am relatively new & looking to shed a few lbs of belly fat and build some muscle while i'm at it. I need more support to so add me up if you want!