
What excercise DVDs/Wii type things do you find work for you and are fun? Looking for results, but something I won't get bored with too quickly. Beginner level of excercise, so no insanity or P90X :) Been thinking about Zumba, but not very coordinated. I enjoy Tae-Bo type things as well. (What up Billy Blanks!!??)


  • 91MoreRep91
    Zumba is good, you will get the hang of it. My wife was the same way and now she's bouncing around the gym doing that! Just Dance for the Wii is fun. Not coordinated is no prob since it kinda shows you the moves... who cares anyway right? :)
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I really like the 10 Minute Solution dvds. There are a ton of them relatively cheap on amazon. There are 5 segments on each dvd, broken down in 10 minutes each, and you can customize the order and how many segments you want to do at a time. They are easy to modify based on your fitness level. I have 6 of them and they are great. Jillian Michaels dvd are graet for beginners, and I like Jackie Warner's dvds as well. Most of these types of dvds you can modify as well. Also, if you like kickboxing type dvds, Turbo Jam is pretty good for beginners as well :)