Can someone help me?

Ok so Im going to try to makes this as understandable as I can with out rambling.

I re-started MFP in the beginning of january. I lost 5lbs in 5 days. Now I have stopped loosing weight and the scale will even go up. I started excersizing AFTER I lost the 5 lbs.

I looked back in my food diary any my net cals were close to 1200 when I was losing weight. Now I feel like I cant get my net cals up because of the workouts I added and I am breastfeeding ( which gives me an extra 400-500 cals). I have been netting around 700 recently. My BMR and TDEE (?) say to eat between 1500 and 2009 calories a day. Ive been sticking around on average 1600 but sometime dont get up to 1500.

Im not exactly sure what net even is or what it really means. I have just been reading that you shouldnt be netting less then 1200. Is that right? How do they get the net number anyways. Any help is much appreciated =) Im ready to start loosing again~


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You should be eating over your BMR and under your TDEE - it has onl been 2 weeks and sometimes when we do not eat correctly for a while (under your BMR) your body needs time to adjust to having the proper amount of fuel. I say give it 2 more weeks and eat over your BMR every day. You can do this!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Netting 700 is unhealthy, especially if you're breastfeeding.

    The 5lbs in 5 days thing was probably water weight.

    According to your profile you have less than 10lbs to lose? If so, go into your settings and stick yourself at 0.5lbs/week to lose, and net what it tells you to net. You have very little to lose and you're breastfeeding, so your body is going to hold into the weight you have.
  • ashleybaby12706
    ashleybaby12706 Posts: 23 Member
    I just have 10lbs till my first goal then I will be in a "healthy" weight. I would love to be lower though :) How many net cals should I be eating?
  • BBCoach_Chiiva
    BBCoach_Chiiva Posts: 23 Member
    Don't eat less than 1200 it's unhealthy. Plus you're breastfeeding and it will take an impact to your supply. The first pounds are
    Easiest to lose. But most than likely it was water weight. Let's say you had dinner with a big amount of sodium. Well then the next day the scale is going up a few pounds! Watch sodium, carbs and fats. Don't over eat those! Eat good carbs and good fats :) I eat between 1200 and 1600 depending on what type of workout I did that day. Eating less than 1200 will not only take an impact to your supply but your body will retain that fat and it will be harder to lose weight some cases you can gain weight. Eat every 3 hours, drink pplenty of water and try to avoid carbs at night. Hope this help!
  • ashleybaby12706
    ashleybaby12706 Posts: 23 Member
    I dont eat below 1200 calories but I net below 1200 whatever that means=/ Im just confused. What is a carb exactly? The more I know the better I will be at losing weight =)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Your net number is what you eat minus your exercise, and in this case minus your breast feeding. It should never be under 1200. You will damage your metabolism.

    Go to this link:

    It is a lot to read and absorb, but it is worth it. Work out your numbers and then EAT. :)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Also, if you're still having problems understanding, join this group:

    Lot's of people who will help and probably explain things much better than I will!
  • mary8n8
    mary8n8 Posts: 14
    Carbs are sugar, flour, pasta, chips. When your body breaks down "carbs" they turn to sugar. Sugar then helps with your energy. If
    you don't burn your excess sugar your body will store the sugar as fat. Your body stores the fat for a rainy day. So if you exercise your bodies muscles will be burning energy (the fat). Your metabolism will increase and so will the way your body stores the fat and burns energy. By having more muscle and less fat, your body becomes more energy efficient. I hope this has helped.:smile:
  • ashleybaby12706
    ashleybaby12706 Posts: 23 Member
    I get it now. Thanks for the info =)