FED UP ...



  • agatasz
    agatasz Posts: 21
    And im so proud of you guys for loosing even 1 lbs !! You are amazing !!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Problem is that im not eating enough :( Today I had only 802 cal.. I know that this is bad but Im getting scared that if I will eat anything else I will go over any everything will be pear shape ..

    The fact that you realize you aren't eating enough is enough to make me breathe a sigh of relief. Too many people don't eat enough and refuse to accept it.

    Best of luck with the changes. Figure out your numbers, try eating at those numbers for a month, and let us know how much more awesome you feel....

    ...cause you will. For serious.
  • agatasz
    agatasz Posts: 21
    I know that is my big problem... Normal thinking will be eating more - weighing more.. Being fat is so not easy ... :(
  • tavey441
    tavey441 Posts: 2 Member
    If I can make a suggestion - focus less on what the scales say. I find that if I worry about those numbers, I get nowhere. What I do, as an alternative, is measure myself once a week as that is something I can track much easier. It's an emotional thing for me.

    I also echo what others have said. You may need to eat more to kick your body out of thinking it's in starvation mode. I lost 5 dress sizes a few years ago when I realised that I had been starving my body and it was hanging onto everything I put into it, instead of knowing that it was going to get regular good food that it could digest easily.

    Good luck. Know that you CAN do this, you have got the ability and you've got the support here.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Problem is that im not eating enough :( Today I had only 802 cal.. I know that this is bad but Im getting scared that if I will eat anything else I will go over any everything will be pear shape ..

    The fact that you realize you aren't eating enough is enough to make me breathe a sigh of relief. Too many people don't eat enough and refuse to accept it.

    Best of luck with the changes. Figure out your numbers, try eating at those numbers for a month, and let us know how much more awesome you feel....

    ...cause you will. For serious.

    Ditto this...here's a good calculator:


    At minimum, you should net very close to your BMR which I guarantee is more than 800 calories. Unfortunately, you may have an adjustment period and might gain a few pounds as you up the calories to your BMR and your metabolism adjusts...but in the long run, you'll start to lose and you will lose in a healthy and safe way.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    800 Calories is not enough, your body thinks it's starving. It takes 1200 calories a day just to breathe and live. You should listen to everyone else here, boost up your calories,and eat several small meals spread thru the day. Also, you may want to check with your Doctor to make sure you dont have a thyroid issue. Dont quit
  • horses7777
    bumping for all the good links!
  • medaud10
    18 months ago I just decided to make the healthiest choice available for each meal. I started to lose very slowly. then I started to add exercise a couple times a week. One year ago I joined MFP and upped my exercise to 7 days a week. Mostly cardio. From start to finish I have lost almost 60 pounds. The point I want to make though is that I decided not to "diet" but to make healthy choices. Chose healthy foods and then started to move to get healthy. I am a healthy weight right now and it is just as hard to keep at a healthy weight as it was to get to this point. Just make healthy choices, the weight will come off. No need to diet. You set yourself up for failure if you think of it as dieting. Just my humble opinion :).
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    You have your diary locked and give no information on what you are doing to succeed. I can only figure you are not eating enough...so do as the Cookie Monster....EAT ALL THE FOODZ

  • agatasz
    agatasz Posts: 21
    Ha ha I love Cookie Monster :)
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    I'm eating much healthier but ive lost big fat 0 !!
    Its really depressing when your tummy demanding food but nothing is really happening... you still fat and unhappy... Dont really see a point of continuing any diets as nothing is helping.
    My goal is to eat 1200 cal a day and it is really unlikely now for me to go over it but still nothing... So depressed... I want to close the door and hide from everyone.. No one to see my fat body...

    You don.t have a huge amount of weight to lose. It did take time for me to see results. Don't give up. I have been here over 2 weeks and just started to lose weight. I did end up increasing my protein and fiber. I am drinking a lot of water and also green tea. Also, exercising daily. Contrary to popular belief here - I am not always eating back my calories burned. You will get all kinds of advice here. I think you need to find what works for you. :wink:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump for links
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Thank you so much guys !!!
    Problem is that im not eating enough :( Today I had only 802 cal.. I know that this is bad but Im getting scared that if I will eat anything else I will go over any everything will be pear shape ..
    My BMI saying that Im obese and I cannot stand it !!! :(

    don't be defensive when we tell you to eat more.

    when we tell you to eat more it's only because you need to eat more.

    try to recognize that the fear you are experiencing is irrational. you could eat 200 calories over your daily MAINTENANCE calorie level and that still would not add up to 2 lbs of weight gain for the month.

    also, eat more. 800 is not enough to satiate your hunger. the longer you go trying to avoid your hunger pangs with just willpower, the larger the chance that you'll have an epic binge later.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thank you so much guys !!!
    Problem is that im not eating enough :( Today I had only 802 cal.. I know that this is bad but Im getting scared that if I will eat anything else I will go over any everything will be pear shape ..
    My BMI saying that Im obese and I cannot stand it !!! :(

    Don't be scared to eat! And 802 - No.


    Please read these at least to have for your reference :flowerforyou:
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    bumping for linkapalooza.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    This happens all too often.
    1. Person joins MFP.
    2. "I wanna lose 2lbs a week"
    3. MFP says "1200 calories"
    4. Person eats under 1200 calories.
    5. No weight loss.

    So now comes the science.

    You need to figure out your BMR and TDEE. Your BMR is what you would be fed in a hospital, if you were in a coma, in order to just maintain essential body functions. If you're eating below that, you aren't doing yourself any favors.

    When the engine in your car is out of petrol (I checked, you're in EN, it's petrol there), the engine stops. Calories are your petrol. If you want your body to work efficiently, you have to remain fueled up, right?

    So, your TDEE is how many calories you're burning daily. If you eat at your TDEE, you don't lose, you don't gain. Miracle maintenance numbers.

    Eating at a deficit of your TDEE is recommended. I shoot for 20% less than TDEE.

    So, here's your chance to figure out these numbers... update your goals here... eat more... and start losing again while not starving. Your energy level will go up.. and you'll appreciate the little things. Like, for me, my stache grew out and was super shiny.

    No, for real. It was.

    ^Boom. This man knows of which he speaks.

    (and you said Petrol, you're so cute <3)
  • Kellyeee2013
    I was at 1200 cals because stupid MFP told me too. Then I did proper calculations and based on everything (age, height, activity level, goal, etc) I should actually be eating 1500 a day... and I feel so much better now!
  • Kellyeee2013
    You have your diary locked and give no information on what you are doing to succeed. I can only figure you are not eating enough...so do as the Cookie Monster....EAT ALL THE FOODZ


    LMAO at this
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Actually I didn't feel like I had anything else to add because I'm only on week 3 but I do.

    From one newb to another, PLEASE listen to these people who are telling you to find out your TDEE and BMR and for heaven's sake MANGIA woman! I don't have food issues other than ignorance of what I need, so I did the classic 1200 for week one, lost five pounds, felt meh. Lurked the forums, found brilliant people and listened in week 2, gained a pound. DID NOT PANIC. Know why? Because I feel amazing and happy and energized and I know this is right. That pound is going to come off plus a lot more. Don't be scared, even if you get a little creep up initially.

    What's baffling to me, though, is why MFP is set up to do this and newbies continually hit the wall, and the same group of veterans has to say these things repeatedly until they're in a corner, rocking in the fetal position, muttering "roadmap...Scooby's workshop...water is water...no below BMR..."

    Edit cuz i dont no the grammers
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If you eat more like the others said you'll be able to stick to this long term without problems and no more yo-yo dieting which is a good thing right? No need to be going hungry to lose. Please look at the links the lovely people gave you to work out how much to eat then DO IT! It works. I was at 1200 too for a long time before I learned it was not right for me.