weighing in.....

Just curious to know how many times people are weighing in?? Once a week, everyday??

i think i'm only going to do once a week. What about you?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Every Friday. Good or bad. Today was bad. :explode:
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I weigh several times a week usually - but only post when I lose. :D
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Thursday is official weigh in day for me, but I may get on Monday to see where I MIGHT be at if I keep at it. As long as I keep going down it doesn't matter what day it is.
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    Either Friday or Monday first thing in the morning. I f I forget on Friday I wait til monday
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    First thing Friday morning.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Every Saturday! So I have some room for the weekend if I want a cheat meal. I won't notice it next weigh in.
  • rottdoggie
    rottdoggie Posts: 2 Member
    Sunday Mornings...why not. Forces me to be good Friday and Saturday
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Every Friday morning, never before, never after.
    Good weigh-ins then help me do better during the weekend. (:
  • every sunday morning