Older and struggling to lose



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    why cant i just drink beer, eat pizza and look good. shouldnt it be that simple?

    I was going with rum and cheesecake... But beer and pizza should work, too.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm 44 and live in the Northeast.I've been working at a healthier life style for three years and have lost 45 pounds.I love to walk and run,did my first 5k last September BUT,I do find that, after 40,things hurt a lot more when it's cold! If it's over 40 degrees I'll still walk or run.Any colder and I stick to indoor excerise.I LOVE wii's just dance and I have zumba dvd's and tension bands as well as weights.First nice spring day and I'll be right back out there! Unless you have a true medical reason to not excercise,there really is no excuses.And as women,remember we lose bone density every year so even more reason.AGE AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A NUMBER!
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi! I am 55y.o (5ft 4in)., new to MFP (Jan 2013) and have lost 45 lbs. since late August 2012. My impetus was having to be placed on high blood pressure meds. I am down to 135 lbs with 6 more lbs to move out before I begin my maintenance life. I am planning to do my first 5K in a few months - when PA is warming up to an acceptable temperature. I have yet to venture outside to run!!! I used WIIFit Plus Basic Steps for at least 50 minutes a day, walked around my house (inside) at least 35 minutes at a brisk pace. I do believe I am wearing a path on my carpet!!! Hang in there - remember you will enjoy the spring so much more when you keep at it during the cold months.
  • NoGoJo67
    NoGoJo67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'm 45 and turning 46 next week. I have been heavy my whole life and obese the last few years. I have tried this before but gave up because I really didn't get involved in the "community" of MFP. I am rededicating myself to my goal of losing weight and looking for someone to help encourage me as well as me encourage them in return.
  • bedalee
    Over 40 hear and also live in the cold northwest part of Ohio. Would be willing to be your cheer leader. I have a goal in my mind but it is such a challenge.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    I'm 42 and have met my weight loss goal but am still figuring out maintenance and working on fitness. I'm always looking for new, good ideas with regard to food and exercise, and I'm happy to provide support & encouragement to others. You're welcome to add me.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    In my 20's and 30's I could easily lose 20 lbs per week without exercise. ! Now that I'm 48 I have to exercise to lose 17 in 6 weeks. The weight shows up in my abs & hips now, before it was my boobs! I am enjoying the exercise more than I did then, though!
  • NYCbaby28
    Hi everyone! I'm back on this site after almost 5 years & struggling to lose some weight now that I'm approaching 40. Atkins worked for me 10 years ago so I'm doing low-carb again! Good luck to you all...let's make this new year a thinner, healthier one! :flowerforyou:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    In my 20's and 30's I could easily lose 20 lbs per week without exercise. ! Now that I'm 48 I have to exercise to lose 17 in 6 weeks.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight. :flowerforyou: but this simply can't be true. I think it's how we like to think we were and when we get older, we beat ourselves up for not being able to do what we never could do. The young women on this site are struggling with the same problems we are, except exercise is easier for them.

    To lose 20 pounds in a week would require a 10,000 calorie per day deficit. Impossible.:noway:
  • councillor4
    I am 57 , and have struggled with yo yo weight gain half of my life , the older i get the harder it is to keep the weight off . Less muscle mass = lower metabolism
    I live in a very cold climate on the Canadian prairies , but am fortunate to have great gym very close to where I live. It has a walking track , so I try to exercise 5 times a week , or more when I can .
    strength training is very important as we age , the more muscle we can maintain the better ..
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Well, I am 45 on Monday, and I am not "older", so I can't help you. sorry.
  • slickannie
    slickannie Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Tutti, I am 60 yrs. old and having a hard time of it also. I barely eat over 1300 calories a day, excercise as often as I can, but with a bad knee and other health issues, I am also limited. But we cant give up. Sometimes the scale has to go up before it can go down, sounds weird but true. If you go to ...UTube. com and type in excercise videos, it will show many that you can choose from. Like today, I found some that you do sitting down the whole time. It was ok too. I am going back to it tomorrow too. So dont give up, it will happen.
  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi I'm 53 in early Feb. I live on a little farm in Michigan with hubby [just got layed off for the winter ] brother in law [lives with us ] youngest Daughter lives next door with her husbond 4 year old twins and pregnant for 2 nd set of twin girls . I watch some of the grands after school . and try to take [ make ] time for me I'm allabout motivation . [sorry about spelling ] add me if you won to :drinker:
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    I am 45. I lost 33 pounds (see picture) a year and a half ago and then got lazy or busy or just quit trying and gained 23 back. Ugh! I am so mad at myself! I didn't want to be back here. BUT I will not stop trying. So here I go again. I will support you. And ask for support in return. I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred three days ago. So far, so good. I have recorded every bite. I have walked every day. We can do this!

  • Gayle_Pence
    I know how you feel. I am 57 and work at a desk job. I live in the mountain west and we're having freezing cold temps. I am doing well with the food choice part, but struggling getting the exercise in. Once I get home from work, I want to stay in where it's warm. I guess I should find an exercise dvd I like. Good luck with your journey.
  • thebarkman10
    I'm 42, not 'older' but I am over 30 and a grandma. I've also struggled my entire life!! (I was 180 lbs in the 6th grade.) I have yo-yo'd between 180 and 260 (back and forth) throughout my adult life.

    In 2009 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is causing my joints to fuse together and comes with a lot of pain. My biggest struggle with my weight began at that time, with the introduction of steroids to treat my inflammation. Now because of my disease, I have difficulty moving, walking and even getting dressed some days (of course that doesn't help my weight loss efforts much). I HAVE to do something to lose the weight. I have no choice! Often, I have to rely on my husband to help me get around. I think the worst feeling in the world is using a wheelchair when in the stores. I feel like people look at me like I'm just a fat, lazy person who want to ride in a chair instead of walk. Even though I know it is because of my AS, I still need to make a change. It's not all about appearances though. If I can lose some weight, it will definitely help with the stress on my swollen and fusing joints.

    I welcome new friends in this journey to get healthy. I've started working with a nutritionist this last week, and have already lost 3.4 pounds. Not able to exercise yet, but maybe soon! Taking it one day at a time! Feel free to add me - all of you can if you'd like. The more support we can be to each other, the better this journey will be for all.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I'm 41 but in New Zealand, not America :smile:
    It IS harder as you get older but maybe that's just because we think/expect it to be - scientifically it might not be any more difficult at all I guess.
    I've had a hysterectomy (3yrs ago), my gallbladder removed (10yrs ago) and have been a starvation dieter for more than 2 decades. It is only now, after joining MFP a little over a year ago and deciding once and for all that this is what I wanted MORE than I wanted to eat the wonderful 'bad' foods, that I've managed to beat my destructive habits.
    Imo the 'secret' is simply calorie deficiency (constantly - every single day) and time. Slow & steady is 'winning' this for me. Of course I wish it was faster, but I'm also determined that this is not a temporary fix - this is FOREVER, so I knew I had to achieve it in a way that I can continue for the next 40 or more years. For me that was NOT with exercise - for others it is - but I had to retrain myself to enjoy a dietary lifestyle that I *want* to stick with. I have found it, and it feels GREAT.
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    hi! I will be 45 in March, live in Western New York and I have been on MFP a little over two weeks! Great place to succeed in this journey with all the love and support you get from all over the world! Feel free to add me ( everyone can!) Best of luck one and all! :)
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi, my name is Linda, 55, and I just joined on 12/31/12. I've been struggling with my weight all my life. I have lost and gained numerous times, but now it does seem to be getting more difficult. I lost my husband in March of 2011 and this past July I finally quit smoking. I am an emotional eater and use food for comfort and want to change my relationship with food. I have been eating a lot cleaner lately and could use encouragement to get to my goal. You can add me to your friend list :)
  • debbiejojo
    WI Cheesehead here! 45 yr old mother of 3 daughters. 19, 18 & 6. Management job consumed my life the last 18 mths. I'm fighting back again corporate America and working no more OT so I can work out for me! Would love to be a MFP motivational buddy. Deb