24, looking for friends and support to lose weight.

Hey Ya'll,

Looking for new friends that we can help each other and feed off of each others motivation. I woefully let myself go after high school and would really like to get myself back into football shape.

Would love to make friends with anyone and talk about how they are doing on their weight loss journey. Its not easy and I feel you can never have enough support.

Take care,



  • lsachag
    Hi Kevin,

    I'm Leslie. I'm trying to lose about 20 to 25 lbs. I just started recently so I have a ways to go!!

    I'm doing a medical weight loss plan with an appetite suppressant so that I won't have as much of an appetite. It is helping greatly since I've also been put on a restrictive 1000 calorie diet. :-/

    good luck! :)

  • colourfulchaos
    colourfulchaos Posts: 43 Member
    You'll find great support and motivation here! I joined a little over a month ago and love it. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck!
  • nbeichley17
    nbeichley17 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I'm 23 and workin' on losing about 70 lbs and it'd be cool to meet others on here who are doin the same, feel free to add me!
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    Hey Kevin,

    I'm Amelia, 25 and started my weight loss journey just after new year. I've had bad days already but with the support I have recieived on here together with enterin my calorie intake and fitness exercise I have got back on track so haven't failed. I hope you find the courage to stay at it on here!