IF/Juicing Fast



  • JenS2586
    I did the juice fast a few yrs ago before it had so much attention. My dad bought me books with recipes and all the health benefits etc. I did it for 16days, lost 15lbs, never gained any of the weight back. My skin looked clearer and tighter than ever. I've been meaning to do it again but its very strict and I'm horrible for motivation. My dad does it but for health not weight and he doesn't do all meals juice, he does breakfast juice and then healthy meals rest of the day. I also got my overweight brother to try it for a week and he lost 14lbs, he stopped but it was the kick he needed to motivate him to start watching hif food n getting somewhat active, he lost a lot more weight after on his own. A lot of people don't believe in it but I loved it when I did it, had so much more energy and felt better.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I IF about once or twice a week. IF does not mean you are starving yourself or not getting enough calories, you just go 12-18hrs (some more) between meals and during your window (4-8hrs) you eat your daily calories and yes, you would still log it like any other day. I do not recommend multiple day fastings if fastings to you mean you are eating nothing and not getting nutrients in. There are various ways of doing this, most people find the easiest is just doing it daily for 12hrs between meals and count sleeping as part of the fasting hours. I'm a believer that our bodies were not initially designed for mini meals through the day and in doing so we have trained our bodies to become addicted to the feedings...with the exception those who are training hard (bodybuilding, tri-athletes, and etc) On the other days, I just allow 12 hours from my last feeding till breakfast and 4-5hrs between meals. If I am going to have a high exertion day, I will add in a small 150calorie snack or protein shake after working out. Since doing so, I find that I have alot more energy, especially through the afternoon. Everyone is different.

    If you go the juicing route, it's great for getting lots of fruits, esp veggies in, but add some protein powder to help balance things out. Juice you buy at the grocery store isn't the same, it's highly concentrated and usually loaded with sugar, even if it is natural sugars which can upset the hormone levels in your body.

    Take the time to do the research and I know it's overwhelming cause everyone has an opinion of what works. For me it was combo of the above to jump start things. I replace one meal a day with a veggie/fruit/protein juice meal (no way I could eat that many salads through the day! Easier to drink it!) and the other key I found was adding more calories and protein sources to my diet.

    Everyone is unique, tweak with things until you find what works for you, but try to stay within moderation and not do anything harmful. Some will say a calorie is a calorie, but I think what you eat really does count not just for weight loss, but for a healthier you. Remember, food=energy. Find your balance :)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have done a good bit of IF. I find that keeping calories even on a juice fast is good because it's easy to turn a juice fast into a juice feast. Have a plan. You should come off a fast properly. Make sure you have good healthy fod on hand for breaking your fast even if your fast was only for 48 hrs. I often find that fasting is the only way I can regain control of my eating. It's like hitting the reset button for me
    This is the diary of a woman who did a 21 day fast. She gives good info.

  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    But it seems all the experts say that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Does anyone do IF and choose their window to be in the morning? It seems everyone waits until the evening and then gorges.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    1. What I did for my juice fast was that I created a food and named it "Juice - Fasting" and make each glass of juice roughly 200 calories. That is my rough guest but in reality, juice is free because it is packed with all the amazing stuff that is SOOO good for you. So I didn't worry about it too much.

    If you mean juice is calorie free you're way off base. Juice has all the calories of whatever you put in it without the benefit of eating the fiber. Juicing fruits is a sugar dense drink and you can pack a lot of calories into one glass.
  • geisharunner219
    If you are thinking about juicing you def want to watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." I personally don't think it is a fad diet. There are tons of benefits when juicing! I had really great success when I did it a few years ago (although it does get expensive). If you do decide to juice, make sure to be very careful when you stop so that you don't gain all the weight back. It can happen really easily since you go from just fruits and veggies to bringing carbs and meat into the picture.

    I just starting IF. Fasting for 16 with an 8 hr eating window. You can still count calories - it's up to you. Right now, I'm not. But I am watching what and how much I eat. There different IF ways you can do. Some people fast for 2 whole days a week (ex: Wed and Sat). It really boils down to what works best for you and your schedule.

    Good luck!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    But it seems all the experts say that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Depends on which "experts". There's some epidemiological research that suggests that people who eat breakfast tend to not overconsume calories as readily as people who skip breakfast. Statements about breakfast eating helping to reduce obesity stem from this idea. But when you look at studies that control calorie intake, meal partitioning/timing is of little to no importance.

    Tread carefully when interpreting this though. It is still caloric balance that determines change in weight, always has been and always will be. If skipping breakfast does NOT cause you to over-eat in total calories, there's really nothing inherently wrong with it.

    I think Lyle (expert being an understatement for him) says it best here, and while he's talking about Meal Frequency specifically, I would use identical statements for breakfast:

    If eating more frequently makes it easier to control/reduce calories, it will help you to lose weight/fat.
    If eating more frequently makes it harder to control/reduce calories, or makes you eat more, you will gain weight.
    If eating less frequently makes it harder for you to control/reduce calories (because you get hungry and binge), it will hurt your efforts to lose weight/fat.
    If eating less frequently makes it easier for you to control/reduce calories (for any number of reasons), then that will help your efforts to lose weight/fat
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    1. What I did for my juice fast was that I created a food and named it "Juice - Fasting" and make each glass of juice roughly 200 calories. That is my rough guest but in reality, juice is free because it is packed with all the amazing stuff that is SOOO good for you. So I didn't worry about it too much.

    If you mean juice is calorie free you're way off base. Juice has all the calories of whatever you put in it without the benefit of eating the fiber. Juicing fruits is a sugar dense drink and you can pack a lot of calories into one glass.

    That is not what I mean at all! I mean if you are juicing the right stuff (mine consist of lots of kale, some parsley, cilantro, beets, celery, radishes, couple apples, a kiwi, carrots, red chard, etc) the juice is high in nutrients that your body craves. Then you shouldn't worry about it. But I do agree with you. You don't want to pack to much fruit into one glass because then you can hit high calories. So it is a lot better to juice VEGGIES and fruit not FRUITs and veggies :tongue:.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    But it seems all the experts say that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Does anyone do IF and choose their window to be in the morning? It seems everyone waits until the evening and then gorges.

    I'd say those "experts" are using "common logic" and not science. Real studies on real people do not support that hypothesis.

    I'm a night eater, but I wouldn't say I gorge. I'm frankly just not hungry until after 2-3 pm, so I'll have a little something, then go home and have dinner around 6 then dinner around 9-10. So the vast majority of my calories come in that 7 hour window. And that works for me. I usually dint ready a single meal, our iud I do.it is a meal spaced over several hours.

    If you are super hungry in the morning, then logically having your window first thing may work well for you.
  • MegWilbe
    MegWilbe Posts: 56 Member
    you can check out jointhereboot.com for step by step info, did one last yr lost 50lbs