Do I really have to work out to lose weight?



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Yes, you can still lose weight by eating less calories than you burn off.

    But you'll look a lot better in the end if you work out as well.

    BUMP.. this . big time

    you shape diff and tone diff.. and its also good for your HEART to get in the cardio
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    It is NOT calories in-out...It is the quality of the calories in. Also, NO you DO NOT have to have an exercise routine to lose weight. Ask yourself "How FLABBY do I want to be." then design a routine accordingly...OR Not!

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    What sets off your narcolepsy? Do you have periods of absence?

    If your condition is anything like what a colleague experiences you should be careful and focus on finding an activity that you like. Weight lifting, treadmill can be literally soporific and dangerous for him. We went on long walks and that was too taxing too. Low intensity, non-stressful hikes seemed ok. Find something that you enjoy - for the fitness. For weight loss, it's all about calories - being fit makes it easier.
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    You can lose the weight without exercise when you're cutting calories. However, I've found now that i'm going to the gym I'm less hungry and I'm losing the weight faster than if I weren't (i'm eating back my calorie to maintain the 1200 calorie diet).

    I hope you find something that works for you, good luck!
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Ouch!!!!! Thats a nice question :huh: .....:drinker:

    Cant await the answers....*sitting down and get some popcorn*
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
  • I have narcolepsy/IH so I understand how it feels to be exhausted allllll the time. You just have to figure out what workouts get you energized and what time of day is best for you. I found that working out when I wake up works best for me because I'm too exhausted by the end of the day. The more you work out the more energize you will feel. The better shape you are it actually does help your body feel a little more energized. I liked going to kickboxing classes because it forced me to finish the whole workout because I'm a competitive person and didn't want to stop when everyone else is going. You need to find a workout that either excites you and is fun for you (if it doesn't give you cataplaxy), or set a goal that you have to achieve. It helps.
    You also may need to adjust your medicine. I've tried several kinds before getting to the right one and amount.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I've lost 120 pounds since March without working out. So it is possible but at my age, I'm doing it more for health than to look good. At your age, I would recommend working out. You will look better afterwards. Good luck to you.
  • rasp35
    rasp35 Posts: 13 Member
    This is completely anecdotal, but my experience has been that it's 80% diet and 20% exercise (only my experience!).

    I'm a 169cm (5.6) female and about 63ish kilograms (about 138), and it would also depend on metabolism etc...but....
    When I was heavily working out (600-1500 calories burned in a session) I became so hungry that I found myself eating a lot and neither losing nor gaining. I was stuck for so long that nothing happened. Plenty of people are completely different though and their workouts have been the "thing" that has helped.

    For me though, now, I exercise moderately and eat a lot less and am really happy with the result, also I've changed the workouts so they are not "punishment for eating" , but things I really genuinely love doing (bike riding in the country, vinyasa yoga, pilates, dancing and the gym too), and the work I do means I don't get saggy skin or look "skinny fat"...

    just a thought! :)

    This is exactly what I found too. 80/20 is what works for me and I've done the kill myself at the gym, low carb, weight watchers, slimming world, South beach.......... These were all too regimented, expensive and soul destroying for me.
    I did a half marathon last year and trained really hard and didn't lose any weight.

    By cutting the calories, but fluctuating them to keep the body guessing, I find works best.
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    Yes you can! That's what I'm doing and my weight is coming off like it's supposed to. :wink:

    Plug in your numbers and figure out how many calories you need to eat a day to reach your goal. And then STICK TO IT!!! That's the difficult part.

    You'll find that if you pick healthier choices, you might be able to eat more...and feel fuller!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    In the past I have lost weight without working out. I would recommend working out for those who can do it because it's faster and better results but when you can't, you can't and that shouldn't stop you from losing weight with an eating plan alone.:smile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm sure you're getting all kinds of expert opinions on here but here's my experience: I had to work out to lose my 70lbs back in 1987. Gained it back after I stopped working out and with a failed pregnancy in 2006. Took it off again when I started working out. Haven't stopped working out and haven't gained back since 1996. so....yes....

    Not only that...but it's pretty cool when you're 40 years old and in better shape than most of the kids on your bus. And I can do more than most ppl my age and I look younger. There's many other benefits to exercise than just weight loss. It keeps ya young!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm sure you're getting all kinds of expert opinions on here but here's my experience: I had to work out to lose my 70lbs back in 1987. Gained it back after I stopped working out and with a failed pregnancy in 2006. Took it off again when I started working out. Haven't stopped working out and haven't gained back since 1996. so....yes....

    Not only that...but it's pretty cool when you're 40 years old and in better shape than most of the kids on your bus. And I can do more than most ppl my age and I look younger. There's many other benefits to exercise than just weight loss. It keeps ya young!

    Correction...said failed pregnancy was in 1996 not 2006. I'm getting my decades mixed up lol.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Nope. Ive lost 5kg from just eating healthy in the past 3 weeks.

    Just your average days movement (walking around, doing little things) is exercise and you don't even think about it.

    Thats the way i look at it.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Exercise is required for good health.
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    Absolutely not. For many of us, it's essential to look good and shape our bodies to what we consider ideal. However, it is never essential for simply losing weight.
  • I'm so lazy to work out but for me to loose 6-10lbs a month, i have to move my *kitten* off
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    It's definitely 80/20 for me or, to be perfectly honest, 90/10.
    I do no exercise but have an on-my-feet job (which I don't count of course) and have managed to lose 50lbs in a year.
    So nope, you don't *have* to work out to get weight-loss results. I really wish I was one of the people who enjoy it though.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Purely in terms of weight loss, exercise isn't needed as long as you maintain a caloric deficit. If you factor in body composition, exercise (especially strength training) is hugely beneficial. It helps preserve lean body mass, ensuring that a larger proportion of the weight lost is fat. It's the difference between arriving at your goal weight as a smaller but still flabby version of your current self vs. looking lean and aesthetic.

    Or as I've seen it put: "Diet makes you look good in clothes; strength training makes you look good naked".
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you can lose weight with diet alone. but it depends how fast you want the weight off. its going to be harder to have a high enough calorie deficit to lose. with me working out an hour a day and eating 1500 calories. i lose on average a pound a day. the exercise gives me energy to keep losing more. even if you can add in 10 minutes a day. that is better then nothing. you dont have to be like these people who live at the gym. or invest in equipment in your home. i bought an elliptical and that was the best investment ever. i can turn it on and strip to my bra n undies and no one sees me. i would hate the gym atmosphere and would never go.