Help please

I am five-three and i am at 158 pounds I am on a 1200 calorie diet and i am having trouble eating that much in one day I dont eat breakfast i cant no matter what i try... i do lunch around 11 to 1 and then work out at the gym around 6. i burn more calories than i take in and then have my dinner. i do eat snack through out the day and drink lots of water but i just cant eat the 1200 calories.. please help me. what can i do?


  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    a serving of peanut butter is 200 calories, a serving a nuts is about the same, an avocado is 250 calories....
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    Nuts. Peanut butter. Cheese. Avocado.

    Not so difficult.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    These are the most annoying threads on the fourm

    Eat more

    Its the least complicated thing in the world

    Do you really need to be told to eat a normal amount of food?

    I often get caught up in work and don't eat until my students go home at 3

    I have ZERO issue getting in enough calories.

    You should not either

    You're just forcing yourself to eat less

    If all else fails eat some PB

    Only hurting yourself by not getting the caloreis in
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I am five-three and i am at 158 pounds I am on a 1200 calorie diet and i am having trouble eating that much in one day I dont eat breakfast i cant no matter what i try... i do lunch around 11 to 1 and then work out at the gym around 6. i burn more calories than i take in and then have my dinner. i do eat snack through out the day and drink lots of water but i just cant eat the 1200 calories.. please help me. what can i do?

    Loads of threads on this if you run a search, if you smoke quit. 1200 calories a day is not enough for someone who is physically active, exercising breaks the body down rest and nutrition build it back up again.

    Of course you can eat breakfast you did as a baby and probably as a child, of course you can eat more than 1200 calories, you didn't get to 158 by eating less than that. Have some juice or milk for breakfast, progress to a larger serving, then progress to blended fruit or yoghurt, then progress to blended fruit AND yoghurt then progress to a larger serving of the same. Congratulations you are eating breakfast!

    If you don't want to make an effort to start eating breakfast just eat six meals/ snacks of 250 calories spread through the day, or five of 300 or four of 350.
  • amberpitz
    amberpitz Posts: 103 Member
    Try eating a protein plus powerbar for breakfast or some other high cal bar...or a spoon of pb...the protein bars have 200 plus cal and are a quik grab
  • Duckie_82
    NO I DON'T need to be told how to eat.. But my Stomach can't digest food like you or another normal person.. I cant eat a lot of food for this reason if i do i get sick.... So that Brings me to eating breakfast I have tried to push meals back and cant for the fact i can only do so much food a day. have always been that way even as a kid... and being 158 with out eating a lot can be done it is called being sick with kidney cancer and down for over a year... So please the next time you want to make someone feel like they are stupid for asking a question think before you reply. the reason they ask may have a good reason behind it for them to ask and not another person like yourself.... I am not trying to be mean or nasty but i get sick of people saying i am not trying to make an effort to make myself healthy cause i am... I have to watch how much and what i eat i cant do peanuts or read meat as to having another health problem... so for i ask again if you have an idea on what can help me get the calories in with out eating to much please help me out... if you want to try and make me feel like a stupid person just keep your comment to yourself... before i got sick with cancer twice and my other health problem i was only 120 pounds i was healthy at one point....
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    NO I DON'T need to be told how to eat.. But my Stomach can't digest food like you or another normal person.. I cant eat a lot of food for this reason if i do i get sick.... So that Brings me to eating breakfast I have tried to push meals back and cant for the fact i can only do so much food a day. have always been that way even as a kid... and being 158 with out eating a lot can be done it is called being sick with kidney cancer and down for over a year... So please the next time you want to make someone feel like they are stupid for asking a question think before you reply. the reason they ask may have a good reason behind it for them to ask and not another person like yourself.... I am not trying to be mean or nasty but i get sick of people saying i am not trying to make an effort to make myself healthy cause i am... I have to watch how much and what i eat i cant do peanuts or read meat as to having another health problem... so for i ask again if you have an idea on what can help me get the calories in with out eating to much please help me out... if you want to try and make me feel like a stupid person just keep your comment to yourself... before i got sick with cancer twice and my other health problem i was only 120 pounds i was healthy at one point....

    I know it's difficult not to, but try not to take it personally. The majority of these threads are started by people who have no medical reasons to have troubles reaching a healthy calorie goal. It's one of my biggest aggravations here on MFP. Sometimes there is a person - like you - who has valid issues. That would be in the rarity.

    Peanut butter, avacados, foods cooked in oil (olive oil is a decent and healthy thing), butter - there is a long list of high-calorie, low filling foods on MFP. People will respond with them. Just take a look.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    NO I DON'T need to be told how to eat.. But my Stomach can't digest food like you or another normal person.. I cant eat a lot of food for this reason if i do i get sick.... So that Brings me to eating breakfast I have tried to push meals back and cant for the fact i can only do so much food a day. have always been that way even as a kid... and being 158 with out eating a lot can be done it is called being sick with kidney cancer and down for over a year... So please the next time you want to make someone feel like they are stupid for asking a question think before you reply. the reason they ask may have a good reason behind it for them to ask and not another person like yourself.... I am not trying to be mean or nasty but i get sick of people saying i am not trying to make an effort to make myself healthy cause i am... I have to watch how much and what i eat i cant do peanuts or read meat as to having another health problem... so for i ask again if you have an idea on what can help me get the calories in with out eating to much please help me out... if you want to try and make me feel like a stupid person just keep your comment to yourself... before i got sick with cancer twice and my other health problem i was only 120 pounds i was healthy at one point....

    Sorry to hear you have/ have had health problems. If that is the case you are seeking advice in the wrong place - you require medical advice from a healthcare professional like a registered dietician, not advice from mostly unqualified strangers on a forum.
  • Duckie_82
    i tried not to get angry but i could not help it... ppl are so quick to call someone lazy or what every they want with out thinking and i get angry... i posted for help not to be made a fool i have looked hours and try to find things to help me with the calories and no luck was just hoping someone out here in MFP had some of the same or close to the same problems
  • Duckie_82
    NO I DON'T need to be told how to eat.. But my Stomach can't digest food like you or another normal person.. I cant eat a lot of food for this reason if i do i get sick.... So that Brings me to eating breakfast I have tried to push meals back and cant for the fact i can only do so much food a day. have always been that way even as a kid... and being 158 with out eating a lot can be done it is called being sick with kidney cancer and down for over a year... So please the next time you want to make someone feel like they are stupid for asking a question think before you reply. the reason they ask may have a good reason behind it for them to ask and not another person like yourself.... I am not trying to be mean or nasty but i get sick of people saying i am not trying to make an effort to make myself healthy cause i am... I have to watch how much and what i eat i cant do peanuts or read meat as to having another health problem... so for i ask again if you have an idea on what can help me get the calories in with out eating to much please help me out... if you want to try and make me feel like a stupid person just keep your comment to yourself... before i got sick with cancer twice and my other health problem i was only 120 pounds i was healthy at one point....

    Sorry to hear you have/ have had health problems. If that is the case you are seeking advice in the wrong place - you require medical advice from a healthcare professional like a registered dietician, not advice from mostly unqualified strangers on a forum.
    I have been there done that and bills pile up for it why do you think i reached out here......
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    In your profile, you mentioned the cancer as well. I'm not certain that anyone here is remotely qualified to help you work through this. We can certainly recommend nutrient-dense foods and similar things, however, with your history, you'd probably be best served by a crew of doctors and nutritionists.

    That said, you're obviously a grown up and you can seek medical help if you wish but instead you came here. So you have some hard and fast dietary limitations.

    Let's start there:

    No peanuts
    No red meat
    Any others?

    Meal issues:

    You cannot eat large meals
    You cannot eat breakfast (Why not?)
    How much can you fit at a time? Is it just quantity of food? Is it impacted by macronutrient ratios, for instance, fatty foods flip your sick switch, or carbs, or proteins? Does it vary based on whether the food is dense or not, such as sliced bread versus bagels? If the food is fluid, such as smoothies, is that easier?
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    If you don't eat breakfast you won't lose as much weight because your body does not get your metabolism going and therefore you burn cals very sluggishly. You need to exercise and eat enough cals.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If you don't eat breakfast you won't lose as much weight because your body does not get your metabolism going and therefore you burn cals very sluggishly. You need to exercise and eat enough cals.

    Untrue. The body is not a car, it does not need warmed up or "started". It is always running. If it weren't, we would be hovering around the medical point of half-death every morning.

    Exercise and enough calories is very solid advice.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Have you ever tried a smoothie for breakfast? It's a really good way to get a lot of nutrients in without actually eating food. I used to avoid eating breakfast too, and then I knew I had to start eating it so I started with protein shakes and/or smoothies. It's not actually "eating" food, and if you add some coffee, it starts to taste more like a frappe than a protein shake. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    NO I DON'T need to be told how to eat.. But my Stomach can't digest food like you or another normal person.. I cant eat a lot of food for this reason if i do i get sick.... So that Brings me to eating breakfast I have tried to push meals back and cant for the fact i can only do so much food a day. have always been that way even as a kid... and being 158 with out eating a lot can be done it is called being sick with kidney cancer and down for over a year... So please the next time you want to make someone feel like they are stupid for asking a question think before you reply. the reason they ask may have a good reason behind it for them to ask and not another person like yourself.... I am not trying to be mean or nasty but i get sick of people saying i am not trying to make an effort to make myself healthy cause i am... I have to watch how much and what i eat i cant do peanuts or read meat as to having another health problem... so for i ask again if you have an idea on what can help me get the calories in with out eating to much please help me out... if you want to try and make me feel like a stupid person just keep your comment to yourself... before i got sick with cancer twice and my other health problem i was only 120 pounds i was healthy at one point....

    Sorry to hear you have/ have had health problems. If that is the case you are seeking advice in the wrong place - you require medical advice from a healthcare professional like a registered dietician, not advice from mostly unqualified strangers on a forum.
    I have been there done that and bills pile up for it why do you think i reached out here......

    Your original post did not indicate any medical conditions, how are all of us here supposed to know? We've had many people who pop on here without any medical issues that have posted the same problems with their eating. And usually - it's because they've set their goals too low and are eating below their BMR.

    Aside from it is stated by MFP when you scroll all the way down:

    "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy."

    Not sure what you were expecting. Most are not equipped to give advice with dietary specifications and those that might be able to, probably won't because they don't know your exact circumstances and know better than to start handing out random advice. It may cost money, and I feel you on that. It sucks. But you can't expect us to first of all, automatically know that you have medical problems much less start handing out advice on a matter that seems very specific in regards to what you "can't" digest.

    In this, case, maybe join a cancer support group or a support group for those with your particular problem on the internet and see what others have done to tackle the issues that you are facing. Maybe that would be better if you are unable to see a doctor or nutritionist.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I just have a scoop of protein with some almond milk in the morning, right now I need to eat more calories so I add a banana, its like 320cal breakfast and takes like 2 mins to drink and you feel so much better when you eat breakfast

    Banana 100cal
    protein 140 cal
    almond milk vanilla 80 cal

    If you still have trouble eating something like this try eating a cliff bar in a more candy-ish flavor while you travel to work/class, you probably wont associate it with breakfast flavors and if you do it while you are on the bus/walking/driving you wont be thinking about it
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Nuts. Peanut butter. Cheese. Avocado.

    Not so difficult.

    THIS! ^^^^^

    high quality fat is the best way to go!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    If you just cannot stand to eat breakfast-how about a smoothie instead or a protien shake-breakfast kick starts your metabolism. Or eat 6 smaller meals of 200-300 calories each. and choose higher calorie foods to make up the difference-good luck