I'm so mad with myself :-(



  • Lisa2bHappy
    Thanx to each and everyone who has and is taking the time to read and reply to my post.. I have read every one of the messages and im very gratefull for the support and kindness shown :-)
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    Get therapy. See a counselor....you have internal issues....emotional....deep....You only believe what you want to believe, do what you want to do....your stomach isn't telling you to binge eat...your head is...find out why. You can change only if you want too, so...do you want too? Or do you want to keep "trying" ? Find out what will flip the switch in your head to do it, and do it.
    I only mean this supportively, not to be mean...I started at 326....emotions run us....we have to control those & everything else will fall into place....keep your chin up, take a deep breath....and start finding the new you:)
  • chrishodum
    I know it's hard. I also gave up one addiction just to add food in it's place. The best thing that has worked for me is to get the trigger foods out of the house. I also found if I need something crunchy , I eat a crisp cold apple. Not always as satisfying as the chips but I do feel better after. Just start today as a new day and celebrate your victories no matter how small. Good luck
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I cured binging by changing what I eat, including eliminating foods that caused the binging and adding foods that stopped the binging (lots of healthy fats). Strangely, a whole bunch of other health problems were also resolved. However, eliminating certain types of food is not a popular idea on MFP, though it's the only thing that worked for me and others like me. Supposedly it's just an issue of willpower and finding high volume foods to "fill up" on. So good luck with that. (Try 8 cups of lettuce and 2 cups of chopped celergy drizzled with lemon juice, and drink 2 litres of water.. JUST KIDDING, but that's the kind of silliness you might see in the comments!)
  • vleebow
    vleebow Posts: 49 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. And, more importantly, don't obsess and beat yourself over this minor set back. View it as just that...a minor set back and move forward. It's okay to have set backs, you're human. ;-) Good luck!
  • Aplaxton
    Aww I understand. Ill eat more than 3 chocolate bars, and cinnimon buns, or an entier box of cookies. But the feeling after is worse than the need to want it all is strong. It is a trail and error, and which can last for years! days! Months, weeks! I dont know exactly what it took me to stop the terrible cycle, and i rmember getting advice, and thinking that people dont get how bad it is for me. I blamed myself becasue I wasn't really getting how to stop the madness of food in my life. Thats why Ive resorted to Jenny Craig. I need the one on one support, and yet, im doing it myself.
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Thanks alot everyone :-)
    Feeling better and focused today.. Yesterday has gone, today is here ;-) and tomo I can handle. PMA is back & im ready x
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    meet your binge sister
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi natashaa1991,
    Hope you are ok, Im here for a long time so if you need support .... im only a message away!
  • Edwardo27
    Edwardo27 Posts: 34 Member
    Binge is a nightmare. My two triggers are: Loneliness (in the house on my own) and if I restrict my food too much. What was your trigger - have a think.

    Do not be angry with yourself, this is the part where you need comfort, not anger. Accept you have done it now. And try again from now. Take every MOMENT as it comes. Do NOT restrict yourself because of this binge either. Its a vicious cycle.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Don't keep anything that you can binge on in the house. Throw it all out, and only keep healthy stuff in reach. Make it so that in order to eat bad stuff, you either have to go out of the house to get it, or order delivery, and you will be less likely to fall off the wagon
  • moya2525
    moya2525 Posts: 6 Member
  • Janey142
    Janey142 Posts: 50 Member
    I have been eating worse lately but exercising more so i dont feel bad/ go over calories. is there some more exercise you can do to give you a little extra leeway so your less likely to binge?
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Dont be so hard on yourself. Ive just come back from a night out and absolutely smashed my daily allowance.

    Check my diary. 3 Sausages, 2 Pork steaks, 5 Ciders....i think i broke my diary.

    Ive even put a little note reminding myself how crap i feel now a few hours later.

    Tomorrows another day.
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    did you try drinking a lot of water when you feel the binge coming on? then eat the salty popcorn, and drink more water...might fill up ?
  • ashleighcollins89
    Tomorrow is another day. Chin up, log everything and learn from it tomorrow x
  • runningwild00
    You need to find more strength to say no or more strength to stop after just a few.

    I binge on days that I don't eat a lot during the AM or at lunch. I don't know how you're spreading out your calories, but I find if I eat too light of a breakfast and lunch -- then I completely binge at night.

    Good luck, keep posting we can all try to help!!!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    - Get rid of those foods from your home. Having them there is setting you up for failure.
    - Quit with the "I can't" attitude and thinking that you're the only one with this problem.
    - Have healthier snacks like veggies and dip, yogurt & fruit, or some mixed nuts on hand for when you are feeling snacky.
    - Drink 2 full glasses of water when you get cravings, or make a tea or something.
    - Have light popcorn on hand if you need to munch on something.
    - Realize that YOU need to CHANGE and stop GIVING IN. Yes, it will be HARD, but no one is FORCING you to binge eat. That's just yourself giving in and not making the changes that you need to.
  • elenachamberlain
    Lisa, please don't beat yourself up over this. When was the last time you binged? I can pretty much gauge my binges and know they will overcome me about a week before I am due to menstrate. I know that I will eat my bag of crisps (Ruffles), with my dark chocolate and probably a few other things. Keep a record of this. You can always go back in your food log and see when you did it the last time. I work mine out by placeing WHAT I am going to binge on into one container (you know you are going to binge within the week before your period). Count the calories and write them on a post it and place on the outside of the container. I know there have been times when-just by looking at the total number of calories (sometimes more than what I just burned at the gym) in that container, it has forced me to make better choices. Other times, I only choose my favorite out of the container and make up for it throughout the day. We are all human and know that as long as you do better by the time the week ends, you will be ahead.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I was just reading (somewhere on MFP though I can't find it again) about the link between binge eating and epilepsy. What works for ending binge eatiing also works with epilepsy.

    The ketogenic diet is a treatment for epilepsy in children. The thread that I was reading this morning said that one person who went to a doctor for binge eating suggested the ketogenic diet and that person hasn't binged since. At least one other replied that binge eating stopped with the ketogenic diet.

    I know that mine did. I made it through Christmas and even a New Year's Eve party at my house - where the table was filled with interesting hors d'oeuvres. No binge.

    Might I recommend that you stop berating yourself, recognize that you have food alergies and perhaps something else (because the medicine used for treatment of epilepsy also works to end binge eatiing), and consider going on a ketogenic diet. I don't even worry about binge eating any more. The thought doesn't even pop up - unless someone like you writes about it and I remember when I USED to do that.

    check out the group "Keto".