Fried Rice (Cauliflower) - Lower Carb

joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
My new favorite recipe. Anything to help me get a few more veggies! Uses shredded cauliflower instead of rice to lower the carbs. Pretty tasty too.

Fried Rice
1 lb ground turkey or boneless/skinless chicken breast cut into chunks
Raw cauliflower (1/2 to 3/4 head)
1 small yellow or white onion or 3 green onions, chopped (save 1 green onion to top dish at end)
1/4 tsp grated fresh ginger root
1 clove garlic, minced
1 egg
Splash of Bragg's Liquid Aminos or 2 tsp low sodium soy sauce
coleslaw mix
Prep: sauté the meat of your choice in a large nonstick skillet, then pull it out and set it aside. Use the same skillet to prepare your rice - you will add the meat back in at the end of the cooking process.
1. Shred cauliflower and sauté it in a nonstick pan sprayed with EVOO
2. Add minced garlic, onion, ginger and cook until the "rice" started to pick up some color
3. 3-5 minutes
4. Add 1/2 cup coleslaw (optional). You can also add fresh grated carrot, bean sprouts or finely chopped celery to this dish.
5. When everything else looks done, push everything out to the edges of the pan and crack an egg into the center
6. scramble it as you cook it up then blend it with the "rice"
7. Add back in your choice of meat, add a splash of Bragg's Liquid Aminos or Low Sodium Soy Sauce, top with some green onions and serve hot.


  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    bump to print later
  • kazb0t
    kazb0t Posts: 33 Member
    Love cauliflower rice! I use it to make cilantro-lime rice like Chipotle's, and sushi rice!
  • MagnaSky
    MagnaSky Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for sharing
  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    ooh, sounds good!
  • laydeneko
    laydeneko Posts: 54 Member
    I can't wait to try this!
  • How do you shred cauliflower?
  • MMMHMMM! Thats sounds good! Gonna try that - thanks
  • Love cauliflower rice! I use it to make cilantro-lime rice like Chipotle's, and sushi rice!

    How do you make cauliflower rice for sushi?! (been craving onigiris, so if anybody knows, please tell me?!)
  • wswing
    wswing Posts: 39 Member
  • Bump -
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Yum! I've heard of this but haven't tried it yet!
  • ldaxon
    ldaxon Posts: 1
    This sounds great. I plan on trying. Pureed cauliflower makes a tastey "fake" mashed potato substitute as well.
  • christyb77
    christyb77 Posts: 30 Member
    Doesnt the cauliflower fall apart?
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I finally tried cauli rice the other day, & i love it-shouldve made it ages ago. Ive been using it as a side at a lot of meals to help fill me up (with the rest of my dinner) for not too many cals.

    As for grating it, i justrubbed raw cauliflower on a large size cheese grater.

    Christyb77- i dont know what you mean by "falls apart"? Its shred into rice size pieces, & it pretty much acts just like rice :)
  • louloubelle5
    louloubelle5 Posts: 2 Member
    this sounds awesome gonna try it for sure thx
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Will be trying!! Thanks!!