my scale hates me



  • masfe
    masfe Posts: 17
    When you are sore, that means that your muscle needs to repair. In order to do that you always retain water. So it's pretty common when someone starts to lift weights on the first days to gain some weight. It will keep this way for a while. Unless you're doing something wrong there will be a point where you'll lose weight really fast, like 1-2 pounds/day. Just keep working out, don't lose your motivation and drink lots of water.

    Also that's why you shouldn't weight yourself every single day. Our weight fluctuates a lot, and it can easily increase even though we are making good progress. Just weight less often and keep in mind that the weight doesn't matter, what matter is what you see in the mirror. Take pictures monthly and compare them, and you'll see progress ;)
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    My body is exactly the same way! I'm so glad that I am not the only one. I haven't lost anything for 2 weeks, despite eating pretty awesome (in my opinion) and working out EVERY DAY. I have been super sore too, and yes, I am the same way I like to weigh every day my thinking is if I make it a daily habit then if I ever get off track I will see the results right in front of my face right away and get back on track. usually though, I do just stop weighing myself if I don't want to admit I am out of control...still working on that.

    So what I do instead of just focusing on the weight though, is I always take my measurements. like a lot of measurements....

    above the knee

    then I add all those inches up so I have a total inches...then once a month or 2 weeks, or whenever I am feeling thinner but not seeing my scale budge I do them again and I subtract the numbers so that I can see a total amount of inches lost. It's pretty fun to see 7 inches off your body even when the scale doesn't move. I have gotten pretty good though the years at not getting discouraged during plateaus because for some reason that is just how my body works. I will go 3 or 4 weeks without losing and then I will lose 4. It's quite annoying, but I am glad to see that it truly is a pattern for me.

    Feel free to add me, I could definitely use encouragement!
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 91 Member
    I took a QUICK look at your diary for a few days. I am far from an expert but in my opinion, eliminate the amount of sodium you are having. You are having way too much. Add more FRESH fruits and vegetable and ELIMINATE the processed foods and the microwaveable stuff. Lean pockets, hot dogs, microwaveable broccoli and cheese are loaded with bad stuff. Try sandwiches with lean meats and whole grain bread.

    Some good things I like to have for lunch

    Egg whites
    Toasted tomato sandwiches
    Tuna sandwiches (I get the tuna canned in water not oil)
    Fresh fruit
    Fresh vegetables
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    Ha! Love this thread and Your humor! My scale surely hates me too...stayed on track all week, some good excercise...andup a pound! But i am sticking to it...also going tochange my weigh day to wed...not sat and ONLY weigh on Wed...i a, totally a scale hopper...morning, after excercise, afternoon...if I walk by it...
    I did a 'cleanse' and lost 3 pounds..but like i knew... I am actually up one today from last Sat...
    But I will not give up this time....i have a drawer of swim suits and 4 kids to entertain all summer...I want to feel great and look great chasing my two year old while wearing a bikini!!!
    Playing with calories too..i moved it up to 1400 from 1200 gonna atick there for 3 weeks...if I dont see change i may go up a bit more and see if that works ,,no change then I'll go back dow to 1200!!! Something has to work, right...
    If it is such an xact science..TDEE BMR and all that how can i have been stuck at 151 for a yesr!!! ( but I know i have more muscle...i just want less FAT!
  • mapnerd2005
    If you look, I have noted that my sodium has been very high lately, and I know that. I have been extremely busy at work lately, and haven't had time to go to the grocery store and am out of veggies except for the little packets of frozen ones I had in my freezer. I usually do my veggie shopping at the farmer's market. Since I don't have time to eat and breath weightloss (get it, haha, but I do have a full time job, family, other obligations, AND trying to finish my PhD, and workout), I have to be realistic. Sometimes I am going to have bad weeks full of processed foods. Some weeks I am going to have yummy delicious meals prepared with fresh veggies (I did a few times this week, but I was out of brown rice and all I had in the pantry was minute white rice. And since i don't like wasting food because I work at a non-profit and live in one of the most expensive cities in the country, I'm going to use the white rice until it runs out. The point of my original post was to say, hey, I'm not seeing the scale move, and here are allllllll the reasons I know are probably the culprit. It was me blowing off steam for doing things I know I shouldn't do, like weighing myself every day and going almost DOUBLE my sodium goal. Salt = bad, I know. I'm trying to weed out the bad foods in my house while incorporating better, healthier foods. I will say, if you look at my pics, this is not my first time on this journey. I got off it for over two years, and I have kept off 75% of the weight. I want to get back in shape and get to my final goal now.

    Maybe I'm a little grouchier on Saturday Mornings. Or maybe I should take this off the message boards and make it a blog post.