I have a question..

This upcoming Wednesday I will be starting a 10 day fast ( for religious reasons, not for weight loss).. It will be a liquid fast (juice, fruit smoothies, vegetable broth).. I have just started working out and I really enjoy it.. I do 3 miles a day on the treadmill and some light weight lifting every day..
I don't want to stop working out, but I don't want to hurt myself either. Can anyone tell me how to adjust my work out routine in a way that will be safe while fasting?


  • ObiRenKenobi
  • ObiRenKenobi
    Anyone? Hello?
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Just do what feels comfortable. Make sure and track your liquid consumption, as you can easily go over on calories on an all liquid diet if you don't track. Especially with a lot of fruit smoothies and juices.

    You should be fine continuing on your current routine. Can you use supplements? If so try taking some mineral supplements so that you don't end up with an electrolyte imbalance and add some coconut oil or coconut milk to your broths and smoothies so that you have enough fat in your diet for energy.
  • ObiRenKenobi
    Coconut milk! Great idea!
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    When ever I have done those kinds of fast anywhere from a 3-30 day (I do it for faith reasons) I still log and I cut back to just a simple walk using the same time the that I would workout with before the fast. But that is just me.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm not being flip; do smoothies count? Could you chuck a steak in a blender and have it still count?
  • sandrarflanagan
    You may be able to do brisk walking. :smile: that is what is recomended
  • ObiRenKenobi
    I wish I could throw a ribeye in the blender.. But I'm fasting meat too..
  • ObiRenKenobi
    You may be able to do brisk walking. :smile: that is what is recomended

    I don't know what is recommended.. The last time I fasted, I wasn't trying to be healthy so I hadn't started exorcising yet..
  • ObiRenKenobi
    You may be able to do brisk walking. :smile: that is what is recomended

    I don't know what is recommended.. The last time I fasted, I wasn't trying to be healthy so I hadn't started exorcising yet..
    oops, I thought you said "what is recommended" not "that"
  • ChubbyMcFatpants
    ChubbyMcFatpants Posts: 13 Member
    You know your body the best. Forget about the amount of exercise you're "supposed" to do, and just work at a pace that feels right. Your body will tell you if you're on the verge of hurting yourself, or if you need to tone it down. Pay attention to the signals, and you will be fine.

    Best of luck with your fast!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Since your fast is all liquids, be mindful that you digest those super fast, which might mean drops in blood sugar. Make sure to have some juice or something about 30 minutes before your workout, so you have a little sugar in your system. If you feel weak or light headed, it might be best to skip the workout and try to get it in when you feel better.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Chocolate Milk is a great source to refuel your muscles after a work out!

    I have no doubt that you will be stronger (both physically and spiritually) following your fast!
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    make sure you get enough energy for your cardio...meaning sugars and carbs from good sources like fruits. watch the weights because you do not want to damage your muscle tissues too much...just enough to feel a strain. you can just go ahead and resume your normal routine, but in that case i would definately recommend a protein shake/ protein shake smoothie made with fruits, skimmed milk and so on.
  • ObiRenKenobi
    Thanks everyone!