Need to loose weight for Summer holidays - Bikinis scare me!

I am trying to loose 2stone for a summer holiday in Cyprus - a week in the sun wearing bikinis all day with my size 8 sister has motivated me to loose weight and hopefully keep it off once and for all!
I have battled with my weight since i was in school, its always going up and down!
I realised the other day that i have pretty much been dieting since i was 16 - when i was 16 i was 11 stone 11.
I am now 11 stone 9.
In 9 years i have only lost two pounds! lol
Although i have yoyo'd in those 9 years, at one point i was 13stone 12 at my heaviest!
This is the lightest i have ever been but my goal is 10stone!!
Anyone else who has been struggling to loose weight and keep it off as long as me and wants to share motivation and support then please reply or add me as a friend - I'm feeling all motivated today :-) and want to keep it up so any help will be appreciated!x


  • nomuffintop
    I have been loosing and gaining the same 10lbs for the last 10 years !!! I'm so anoysed with myself :mad:
    I joined here 20days ago and have only managed to loose 3lb !!! I know its down to my own foolishness but this week I've been stopping myself when I reach for something and reminding myself that ' i don't need to eat it, I already know what I tastes like and I'll regret it later'.....hopefully it'll show in my weigh in this week :smile: .....
    As far as I'm concerned, if I don't do it properly this time, I'll be battling this 10lbs for the rest of my life.
    I'm only 5ft tall so 10lbs is two dress sizes on me !!!!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Hoi. Yes, I am in the same boat too. I have had the same 10 lbs to loose and an extra 5 that comes and goes as it pleases. I cannot seem to get out of the plateau I am in. I have been on MFP for about a month and though I have not really lost much weight, the support has been great. And it is fun to join some of the groups and find some new activities to do. I am currently in the middle of the C25K program and actually having fun running and trying to get a faster time as I develope. Welcome and good luck.
  • SarahFlint
    That is exactly what i say to myself - 'You already know what it tastes like!'
    Ive also started saying - 'Its only food for god sake!!'

    Good luck with your 10 pounds, i know what you mean, you feel like you fighting a loosing battle when your just working off the same bit of weight, putting it back on, loosing it again - seems like a vicious circle!x
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"... now if I could just remember that at the right times, I might have a chance!
  • nomuffintop
    LOL Bleux..I use that one as well but like you I seem to forget all about it at the slightest temptation !!! I really need to knuckle down !
  • jenkins1
    jenkins1 Posts: 10
    i read once 'if you indulge you bulge'
    it made me think twice before i bit into that slice of cake! haha
  • SarahFlint
    O god there are loads of sayings!
    My sister likes to help by sending me inspirational pictures of Bikini bodies - good and bad ones! lol
    Good Luck guys :-)
  • palomaak
    palomaak Posts: 4
    bikinis definately scare me too! I have never worn one and i have decided that once in my life i want to fit into a bikini and not be ashamed. I am 20 and i have been battling with the bulge since i started highschool. the pressure to be skinny is great but to me what really matters is fitting into clothes i dont want to be a stick i just want to be a medium and be happy. i dont want to feel miserable though, does being skinny always have to mean being miserable? It seems that for the past 6 years losing weight has always been torture