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Why does MFP help?

I'm a newbie, and have noticed lots of people have said it's helped them being on here. Is it because having a visual record of what you're eating has helped to keep you on track, or a combination of reasons? Up to now I've been encouraged reading everyone's stories, and love seeing before and after photos.


  • I believe it's the calorie counting, and the support from the people on this website. Everyone has a goal, and no one is shy to give you a kick in the *kitten* if you need it. They're very friendly, and I think that's definitely a recipe for success.
  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    I think it helps me because I feel like I'm being held accountable for what I eat and how active I am. Seeing other people lose weight is also very motivating... It's always easier to do something when your surrounded by people who have the same goals.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    It works for me because I've discovered I can eat almost anything and lose if I stay within my limits. It isn't a diet where certain foods/food groups are eliminated or I have to eat meat replacements or anything like that. And I find my own progress to be motivating and there is a visual record of it on my ticker!
  • MFP is like weightwatchers but free. You can eat what you want and if you're smart and work your calories right, you can be full and be losing weight. It's fun and with the "times" as far as being technologically savy. Its fun to use my phone to scan foods and have it at my finger tips to let me know what I can eat and if I need more water.

    Yes the settings are general and not customized but for me personally...it DOES feel personalized because it's showing results.
    In 19days I have lost 10lbs!! Not to mention I've had the flu and my period in the last 2 weeks and I still lost weight!

    MFP works and makes losing weight easy. Theres not much thinking that goes into it.
    So many people on MFP makes for a good support system too!
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    It works for me because I've discovered I can eat almost anything and lose if I stay within my limits. It isn't a diet where certain foods/food groups are eliminated or I have to eat meat replacements or anything like that. And I find my own progress to be motivating and there is a visual record of it on my ticker!

    This sums it up!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I'm a newbie, and have noticed lots of people have said it's helped them being on here. Is it because having a visual record of what you're eating has helped to keep you on track, or a combination of reasons? Up to now I've been encouraged reading everyone's stories, and love seeing before and after photos.

    it works because it arms people with knowledge. most "dieters" flail around hopelessly in the dark trying every new fad diet or "get think quick" pill that comes on the market, but without ever really understanding the basic science behind weight loss or gain.

    once you start logging, you learn that you are probably eating alot more than what you thought you were and you can see EXACTLY why you got fat. without the logging, there is no MFP.
  • bids55
    bids55 Posts: 36 Member
    I find that I just didn't realize what I was taking in. Once I tracked it I was able to see what I was doing to myself. Very supportive people on MFP who shared same goals as I do. I am older so please bare with me.... it is kinda like golf.....if you don't keep track how do you know how you are doing.:smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It would be very difficult to stick with calorie counting without MFP.
  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    All of the above, plus everyone on MFP is working toward the same goal. And if you have a particular focus in mind, like a health condition or seeking folks your own age, you can find a group here with similar interests.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I find that it should work because it helps point out trends in my diet that I didn't notice before. I notice them now...still haven't changed them, but I'm aware! =P
  • HokieMama4
    HokieMama4 Posts: 112 Member
    I use MFP like facebook. All of my friends don't have the exact same goals, but we're all moving in the same direction and have at least one major thing in common: we want to be healthy! Each day I look forward to logging my foods and exercise, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that my MFP friends are so good at encouraging and congratulating me! As siily as it may sound, it feels good to have other people recognize my accomplishments (even if they're small). I love feeling like I'm not alone. When I've tried calorie counting before it was easy to skip a meal or quit because no one would know but me. Or I would eat a "cup" of pasta, but really it was closer to 2. Now I'm so much more precise with what I eat and log because I want to be honest and real with my friends - which for me, is much easier than being honest with myself. And that precise counting and consistent tracking is making a huge difference! Of my friends, I only know one of them in person, but there are several of them that really feel like real friends - like we could go out and grab a cup of coffee... if they weren't hundreds or thousands of miles away :wink: I also love to see my friends' updates - they're so encouraging! And each time one of my friends' exercise shows up on my news feed, I feel a sense of friendly competition or motivation spurring me on. The sense of community is really helping me to stay on track - I am LOVING MFP! :happy:

    Side note: I also love all of the foods that are already in the app - makes tracking calories WAY easy! And I like that at the end of each day when I finish logging it tells me an approximate weight in 5 weeks. It reminds me that I'm doing well, and consistency will pay off. I need that reminder when I start feeling impatient with my body.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds about 3 times now. Every time I have lost the weight it has been when I was tracking my food. Last year I found MFP and lost close to 30 pounds in three and a half months. I was feeling great and starting to feel good about how I looked. MFP made is so easy because of the database and the portability of it. (I didn't need to do the math)!

    In July a lot of things in my life started happening that I couldn't control and I found I quit tracking what I was doing and got lazy. Well here it is January and I have gained all but 9 pounds back, so I am starting over. My goal this year is to lose 40 and keep it off! I have made a promise to myself that no matter what I will log my food. I find I am more aware of what I am doing when I do and it at least helps keep me on the right path. I can only do the best I can and not beat myself up for the slips that are bound to happen. Overall is what I look at, if I gain a pound this week I might lose 5 the next, but it is still going in the right direction.

    This year will be better and I am going to reach my goal I just don't think I can do it without MFP. Good Luck
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It helps because you are fully aware of what your eating and burning
    As you are a newbie, haven't you been shocked by some of the high calories you were eating in some foods?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Accountability, solid knowledge, and support. Hard to find that other places. Snark and humor - not hard to find, but harder to mix with weight loss.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    The calorie counting system is easy, and it's a quick visual guide to how I'm doing in a day. I'm a number-oriented person, so seeing it all right in front of me like that makes it easier to choose what I will eat. Seeing the totals makes it easier to keep myself accountable.

    And when things go 'wrong' I can see at a glance exactly where the problem lies.
  • jillthrasher
    jillthrasher Posts: 9 Member
    For me, it's accountability. It's also a cheat sheet for how good or bad food is for me. But ultimately? It's points (calories). It's a game. I have to come in "under" points every day, and when I exercise I "earn" points and it makes me feel like I'm winning.
  • jhmohr
    jhmohr Posts: 1 Member
    For me it's accountabilty. You have to be honest and track everything that you eat and drink in order for you to be sucessful in your journey. There have been several days that I totally changed my meal plan for a given meal because I was approaching my daily limit, without the use of MFP I would not had known.

    I lost 30 lbs on my own without MFP and for several months could not get the scale to move either way. A friend told me about MFP and how easy it was to use. I installed it the next day and was amazed by it's contents. I have now lost over 65 pounds total and continue to use it everyday.

    Have fun!!
  • Ella543
    Ella543 Posts: 12
    Thank you for your replies. It's really interesting to read of your experiences with the site. I feel as though I suddenly have a lot of supportive new friends.
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I find that I just didn't realize what I was taking in. Once I tracked it I was able to see what I was doing to myself.

    This is my main thing. And having the app on my phone makes it really easy. Even if I'm out with people it is not unusual to input my food on my phone because people are always grabbing their phone to check things out anyway.

    Before the MFP and the phone app I was stuck trying to remember what I ate when I got home and would forget things.
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    MFP was voted best DIY diet program by Consumer Reports this month. I've been on here for over a year and love this site, the friends, help and motivation you get.

    Here's the article: