How is your family with your weight loss efforts?



  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    I also have daughters and I think it's great when they are paying attention to what I am doing to lose weight. Eating HEALTHY is crucial for everyone and they learn by what they see. Just keep educating them as you learn. It might not mean anything to them now, but later in life they will remember what it takes to get those extra pounds off and how important it is to LIVE a healthy life instead of struggling with weight issues. Good Luck and good for you for being an awesome role model for them. :smile:
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I haven't told my husband that I'm dieting, I just try to eat healthier when around him. It's not easy because he only eats certain foods, very limited in vegetables. He is willing to try new things as long as he knows what's in it but it is slow going. I'm trying to get away from frying everything--that seems to be the only cooking method he knows, but I work late two days a week and he does the cooking on those days. I am trying to make foods ahead that he can just heat up but he seems to revert to pulling out the frying pan most days.
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
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  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I just want them to see what they are doing to themselves...I guess I had thought when they saw my success and how healthy I had become that they would want the same for themselves.

    Perhaps you are not aware that you are undermining them. They are not so stupid as to not know that already. And they will not take advice from someone who is so obese. You haven't yet earned the right to give them advice. You are behaving like an ex-addict who is out to save everyone from themselves.

    Save yourself from yourself. Don't depend on them for support and don't belittle them with your successes. We each walk our own paths. You can lead by example, but when you lead in arrogance, you lose - and they do too.

    Did you even read what I wrote, or just scroll through and pick out what you wanted? I'm not undermining them and know that they are not stupid. They know that they are unhealthy, they know what they need to do, they just don't want to right now. I WAS obese, and I have worked extremely hard to get where I am now. I'm not trying to save anyone, but they are my family. You are so ignorant and quick to judge me. You should really be ashamed. I am doing this with my twin sister, and she wants to see our family healthy as well. We want to help them because we want to have more time with them. I have every right to give advice, I have been losing weight for over a year, and try to learn what I can. I give advice when asked, I don't just dish it out every chance I get.

    I am in no way arrogant. Don't tell me how I am or am not behaving. You know nothing about me, my journey, my family. This is a topic about whether there is support at home or not. And no, I don't. My support is my pals here on MFP, I feel so sorry for anyone that is a friend of yours on here. I depend on myself for support. No, I don't need it from anyone else, I haven't had it from anyone else thus far besides the people on this site. I would never belittle them with my successes, I have worked hard and I never boast about it. I keep it to myself when I am home, and anywhere else. If people ask me, I tell them.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    my familiy doesn't know. Only my husband which is pretty much watching everything i eat. it's annoying.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I just want them to see what they are doing to themselves...I guess I had thought when they saw my success and how healthy I had become that they would want the same for themselves.

    Perhaps you are not aware that you are undermining them. They are not so stupid as to not know that already. And they will not take advice from someone who is so obese. You haven't yet earned the right to give them advice. You are behaving like an ex-addict who is out to save everyone from themselves.

    Save yourself from yourself. Don't depend on them for support and don't belittle them with your successes. We each walk our own paths. You can lead by example, but when you lead in arrogance, you lose - and they do too.

    Well someone is a bit judgmental today. Perhaps you should save yourself from yourself. You know nothing about her or her family. You're post is rude and not beneficial in anyway.

    My family is very supportive. I never told anyone I was going to lose weight or made a big thing about it. As the weight came off and they noticed, they asked questions.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    My daughter is 11 so she is getting to that age, and I feel that I have "messed" with her mind. I have heard her say stuff in the past about "do these pants make me look fat?" (something I have said in the past :sad: ) She is not even 70 pounds. My kids are active and fit but unfortunately, I am not, and my husband is definately not. (he suffered a stroke in June 2011 and was only 43-luckily it wasn't that bad but it was due to his diabetes, lifestyle, etc) So because of that, I want to take care of myself so I am there for my kids.

    I am trying my dangest to bring more fruit and veggies into the meals and always get one in their lunch and at dinner. They will eat them as snacks too. We are trying to get out of the processed food, as if it is in the house, my husband will eat it and I am trying to make things from scratch these days.

    Thank you again for the support!


    Sounds to me like you're being a great mom here trying to do better by your girls!

    My family is supportive, but I really don't talk much about my diet or fitness with them. They don't quite "get" it though they are happy seeing me healthier, more active, and more comfortable in my own skin. My husband doesn't quite get it either, but he eats whatever I cook even if it's light and has been very supportive as well.

    I would just avoid any negative talk about food. Don't label some food as "bad." Instead, talk about "better" options. Keep a positive spin on it, and focus on overall health and wellbeing.

    Good luck to you!
  • Corkline
    Corkline Posts: 107
    Hubs and I aren't living together (thanks work) but I'm working on the tone of his emails...he's trying to be super supportive, but I nearly spit out my chocolate truffle last night when he said he'd been "bad" and made a pan of brownies. Dude, if its in my macros, and I want it, I eat it... But over all he's very supportive. Cheering me on, promising not to sending me trigger food based care packages, hunting down PB2 and all.

    My roommate, on the other hand... Omg, you're so skinny! Don't worry about it! She's one of those tiny, bony people.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    My wife is partially supportive. She encourages me when I work out and tell her how much I lost each week, but she's also in denial. She hates the way she looks and wants to lose weight too but isn't ready to put the work in. We're eating and shopping healthier and she asked about some of the exercises she could do on our home gym but that's it. I occasionally ask if she wants me to show her a couple exercises but she tells me not yet. She's still waiting for the weight loss fairy to come and take care of it for her. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and encourage her no matter what.
  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    I don’t really get any encouragement, but my wife does do really good at helping me find healthy foods and my daughters are young so they don’t think much about it. I’ve done the lifestyle change for almost a year and a half. I’ve lost over 150 lbs. and still have a long way to go. They will, every once and a while, say “good job” if it’s brought up, but on a frequent basis, no, and they never ask. Which is fine, I made myself this way, it’s up to me to fix it. It just gets tough when they can eat what they want, so on occasion they have fast food or sweets, (i.e. birthday cake, candy bars and my favorite, Girl Scout cookies). But they love me for me and that’s better than encouragement.
  • bambi_woodward
    I kind of see it as me setting an example for the long term. They don't restrict themselves from foods, and they still have candy or sweets as a treat. But we don't make a habit out of it.

    I agree, as long as they are not asking me "Do I look fat" then I think it's fine. They are not on a diet, they are starting out healthy, where as I wasn't able to as a kid. If that makes sense.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Good for now. Great in fact. In about ten more pounds I expect them to tell me to put on the brakes, though. And I know perfectly well what weight is best for me and my gimped up spine.

    Although 129 is a decent weight it still leaves a lot around my hips and lower belly hanging off those poor injured discs. Since my family doesn't see me running around in a midriff top they have no clue how much of my weight I carry there, so they will tell me I'm too skinny before I hit goal.
  • bambi_woodward
    Absolutely! I don't want you all to think that I walk around saying I'm fat and I need to lose weight. They tell me enough how pretty they think I am :) But they do notice me watching what I'm eating, and like any small child, they want to do the same. To them it's a game, but in the future, they'll have a better understanding of what's good food and what's junk.
  • WeightWatcherCindy
    My husband and daughter are very supportive . They both eat whatever I cook or make so healthy eating isn't a big deal for them . My daughter walks with me . 2-3 miles every day it's nice enough to go walk outside .
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    When I first started, I decided not to tell my husband. I can casually turn down unhealthy foods, right?

    Wrong! Haha. He kept teasing me to go have some ice cream - he knows I LOVE ice cream. Finally I gave in and told him that I'm being careful about what I eat. I don't think he understands it still - he keeps talking about only eating healthy foods, and gosh knows, there's a little junk in my diet! - but at least now he's supportive. VERY supportive, actually. I think he's more comfortable talking about it than I am!

    I have a daughter who's 3, and I don't really think she's noticed. If she ever does, however, I figure I'll explain to her that I'm trying to eat less food that's bad for me so I can be healthy. :)
  • TexasTexasTexas
    Hi Karyn,

    My hubby was semi-supportive until last week. I came home Dec 27 from the doctor (not for weight) and I was depressed at the 165 lbs they wrote by my name. I told him that day that I was changing my habits...but I've said it so many times before. However, the next day I had one cup of coffee. I've had 4/heavy cream daily for 25 yrs. A few other changes but not drastic. The main change has been to eat when I can feel I'm hungry, and to stop when I'm NOT hungry anymore (vs eating until I feel full, ugh). Last night I called him to read scale (I thought I was seeing it wrong). I weigh 158 now. My husband got up early this morning and took dogs for 2 mile walk! He also talked to me about not buying chips or junk anymore. And that we've gone a month before but we went back to bad habits. I think he's considering healthy habits? He is proud of me.

    My extended family: like several others, I come from a fat family. All get-togethers are about food and stuffing yourself. I'm considered thin since they're h-u-g-e. They do crash diets, pills, etc. no exercise ever. This is the first year we stayed away at Thanksgiving for several reasons. It was our best Thanksgiving. It's difficult for me to be around so many lethargic obese people because America is getting so fat in general. Seriously, this website is my "support system" right now.
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    I have the most loving husband. He has never made a negative comment when I've gained, and still gives loving comments no matter what size I am.

    At my age (57) my reply now is often 'at my age I can do (insert whatever here)' to my grandchildren who want to know why they can't do something but I can.

    Do your best and the rest of the world will just have to suck it up or move out of your way. Good luck.