
I did insanity work out currently doing it second time around and I love it but I want to put on muscle mass has anyone done p90x? wondering if it will give me muscle mass or basically just weight loss like insanity(mostly cardio)


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    P90X is more strength focused than Insanity. If you choose a weight that allows you to max out at 8-10 reps and eat a calorie surplus on lift days, you will build muscle.

    I'm on week 11 and have seen a definite increase in the size of my biceps, triceps and shoulders. My weight has pretty much stayed the same, but I have dropped some body fat and am seeing much more definition all over.
  • omidiano
    P90X is a bit bull**** just do starting strength by babylovers..
  • Leanalgreen
    Leanalgreen Posts: 36 Member
    P90X is decent for putting on muscle mass if you eat the right amount of food, but it's definitely not ideal if you're trying to do any kind of bulk. There is another team beachbody DVD set called Body Beast. It is strictly for putting on muscle. It does require a gym or some equipment though.
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    P90X will help you build muscle - how much will depend on what kind of weight you use, your goal reps, and your diet. If you use a weight that only allows you to do 8-10 reps and eat a proper diet with lots of protein and a calorie surplus on lift days it can help you build muscle. I don't know that it's the type of program that would really bulk you - like another poster said Body Beast would probably be better for that sort of thing.

    I'm currently ending week 7 of P90x and I've noticed more lean muscle and more definition - weight is about the same, but that's what I'm going for (not looking for bulk).

    If bulk is what you want you need to eat the right diet to support it. Otherwise no matter exercises you do your body won't be properly fueled to build the way you want.