share your day with everyone ...

:glasses: go!

I cleaned the whole house and the sun is actually out today!!!!


  • Hi rashell2011 here need help on how to start and are those rasberrie ketones good for weight loss too and how many should you take
  • I slept in this morning . :smile: went and visited my Dad for awhile . Ran to town and picked up some necessities from Walmart . Got dog and cat food at Tractor Suply . Did 3 loads of laundry . Now I'm going back to my Dads soon for another visit then home to make dinner .
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    On nights at the moment so slept until 4pm, got up and had breakky. Did some food prep, got ready and started my shift. It's 6am my time now and I'm waiting for my 'day' to end. Then ill go home and sleep

    I didn't choose the thug life...
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Just got back from a 5 mile hike on this GLORIOUS beautiful day!!
  • Well i baked a cake for my husband birthday today and yes i will break my diet today for his birthday, but i will still workout like usual. Plus it's such a beautiful day today
  • Two hours of intense dancing this morning. My favorite, but now my back hurts just a little. Laundry, clean the kitchen, I'll vacuum soon. It's a pretty good day and not too stressful.