The 210 down to 200 range! Lets hit 199 together!!

Today the scale read 209.4 and I'm hoping to reach 199 by 2/28. I've been in this 209 spot quite a few times and only ONCE in the past 17 years have managed to hit 198.. and then regained (awful marriage, huge career stress, etc)

I'm 5'3", engaged, mom of a large family, and have a size 10 wedding dress that I hope to wear in late fall. I'm currently a size 16/18 (closer to the 16).

But my big focus RIGHT NOW is hitting 199. I'd love to fill this up with others in that same 10lb range so we can motivate each other! Feel free to add me as a friend. I love chatty people!


  • immz35
    immz35 Posts: 59 Member
    Im really trying to focus in getting under 200 myself right now.. im currently 216 so I got bit more to go than you..

    will send u a frendy..
  • Fine with me! :) You're a guy, so you might just get there faster than I do. I visited London for the first time in Nov and really enjoyed wandering around. Most of my time was spent in Wales, but London was probably my most lackadaisical "so where do you want to go?" day and just playing it by ear.
  • ejbraun
    ejbraun Posts: 93 Member
    214lbs right now, started at 307. Reacts to be under 200. Add me if you'd like :)
  • KSadgrove
    KSadgrove Posts: 5 Member
    I'm around 210 at the moment after a little christmas weight gain! Can't wait to be under 200 :) Just added you
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Hi, I'm at 202 and want to be 199 by end of this month. Do add me if you want to xx
  • pegganne70
    pegganne70 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm at 206 and would like to be at 199 at the end of this mo. Add me if you would like . thanks
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I'm 215 lbs Working on 200-205 by next month .. I have a goal to get down to about 175-180 in 20 weeks for summer .
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    207 here!!!! Can't wait!
  • BeyondTrouble
    BeyondTrouble Posts: 62 Member
    I'm at 207.6 right now and really want to see ONEderland by Valentines day.
  • tjmschet
    tjmschet Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all. 213 here. Goal weight 150.Can't wait to hit that 199 mark. Haven't been under 200 since 2003. Please add me if you would like.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I was 202.2 this morning. It seems like it's taking forever to get to 199! Good luck
  • 202/204 this week. lol

    add me too. =)
  • Raybug0903
    Raybug0903 Posts: 86 Member
    I started at 210, currently 207 right now. Let's do this! I'll add you as a friend.
  • FunFitFast
    FunFitFast Posts: 35 Member
    Add me :)))
  • I'm a bit higher than you guys, I'm at 221 but I'm determined to see the 100's in a couple of months! Feel free to add me
  • peggy822
    peggy822 Posts: 23 Member
    206 lasr momday, can't wait to hit 199! I am with you
  • 202.2 Was hoping to hit 199 in the next week or 2. This is always where I seem to get stuck.
  • kesslertg
    kesslertg Posts: 54 Member
    213.4 right now. Started last March at 216, got down to 195 by July, but here I am post-holidays, lol. So I will accept the challenge. I can crack 200 by 2/28 (I think). Maybe create a Group and invite us in and we'll all prop each other up over the next six weeks.
  • bids55
    bids55 Posts: 36 Member
    :smile: Guy here. Started at 227.6 218.6.....started again Jan 4 . Want to be 210 by Feb 20 and under 200 by April 1st. Send me friend if you'd like and we'll make this happen
  • kimmy_1432
    kimmy_1432 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I'm at 206 right now and started my journey at 217. I'm a shortie 5'2. I'd LOVE to see the 190's again since the last time I was the small was 6 years ago. I'm always looking for motivation since this has been a really hard journey for me. I lack self control and am a sugar addict.