4'11 - 5'2 ladies?



  • Hi All Short Ones!

    I am 4'10"...and you are all right, i always said i didn't have a weight problem, i had a height problem.

    I am short, i have big features (i.e. big booty, big chest), always have, always will. They say an ideal weight for someone my height would be between 95-115lbs. the reality of that is, i would look ridiculous if i weight that little. My body is just not built for that.

    So i think with these weight ranges, you almost have to take it with a grain of salt. The weight you are looking to lose should reflect how you feel! My first goal is to drop 50lbs, i know i can do it, and i will! After that marker, i will take it from there and re-examine my goals and decide if i FEEL i should shed some more, or, if i FEEL that it's time to maintain...

    Best of Luck!!!
  • thickgirl25
    thickgirl25 Posts: 36 Member
  • Howdy!

    I'm a fellow shorty, and I just started MFP and my weight loss journey 3.5 weeks ago. My starting weight was 164 lbs, and I am currently 153 lbs. I recently gradu-ma-cated from the "obese" category, and I am now considered "overweight. I started at size 12 and am down to size 10/8.

    I'm hoping to get to 120 lbs, and I'll figure out where to go from there! Please feel free to add me! I'm pretty active here (not as much on the message boards, but definitely with the updates), so I'll offer as much support to you as I can!
  • 5'2 I started at 192! Now 148.5 with 18 pounds to go! It's been a struggle!
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    5'2" starting again at 148 pounds (sigh). End goal of 125ish (secret goal of 120 but think I love food too much to ever get there). Going to do lots of resistance exercise, so if I can get back into my size 10 (UK) clothes at a heavier weight I will be a happy bunny!
  • mayasmommy84
    mayasmommy84 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 174 pounds now. My weight before baby was 186 and I gained up to 216. It's taken a lot of hard work, constant thinking about losing weight always in my head so I can watch what I eat. I'm only now adding exercise due to other circumstances/my health. My goal is 130, still borderline overweight for my height! I think that's a healthy weight for that height. Right now I'm definitely in the obese category but so excited to be nearing the high end of "overweight." I've always wished to be taller and have a longer torso - any fat just sticks out on my super short torso!
  • I am 5'1 and I started out at 190 dropped to 122 and gained a bit back. I am currently 144 with a goal of 135.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    I everyone! I am 5'1" and I weigh 131. I started at 136, then went down to 122 and gained some back due to stress of TTC. Doctors told me not to exercise for months, and I hated it! Because depressed and stressed, so I am working out again as much and as hard as I want too!!! GW-120 UGW-118!
  • kknana
    kknana Posts: 19 Member
    What did you do to lose the weight? I'm 5"2. Started at 188 now at 159 so I have 30 lbs to go. In my 40s and it is SLOOOW
  • Tamika_84
    Tamika_84 Posts: 55 Member
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Hey there! I'm 4'11, I started on here at 180 (my highest weight ever) back in June 2011. After some ups and downs (and more ups), I got down to 132 in August 2012. After a really stressful and busy semester, I was back up to 147 (and between a US size 6 and 8). I'm now at 144 with an ultimate goal of 125 (preferably less, but I think this is more realistic), but my first mini goal is to get back to 132. It is tough to lose at our height, but it can definitely be done. For me, working out is key or else I feel like I am starving!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm a bit taller at 5'3"

    SW 179 CW 144 GW 125ish or when I'm happy with the size/looks of my tummy.

    I've gone from a tight size 16 to a loose size 8, since Christmas Eve last year.

    Lost over 40 inches. :)
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    I am 5'2" and god forbid i gain two-three lbs, i feel it immedietley. Highest was 175, lowest was 130 when i was in 6th grade. My goal is to get back to 130 and i am currently 154. Anyone is welcome to add me. :) i have been working on losing weight for a few years and it is a rollercoaster ride. I like to believe i will get to my goal by summer but if i can be 14o-145 i will be happy. It has been challenging with my crazy school schedule. (The irony is that i am going for nutrition, LOL)
  • merrittrd
    merrittrd Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! I gained 10ish pounds this year. I got up to 156/157 and now I'm back down to 150. I want to get to 130 or 135 eventually but for now my goal is 140 for spring break. It's so nice to see some people that are my height! Add me :)
  • christinakeaton
    christinakeaton Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all!!!
    I am 29 years old about to be 30 in January :) I am 5'2 and I weigh 138 right now. for several years I have kept my weight right at 133 but have now gained 5 pounds...
    I work out at the gym regularly but have fallen away from going 3 to 4 times a week. That mixed with my unealty eating is what caused this 5 pound weight gain. It is not very noticable but I can definately feel it.
    December is the worst month for me with all the food and eating out at lunch at work for different functions, so I am planning to hit it off hard in the new year with a healthy eating plan and regular weekly visits to the gym. I would love to be at 125!!!

    Good luck to you all, we can do this!!!!!
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am 4'11, some days 5'0 when I'm over confident and I weight 208 pounds. According to my height and weight I am morbidly obese and should weight between 115 and 125 lbs. the last time that I was 130, I was 20 and it was right before I became pregnant with my son. I am 30 now. I would like to lose around 80 pounds or at least be in a size 8, I see and hear weight loss stories of women who lose 50 pounds or more but they are all 5'5 and up. 200 pounds on a five foot tall woman looks COMPLETELY different on a woman who is 5'7..and so does the weight loss. Here are my measurements as of last sat, waist: 43, hips: 50.5 and legs: 27.5 I would love to hear from you ladies who are my height or close to it who are going on this journey of weight loss OR have a success story to share. If you have pics and measurements that you feel comfortable sharing thats great! I really need the motivation and to know that I am not alone. If you are this height, what are/were your goals? Thanks in advance ladies!

    I made a similiar post like this today, all the short ladies who see this feel free to add me I need all the support I can get. I'm 4'11 trying to lose around -75 more lbs to reach my goal!
  • tRiNaBeAnZz
    tRiNaBeAnZz Posts: 114 Member
    This is amazing! I had no idea we had such a large group of shorties!
    Just to add - those BMI charts are rather irritating. Let's face it - most adults are over 5ft (sad, but true), so generally someone around 4'11 is a teen or even child (people keep getting taller!) and if a child weighed 130+, most would consider that overweight. But as an adult woman, I don't completely agree with the recommended weight according to those charts. Women should have curves and muscles and a figure, (this is just my opinion, I don't mean to offend) and under 130 or 120 may be too small for some. Thoughts?
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    This is amazing! I had no idea we had such a large group of shorties!
    Just to add - those BMI charts are rather irritating. Let's face it - most adults are over 5ft (sad, but true), so generally someone around 4'11 is a teen or even child (people keep getting taller!) and if a child weighed 130+, most would consider that overweight. But as an adult woman, I don't completely agree with the recommended weight according to those charts. Women should have curves and muscles and a figure, (this is just my opinion, I don't mean to offend) and under 130 or 120 may be too small for some. Thoughts?
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Omg Trina I totally agree you know I come across some 9-12 year olds our same height (4'11) lol smh
  • purplekty
    purplekty Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Happy New Year!!! :tongue: (I know late) but work has been hectic..But i've been on track....But its a New Year and i'm looking for some new/more support...I have 73lbs to go but I have a cruise coming up in May and I would like to at least loose 30lbs before then.

    So i'm looking for major support and motivation. I'm at a plateau right now so any help would be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    Age (41)
    height (5'3)
    start weight (248)
    current weight (230)
    goal weight (140-145)
  • Hello shorties :)
    I am 5ft 2 and this is my first week!
    I started at 200lbs and have lost 5lbs already. I am finding it suprisingly easy so far with MFP, not sure if it'd be the same had i not been recommended it. I have a long way to go, I'd love to get down to 9st 7lb/133lbs. I definitely think shorties have the disadvantage when it comes to weight, Mine is mostly on my belly and my boobs are around a 36GG so I swear they weigh a stone each lol!
    Anyway, Good luck to everyone :) xx
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