IIFYM. If you don't know what this means, GIH

IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros.

IIFYM. If you're new to the nutrition section of these wonderful forums, you've probably already seen this saying multiple times and may be wondering what it means. Let's further explore it's true meaning.

The majority of the new (even some of the old) members on these forums see the IIFYM slogan in a number of signatures and don't like it, so they jump to conclusions and turn to their broscience. "You can't eat carbs that late at night, you can't eat junk food and expect to see the same results as someone who has has clean diet, you'll get fat eating ice cream on a daily basis, stop telling people to eat as many brownies as they want, etc."
The list goes on further than the energizer bunny can walk. Before you jump to conclusions, do everyone a favor and familiarize yourself with the basic knowledge the forum has provided you with in the sticky's. This being said we can now begin our journey.

First, I'd like to point out that no one in the IIFYM crew is telling you to eat a 4 gallon pail of ice cream, 30 big macs, 50 brownies, 5 large pizza's or any other hyperbole you can think up, because that's just ridiculous and it wouldn't fit your macros. All they are trying to say is it's okay to Indulge in your favorite foods as long as you're putting your macros first. Generally what you may want to do just to get a feel for the diet is hit 80% of your total caloric needs for the day, usually filling your protein and fat requirements first, using the remaining 20% for any food of your choice. Personally I would use a food that contained mostly carbohydrates but it's up to you. Obviously depending on your diet regimen the remaining 20% of your macros may vary. Please note, 80/20 is simply a guideline for beginners. Once you can fully grasp what IIFYM stands for, you can start taking it further. ---> If It Fit Your Macros <--- If you have to read this 1000 times before it sinks in, do so now. Please understand. You can quite literally eat anything you please as long as it fits into your macros. There is no exaggeration here folks, If It Fits Your Macros, eat it.

Second, I know some of the members in the IIFYM crew may seem a tad cocky and obnoxious at times but believe me when I tell you, 99.9% of the time they're only looking out for your best interests. The way I see it, if you can't indulge in the foods you love, you're just gonna be miserable. By walling off your favorite foods, all you're doing is releasing the parking brake of the Bugatti Veyron that is your will power and thus enabling the inevitable, colossal binge that is the tree at the bottom of the hill you're on. From now on instead of thinking of IIFYM as something that may negatively impact your diet, think of it as as a blessing sent from above, Because let's be real, I know everyone must be tired of eating Chicken breasts and rice by now. =)

Remember, everything is good “in moderation”
