
rgohm Posts: 294 Member
I think I am doing fairly well with losing weight and working out lately. I will be honest and say I am less impressed with what I have been eating. The last three days I have went over my calorie allowance and that wouldn't bother me so much if it was because I really had to have a piece of fruit or a vegetable or something healthy, but, of course, it seems to be a less healthy choice of maybe cookies (Whonu cookies, but still)! I think the worst part is I have been craving cake like crazy the last three days. I almost bought one tonight, thinking that I would just have a small piece, HA! Like one small piece would ever be enough!!! The thing that amazes me is the all consuming want I have for a piece of cake. I hate admitting it but it almost feels unbearable to not have a piece, and how silly is that!? My goal is to get to bed tonight without eating anything else and I know I will. Have any of you ever felt like this over any certain type of food? If so, what was it and how did you beat it?


  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    sugar addiction strikes again
  • yep, I had so many healthy bars stacked up in the cupboard, all of a sudden I started snacking on them because I was hungry, im soo disappointed as I did well last week and lost 7lbs this week I lost nothing which lead to me snacking :/
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I have no one food - I crave all of them. One day I want pizza, the next I want cookies... I find drinking warm tea or just a glass of water helps calm those cravings down a bit and then I try to keep myself busy (boredom definitely is a recipe for snacking). But if it's so bad that I'm going cross eyed, I'll find a way to get a small serving of what I want - either by finding the smallest piece (or cutting the smallest piece) or going to a convenience store to find a single serving size of the food I want to eat (chips). I'd love to say that I'm perfect and never eat it, but there are some days where I know that if I don't have just a little bit of it now, I'm only going to end up binging on a ton of it later so for me it's preventative. You just need to be disciplined enough to say, "OK, I had some That's good enough. Walking away now."
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    yep, I had so many healthy bars stacked up in the cupboard, all of a sudden I started snacking on them because I was hungry, im soo disappointed as I did well last week and lost 7lbs this week I lost nothing which lead to me snacking :/

    Yes! This is exactly what happened to me. I bought some "healthier" snack for myself like those Whonu cookies and some skinny cow chocolates and I think that set this whole thing OFF! I can't believe the urge for sweet things I have right now, it is horrible!
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    yeh...the night before Thanksgiving I had a craving for French bread...funny because I don't necessarily eat bread...so I looked and looked and finally found a SMALL loaf at Wallmart..only about 7 inches long...pretty small...so I had THAT for dinner...nothing else...the next day I ended up sick, with zits on my face, lips all red and swollen, and severe brain fog....guess what...I had a gluten attack....I went to my family dinner, left early and when I got home I spent the rest of the weekend in bed....I had a DR appt the next week so I told my DR what had happened and she took a blood test right then before I left....I culdn't get the results for a month, and when I did see her, I found out tat the test was negative, but she referred me to a specialist for further testing...in the meantime, I have to continue eating gluten so I will have an accurate test result...after I get the final results, I will have to go gluten free....I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS EXPERIENCE...so when I adjust my diet, I will not go back....I want to know whether this is Celiac, or some other level of gluten issue.one is an autoimmune issue and the other level is just an intolerance/allergy/etc...the first is LIFELONG, and the latter I might outgrow in a few years...I really WANT to have this info...and if it is Celiac then all my family has to watch for it......I will admit, this has been an awful experience....

    other than this, I have pretty much kicked my other carb cravings, by adding protein shakes to my diet...but be careful of ENSURE HIGH PROTEIN...I had a near fatal accident after drinking one of these...unless it was a gluten reaction (I did not have gluten within 2 days of this) what happened was my brain just went blank,,,I lost conciousness for just a moment...but that was enough, to be driving out of control....please be careful, if you add this to your diet program
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I have no one food - I crave all of them. One day I want pizza, the next I want cookies... I find drinking warm tea or just a glass of water helps calm those cravings down a bit and then I try to keep myself busy (boredom definitely is a recipe for snacking). But if it's so bad that I'm going cross eyed, I'll find a way to get a small serving of what I want - either by finding the smallest piece (or cutting the smallest piece) or going to a convenience store to find a single serving size of the food I want to eat (chips). I'd love to say that I'm perfect and never eat it, but there are some days where I know that if I don't have just a little bit of it now, I'm only going to end up binging on a ton of it later so for me it's preventative. You just need to be disciplined enough to say, "OK, I had some That's good enough. Walking away now."

    I am so happy we are MFP friends, you are very insightful and have a lot of good suggestions, thank you! I do have a plan 1.) no more having a variety of snacks on hand, no matter how great I think I am doing (one and only one at a time). 2.) One "treat" a day and hopefully it can be some greek yogurt with graham crackers possibly instead of chocolate. I did find a free sample of pineapple greek yogurt, which sounds gross, but is actually quite a treat. 3.) remind myself why I am trying to get healthy and realize I can have cake, in small amounts when I have this urge better under control.
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    other than this, I have pretty much kicked my other carb cravings, by adding protein shakes to my diet...but be careful of ENSURE HIGH PROTEIN...I had a near fatal accident after drinking one of these...unless it was a gluten reaction (I did not have gluten within 2 days of this) what happened was my brain just went blank,,,I lost conciousness for just a moment...but that was enough, to be driving out of control....please be careful, if you add this to your diet program

    Wow I have never heard of that happening before, yikes! I am glad you are okay!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I have no one food - I crave all of them. One day I want pizza, the next I want cookies... I find drinking warm tea or just a glass of water helps calm those cravings down a bit and then I try to keep myself busy (boredom definitely is a recipe for snacking). But if it's so bad that I'm going cross eyed, I'll find a way to get a small serving of what I want - either by finding the smallest piece (or cutting the smallest piece) or going to a convenience store to find a single serving size of the food I want to eat (chips). I'd love to say that I'm perfect and never eat it, but there are some days where I know that if I don't have just a little bit of it now, I'm only going to end up binging on a ton of it later so for me it's preventative. You just need to be disciplined enough to say, "OK, I had some That's good enough. Walking away now."

    I am so happy we are MFP friends, you are very insightful and have a lot of good suggestions, thank you! I do have a plan 1.) no more having a variety of snacks on hand, no matter how great I think I am doing (one and only one at a time). 2.) One "treat" a day and hopefully it can be some greek yogurt with graham crackers possibly instead of chocolate. I did find a free sample of pineapple greek yogurt, which sounds gross, but is actually quite a treat. 3.) remind myself why I am trying to get healthy and realize I can have cake, in small amounts when I have this urge better under control.

    Smart plan. I never keep snack foods in the house because I know that if it's in my house, it's going in my mouth. If I want it bad enough, I can walk my big butt to the store and get it. :)