What are the pros and cons of having a cheat day for meals?

I want to hear the opinions of having a cheat day


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Pro: you get to eat whatever you want

    Con: having a cheat meal/day makes it easy to get off track and fall back into old habits

    Compromise: fit the foods you want into your calorie and macro goals
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Pro: I get to indulge. I really keep it at more of a "cheat evening" - reasonable breakfast and lunch, no soda, - but lots of people have entire days and do just fine.

    Con: None for me. I like it. It helps keep me balanced. Others have found it knocks them off track. That's valid, too.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Real life. If you think about healthy eating as a long term commitment it will be difficult to sustain unless you let yourself splurge on a favorite food or overall calories every now and then. Just keep it reasonable and get back on the wagon.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It is completely up to the individual. It doesn't work for me because 1. I can put away 7000+ calories in a single cheat day and wipe out more than a week of deficits and 2. Cheat days tend to turn into cheat weeks for me.

    However for those who can do it, a cheat day or meal can provide stress release by giving you the ability to say not today, I'll eat that on my cheat day if I want it, and possibly even help with your metabolism.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've never done cheat days. I just work whatever I want to have into my calorie goal. I've never really felt the need to "cheat" by doing it that way.
  • klackey23
    I've always had a cheat day, sometimes 2, each week. As long as you can just have your cheat day and not continuing cheating for rest of the week it's a good way to not feel as deprived in your diet. I've read it can also help with your metabolism, but there's always debate about that. I've consistently lost weight each week even with cheat days (until the last two weeks when -- go figure -- I didn't really do my cheat days because I only added a couple beers each day and exercised too much)

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  • MegDaig
    MegDaig Posts: 17 Member
    Maintain sanity
    Enjoy what you have been missing

    Can overindulge...ruin a week's worth of work
    Leads to more cravings in the long run
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    pro: they are awesome

    con: none for this guy
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Pro: It's easier to stick to a tough diet when you know a cheat day is coming.

    Con: Once you start over-eating, it can be hard to stop.

    I wish I didn't have to cheat, but I know myself too well. I will go overboard at least once a week, so I schedule it for Saturday. So far it hasn't hurt my weekly goals.
  • richytm
    richytm Posts: 16
    I'm also interested in the pros and cons of a cheat day
    A question to those that use them, do you still track your calories for the day and how many extra will you typically consume?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I also think it is highly individual. I do not have cheat days or meals. It would completely derail me. In 211 days, I have never gone over my calories. I have, however, enjoyed wonderful meals out, birthday cake, all my favorite foods and several special occasions. I just work it in and plan extra exercise on those days I know will involve special occasion food.

    I have given up processed food, junk food, and empty calories. If I were to go back that, I would only be cheating myself.
  • catiegirlnyc
    If you eat 3 days worth of food in one cheat day or meal, you have done more harm then good. reward yourself with feeling good and keeping on track. If you crave something, have a small amount of it - don't save it up for a special day. that way, your body is not getting shocked by sugar highs etc.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I've never done cheat days. I just work whatever I want to have into my calorie goal. I've never really felt the need to "cheat" by doing it that way.

    I agree.

    I'm having a snack of cookies and wine right now and will end the day meeting all my macros and staying under my calorie goal.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days..I have a treat or 2 a day to help with the cravings..somedays my treat my bigger than others but I never take a whole day off.. defeats that purpose if you ask me.
  • sartu
    sartu Posts: 15
    I have a cheat meal usually on the weekend if I really want it. It helps me be good when I am dying for something bad like a bag of peanut m&m's while chewing on celery sticks. I had mine yesterday and almost died when I actually calculated the calories for the meals at Village Inn on mfp. One meal that was even scaled down took up a whole days worth of calories. I stretched the sandwich over the course of the day and I am good to go. I also take supplements to keep the food moving right along when I cheat. The scale doesnt yell at me too much the next day.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    My cheat day has always been Sundays (before my diet, everyday was a cheat day actually). Sundays would start with eggs,sausage,potatoes,and toast for breakfast. Lunch, I would hop on the couch and turn on the football package, and watch all day long, with pizza, or a cheesesteak, fries, etc. Dinner was usually reasonable. It was a lazy day for me, with lots of bad foods & calories. I still plan to relax on Sundays, and unwind, but maybe with 2 slices of pizza, or 1 slice and some fries. Maybe make breakfast consist of egg whites and wheat toast.

    Really, now just starting out, I feel like a drug addict getting out of rehab, I dont want to even think about cheating any day. I am afraid I will slip or fall off the wagon
  • BigH89
    BigH89 Posts: 44
    I've never done cheat days. I just work whatever I want to have into my calorie goal. I've never really felt the need to "cheat" by doing it that way.

    This ^

    Fit some "cheat foods" into your calories and macronutrients for the day.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    i tend to have a cheat meal where i save all day and then make what i want fit in to my calories... maybe once a month (like last nights friends bday party) i went over by 500 calories, but i logged it all and cleaned my house top to bottom today as punishment. Makes me feel like i pay for it or earn it.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    It helps to first identify what a "cheat day" is.

    If you say it is eat as much of whatever you want all day long non-stop... then there really is no pro.

    If you go by a standard, lets say TDEE+250 or TDEE+500 calories, then you have some sort of basis to argue pro and con.

    Pro: It can offset cortisol build up gained through prolonged deficits, which can help prevent plateaus.

    Con: It can result in slower than desired weight loss.
  • BigH89
    BigH89 Posts: 44
    Please explain why a cookie would have a different effect on body composition to wheat bread?