Couch to 5K



  • luvgoodmuzik
    luvgoodmuzik Posts: 7 Member
    Running is intimidating. I'm not sure why it is, but I have been psyching myself up all week to start jogging. I started the C25K today and I believe this will help me out a whole lot. I couldn't believe I finished the entire 30 minutes. Had to jump back and kiss myself..twice!
  • joepoke
    joepoke Posts: 18 Member
    Tomorrow I will finish week 3. Fixing to turn 54 next month always been athletic but have got away from taking care of myself so decided it was time to get started. Good luck you can do whatever you put your mind to.
  • peanutbutterrunner
    I did the Cto5k plan and I really liked it. I literally went from "couch to 5k." It took me longer than the allowed time but it still worked. You have to really push yourself after the first few weeks, or at least that's where I found it the most challenging. But if you keep at it, it will really work! :D Good luck!

    You're going to love the Color Run, by the way. ;D
  • Lady_Lamb
    Lady_Lamb Posts: 103 Member
    I'm doing the couch to 5k right now and I love it! I completed week 5 day 3 today and was actually able to run for 20 minutes straight! I was so excited! When I started the program, I was huffing and puffing after only a minute or two of running. When I find a certain training day particularly hard, I will sometimes repeat it. This program has helped me to progress so much!

    Oh, and anyone who is doing c25k can feel free to add me! I love seeing people's progress!