Lost motivation....

Hi everyone!

So I've been a runner since 2011. I've more recently noticed I've lost my motivation to go running lately. To the point where I'm only going once a week, if that.

I've lost motivation for exercise in general.

What helped you get motivation to work out??


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Getting a fitbit and getting my friends to get one too has been very motivating to just keep my steps up every day. I mostly get 10,000 to 12,000 steps a day. I have a ton more energy and I have made my weight goal.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Cross train. Cycle, do weights, swim, play tennis or whatever, dance, then run when you feel like it. That should give you the variety to keep enjoying it.
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    Maybe you should try something else. Even if you have always enjoyed running maybe mixing it up an doing the elliptical, zumba, more weightlifting, etc. After a while you might have that urge to run again and then you will enjoy it even more!

    If that doesn't work and you want to keep running try to think about how good you will feel at the end of the run (or how not good you'll feel from not running) and maybe that will get you out and moving! :]
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    I agree about mixing it up. I was doing awesome in a program and then just got bored. Didn't want to do the same DVD's or really anything. Try something new or set new goals--attempt a longer race or different type of race to get back into running or something else that may interest you. Best idea though for motivation is having a group or people to be active with--join a running group, hiking group or whatever and you'll find you start to look forward to it.
  • BriannaBanana831
    BriannaBanana831 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks ladies :D I plan on switching it up with things like Tabata, weight lifting, yoga, and other stuff :D

    I appreciate all the tips <3
  • Hungryeyz
    Hungryeyz Posts: 7 Member
    Cannot afford a fit bit, whatever that is. Nor can I afford the gym. I have a treadmill. It gets pretty boring walking the same everyday. Bad knees and feet prevent running and it's cold here in Michigan. I try to eat right but also am losing interest. Not much support.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I was doing the Couch to 5 k program, ran the 5k, and then lost motivation for running. I seem to need an end goal to do it. I love walking though, so I just try to do that as much as possible. And some weight training. You don't have to run if you don't feel like it. There are so many options!
    Cannot afford a fit bit, whatever that is. Nor can I afford the gym. I have a treadmill. It gets pretty boring walking the same everyday. Bad knees and feet prevent running and it's cold here in Michigan. I try to eat right but also am losing interest. Not much support.

    I know it's cold out, but the treadmill is so boring. Bundle up and get outside. You will feel SO much better. Once you get moving, you'll warm up. And it's nice just to get some fresh air. (I HATE going out in the cold. But I feel better when I get outside.)