Recipe modification HELP?

Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out how many calories is in one serving of the modified corn bread I made tonight.

According to the Jiffy Nutrition Facts:

one serving of the mix = 150 and one serving of it "baked" = 170 cals

I'm assuming the "mix" is only the powder part, and before I add the eggs + milk it calls for.

Thing is, instead of a regular egg I subbd 1/4 cup of Eggbeaters (which is equiv to one large egg) and the calorie difference is 35

And instead of regular milk, I subbd almond milk, and I don't know how many cals are in regular milk but my almond milk is 13 cals (per 1/3 cup)

So if I divide the egg by 6 (cuz the batter is equal to 6 servings) and the milk by 6, I'm looking at roughly 158 cals per slice....right?

Am I doing this correctly?

Sorry to be all OCD about it, I just really want to do my program right.

