Struggling with C25K

I've just started W4 of C25K (after being on and off again for a while, never made it past W3) and I'm really struggling. Yesterday was my first run on W4 and I couldn't manage either of the 5min runs. My chest was tight, I had trouble focusing and I felt like I was breathing through a straw. In fact I skipped the final 5min run because I could still barely breath.

I've read all the advice I can find, get good shoes, slow down, breath out for longer than breathing in etc but I feel really disheartened that I'm a reasonably healthy young adult that can't run for 5mins. Put me in a pool or on a bike and I can go for an hour or so, and I walk/trek for hours at a time, but running is so damn hard for me!

Any advice? I feel like if I could get past these 5mins then 10, 15, 20mins will come in good time.


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Congratulations on starting the program! Many people experience similar difficulties. My suggestion is to keep repeating week 3 until you are comfortable with it. There is no reason to rush the program. Any week can be repeated if it is too tiring for you.

    You mentioned speed, but it bears repeating that you do not need to run faster than a pace where you can comfortable hold a conversation. Concentrate on time and distance first. Speed will come on its own eventually.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for this, I fear if I run any slower already I will be walking!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    It will come in time, I promise. It took me a couple of months to get better with the same issue. Repeating is a good idea.
  • kaytholliday
    I have been there! I find repeating the prior week and trying to add to the running times on that week a little at a time works best for me. It's frustrating and you have to give up the idea of finishing in the 9 weeks it says you can do it. That doesn't bother me used to but I have decided to just go at my own pace still using the c25k principles. I will be restarting the c25k next week...this time on a treadmill. I usually get to week 6 and can't get past that week! It's a mind over matter thing for me and so I am going to just forget the time line it says to do it and finish when I finish!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you are struggling then drop back down to week 3. Don't be afraid to repeat a week.