
I have to say, i feel like crap like my goal is unreachable, impossible for me. Even tho im eating healthier and doing more exercise i just dont feel much of a change. :sad:


  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Don't give up!! If you feel like you aren't moving forward, take a look at what you have been eating and doing as far as exercise. Is there something that you could be doing a little bit better? I find eating a healthy breakfast helps out a lot. I have also cut out ALL fast food. The processed food has no nutritional value at all. Even though I was under my calories and fat, I wasn't moving forward at all. I also changed up my exercise, I added weight lifting into my routine. Not much per day, just some to start building up my muscles and get the blood flowing. I'm burning an average of 200 calories per day, and eating alot of fruit and vegitables and I keep seeing the inches go down. I wish you luck!
  • me_0306
    me_0306 Posts: 2
    Ugh. I hear you. I know its supposed to be a gradual process, but I have changed a lot of the ways I would eat and drink (I cut out pop and caffeine for a huge example, I would have multiple bottles of pop a day and now have maybe one per week) and in its place started drinking water. Tons of water. And what happened? A month later, I finally lost 4 pounds. Really? I kinda long for even the slightest change on the number on the scale because I like for my efforts to accomplish something. Makes me wonder what I'm drinking all this water and exercising 5 days a week for? lol If you need support or encouragement, let me know. We can encourage each other when needed. :)
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    How long have you been looking like you do now? It take's time to lose it. Some days are easier than others. Hang in there and soon you will see it coming off. Take your measurement's also. Perhaps your losing inches even if the scale doesn't show it.

    One day at a time!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    So sorry you are feeling this way; but just remember that it took quite while to put on the weight and it will take a lot of time to take it off correctly and it will not happen unless you do DO something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So keep counting calories and adding some exercise to your days. Try to add in more vegetables and take away more fast food items. Try to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 large meals. Drink lots of water!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We all want you to succeed, so stay committed to losing weight so you can feel better and be healthier! You CAN do this!!!
  • SisterC
    SisterC Posts: 121 Member
    You are down two pounds!! Celebrate each and every pound....and take each day as it comes. Some days are going to be great and others are going to be tough; but know that you can reach your goal. Believe in yourself! You have two wonderful children that need you and they need you to be healthy. I know what it is like to think about how much weight loss is needed; break your goals into smaller units. I reward myself with something every 25 pounds...not food rewards, but other things...I got a new handbag for my first 25...I got a new hairdo, a bike tire pump, a mini camcorder...and I do believe another handbag is in my future. I know that I am better today than I was a month ago...and you are too. Progress is being made, stick with it and in another month you will be noticing a big difference in how you feel. The energy you gain will be amazing! I wish you the best on this healthy journey. You have the power to change your life...isn't that the greatest!! Hugs, SisterC
  • yertle123
    Do Not Quit....You are just in a slump it happens to all of us who are human.....give yourself some slack. Maybe you just need to rest and start again or maybe you need to change your routine and trick your body. our bodies get used to the same have to shock your body once in a while to make it respond.....hang in there....:flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Diaz,
    It is very frustrating to see the ticker moving soooo slowly. Most people end up losing several lbs their 1st week. Even though it's mostly water, it still feels good to see that ticker move.
    I would suggest mixing things up a bit. Maybe your current calories per day is not quite right for you ??

    You could try going down by 200 per day for a week or two to see what happens (as long as that doesn't put you below 1200).

    I just changed my daily intake in the past few weeks after hitting a wall and my body seems to be responding well to the change.

    One other suggestion - up your water intake and reduce your sodium intake - When your body does not get enough water, it retains water. It's actually possible drop 2 lbs in a few days by increasing your water intake.

    Sister C is right, those 2 lbs down could easily have been 2 lbs up right? At least you are going in the right direction. Does it really matter if it takes you a year to lose 30 lbs?? You'll be getting healthier and happier all the time!!
    Good luck.
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    thanks for some good suggestions and i will try.. the heaviest i was was 305 when i was 9 months pregnant with my last one and i only gained 16 pounds in that pregnancy before my first baby i was about 245 then i went up to 290 with her and got pregnant three months later so i didnt have a chance to loose it.... about four years ago i was about 220 so havnt been under 200 for at least 5 years :-( ... and i used to lift weights and stuff so i do still have alot of muscle on me underneath my belly flub and all my added flub everywhere else... just cant even belive i got this heavy. now its going to take at least a year to get healthy.:ohwell: