Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone?



  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    Haha, my bf makes fun of me for this one: Whenever I make a sandwich with tomato, the tomato has to be between lettuce or spinach and whatever else is on the sandwich. The tomato can NOT touch the bread. It makes sense, though! The tomato would make the bread soggy.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Right now I can'y think of any, but this is interesting reading.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I eat the crust off of pizza first, so I can focus on the yummy, melty, cheesy part for the remainder of my meal. :laugh:
  • Chetanpayne
    I like eating alone at home. But have no problem with having company when I am out. I think it goes back to childhood when my mom and dad use to fight at the dinner table and I would go to my room and eat on a TV table.
    But I 54 years old, like eating alone at home.
  • calisunrise
    when i eat jaffa cakes or oreos, i part them by layers.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh... I also hate sandwiches when ketchup/mustard are put on the bread, rather than somewhere between the lettuce/tomato/meat/cheese. Those condiments have a high enough water content that they make the bread soggy. Mayo can go on bread, because it's oil-based and does not make bread soggy. (though I prefer all condiments off the bread)

    Nothing is worse than mustard-logged bread. Yuk
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    When eating vegetable soup I pick out all the lima beans and line them up on the table. When I'm done with the soup, I count up the beans and eat them one by one.

    I like to put my corn into mashed potatoes and mix them up. Its really the best way to eat corn sans cob.

    Interesting! What about the peas in the soup? Do you feel indifferent towards them? :wink:

    Only Lima beans. Actually a lot of times I'll pull them out of other things too, but mostly they are found in soup.
    Besides, the peas would roll away.

    HAHAHA!! I've often said I don't like peas because they roll off the knife. And I don't eat jello because it is too hard to catch with a fork. (I eat peas with a spoon, and I DONT eat jello)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I've been called out for my sandwich-making. I take 2 slices out of the bag and open them up, so that I preserve the arrangement of the 2 sides that were touching, then add the filling. When I put them back together, the tops of the bread have to match up. Furthermore, when I pack sandwiches as a lunch, the tops of the sandwiches go toward the open end of the bag. That's just how it's done. My ex-husband would drive me crazy by putting his sandwich together with the tops mis-aligned and then stuffing it into the baggie any-old-how. But it didn't bother me if his bread weren't the 2 that touched in the bag - so long as the tops of the bread were both in the same direction.

    The order of the ingredients in a BLT is important, too. Mayo on bread first. Bacon on one slice, tomato on the other. Lettuce on top of tomato and flip the bacon side to complete the sandwich. The mayo glues the bacon onto the bread so that it stays put. I don't like them toasted, either, but it's not a deal-breaker. I've been known to swap the tomato and lettuce around if the sandwich is assembled "wrong."
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member

    If I eat M&Ms I group them into colours (same with skittles) - and then eat from the biggest number of sweets in the group, to the smallest, so the smallest group don't get an inferiority complex. Yes, that's odd.

    If I have cheese on pasta, I try to save the cheesy top bit until last - same with lasagne, I eat all the layers and then eat the cheesy top one last because that's the best bit.

    I have a thing about colours being consistent in terms of groups - I'll mix things quite happily on my plate, but M&Ms, skittles, stuff in a bag that's multi-coloured have to be eaten in the same group. When I hang washing out, I have to have the same colour pegs for each item of clothing.
    LOL that's me, with lollies or bagged things that are multi coloured I always group the colours/flavours together, I thought it was for the flavour, not really the colour???
    Washing, oh don't go there, I have to take it out of the machine and put it in the basket in the order that I'm going to hang it out, also I always use the same pegs for the same garments Yikes!!!! When our kids were little, I used to use a quarter of the clothes line for each person EG: one quarter my husbands clothes, next quarter mine etc (there are 4 of us in the family) and even now I have to hang the smalls in the middle and pairs of socks together, then undies then bra's etc......OCD, how fun is it?? LOL
    Oh and my son is even worse, he has all his clothes hangers facing the same way in the closet and then he has groups of clothes like shirts, then shorts, then long pants etc LOL
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I like to put my corn into mashed potatoes and mix them up. Its really the best way to eat corn sans cob.

    ^^ I do this too! And now I'm craving corn & mashed potatoes. :laugh:

    I also must remove all of the peas from my soup before I can eat it. I do not like peas at all and will not eat them. Everything else in the soup is welcome to stay.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Food has to be in a specific position on the plate.

    Certain foods can not be on the plate with other foods. IE beets, coleslaw.

    It disgusts me if people have a lot of gravy or sauce on their food.

    White I love ketchup, I do not like the smell of it. It squiks me out to see people put it on mashed potatoes.

    I don't like butter or margarine on bread for sandwiches, except peanut butter and jam, and then only on the peanut butter side.

    I don't like eating things 'on the bone'. Chops, ribs, legs, wings I have to be pretty hungry to even try to pick edible parts off them. Even chicken breasts still on the bone are an issue.

    I have a strong aversion to fat or gristle and take the time to 'clean' my meat before actually eating. Ending up with them in my mouth generally means the end of the meal for me.
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    i am happy to say i have no quirks, however i do know many that do. Some do not tell ya a specific way if thy want there food plated so they have freaked a few out, lets say when i put the mashed potatoes, corn then chicken and noodles on a plate all on top of each other(thats the way my mom plated our food growing up). i do however find its easier to take a fork and mash my peas a bit before eating, i hate when the little buggers roll of my fork:laugh:
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    I eat things a bit at a time.... so carrots, then broccoli, then potato, then mushrooms, then meat. I only mix things if it's mashed potatoes and certain things but everything else has to be eaten on it's own. I also save the best til last .

    Used to drive my ex crazy! He'd mash everything together on the plate which would make me cringe LOL

    I eat the same colored sweets together as well.

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one!
  • iSarahMay
    I also will not eat cereal with a metal spoon. I hate the way it makes it taste. I eat it as a snack with my hands, dry, if I eat it at all. I hate most sugary cereal.

    I can't eat ice lollies as I do not like the feel or taste of the wooden stick!

    I always eat my veggies first then eat my meat/fish last.
  • Mandybean88
    I always eat my veg first because I think I decided when I was very small that they go cold first. I have no idea if this is true or not :D
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    Wow now I know I am not the only one ;)

    I have plenty of eating quirks. If there is more than one item on my plate, I make absolutely sure that they don't touch each other and there's adequate space between them.

    I eat most things separately. I cannot mix stuff together. Where I come from, people mix their lentils and rice and veggies and take a big mouthful of that. Makes me gag.

    At times, I even resort to using 2-3 plates while eating a single meal because I cannot stand to see one food item touching the other.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    It's been a long time since I've gone near a bag of Doritos, but when I ate them regularly, I'd seek out the ones darkest in color first (they had the most seasoning) and would have to bite the points off each chip before eating the rest of it. I suppose I still kind of do that in a way - when eating chips in a mexican restaurant, I'll break off the points of a chip before eating the rest of it. :p
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have none, but the BF has a few.

    1) Won't eat the ends of french fries. Leaves tiny mountains of fry bits on the side.

    2) Carefully and rigidly inspects the food before nearly every bite.

    3) Dislikes his food touching. (This is so common amongst quirks that I wonder why that is???)

    4) Drinks his soda in a glass, no matter the container it was originally in.

    5) Is the only Coke drinker I've ever met who will also drink Pepsi.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I eat pizza with a fork and will ask for a fork if I'm at someone's house. I get strange looks but I've always done it!
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    I am a dipper by nature... i love wings, but i have to pull them apart and dunk them in the sauce before i eat them. I don't mind eating with my fingers, but not if i have to get sauce on my fingers. I even dip my hamburgers in ketchup... hmmmm maybe i need help lol