Older and struggling to lose



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm more in the category of normal weight but I'd love to lose six to eight pounds although it may not happen. :smile: But yes, I understand how much harder it is for most of us as we age. And I hate cold weather.
  • Szkx45
    Szkx45 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm 52, and ever since i had breast cancer in 2009, the meds added 50 pounds to my 5'8" frame....nothing I did kept it off. In August I was introduced to Beachbody workouts and Shakeology. i've lost 28 lbs so far, and only gained one pound back over the holidays! Attached is an excerpt from an article about a person who had back problems and was able to lose weight with it. Contact me if you'd like to order.

    Suzanne W. Lost Weight and Recovered from Injury with Shakeology

    Tell us about your life before you started Shakeology. How did you feel about yourself and your body? *
    In 2003 I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease at L4 L5 and as time went by my L5 S1 disc became herniated. The pain was debilitating to the point where the simplest of things, such as getting dressed became impossible. I was 240lbs, extremely unhappy and felt so unattractive. The perception of myself at the time had caused me to put my life on hold and I hated that, but I felt like I couldn’t live life to the fullest because I was waiting until I had a nice body.

    What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning Shakeology? How did Shakeology help you overcome that challenge? *
    The greatest challenge at the beginning of my weight loss journey was my back. My weight gain was not the only issue preventing me from partaking in activities; having gained the weight caused strain on my back, which caused further pain, thus limiting most normal activities such as walking and sitting. I will say that thanks to Shakeology and having lost now 45lbs I am able to walk longer distances now, stand for longer periods of time, workout longer, and my stamina has gotten better. I have not had to receive any injections since November 2011, and my pain level has decreased considerable all thanks to Shakeology!
  • I am 57 years old and when I lost my job 3 years ago, gained 40 lbs! A friend told me about this site. She has lost 65 lbs so this is my first day starting. Would love to have support!
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Im 54..a little over one year ago I weighed 281 pounds..Ive lost 81 pounds and Im now at 200 pounds..I started mfp Jan 2012..Ive been counting calories and walking/treadmilling..this does work..you will have good days and bad days..but more good than bad..ALWAYS get back on track when you have a bad day..theres always tomorrow..
    Good luck
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Exercise dvds or a treadmill..believe it or not if you search hard enough, there are people that give that stuff away for free just to get rid of it..Good luck to you.
  • onefatwife
    onefatwife Posts: 23 Member
    I have hypothyroidism also. Its suppose to be regulated, but Ive had a hard time losing weight ever since I was diagnosed with it over two years ago. I think its a real struggle for people with low thyroid to loose weight. I wish I had the answer.
  • I really don't agree with you. 45 years is not a big age. I think that you need to watch some of video tutorial of Edward Checo. I believe you would love what you are looking for.

    1. How To Do More Pull Ups http://youtu.be/NnN8ksvVRIQ
    2. An Amazing strength video http://youtu.be/j3MTqRWPiZU
    3. A workout routine to try or follow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk9jp9rJ3Ss&feature=share&list=SP2EAA9EF3B32F50EF
    4. How to get a bigger chest, how to workout your chest muscles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhkpbzU3sRY&feature=share&list=SP2EAA9EF3B32F50EF
    5. Abs workouts, or how to get a six pack
    6. Extremely ripped man http://youtu.be/QdmYTYAqHG4
    7. Underground sport, extreme sport http://youtu.be/L2QKPO_9yYE
    8. weight loss transformation http://youtu.be/3dafgjTd05A
    9. Inspiration, inspirational video http://youtu.be/GrFIB0l9rkE
    10. learn about core http://youtu.be/hwQt3fCmV6A
    11. jersey shore / jersey shore related stuff http://youtu.be/g3Vy5SiyNx4
    12. hot girl, workout girl, girl motivation http://youtu.be/pihFuz2fYN0
    13. old man working out http://youtu.be/ZhKOAPMm9Qk
    14. you can workout anywhere http://youtu.be/_4FvQnSpx-o
    15. how to do a human flag http://youtu.be/nW9qs4l--Yc
    16. how to workout legs, how to do lunges, good exercise for butt, calves, ham strings http://youtu.be/rYYK447lC2U
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm 58 and my starting weight was 188 years ago and I've gradually lost til I'm now 131 and almost at my goal of 130. I've lost weight in stages. First I went down to 170 and stayed there awhile, then 160 and I was thrilled and stayed there awhile, etc til my present weight. Previous to joining MFP at the end of December, I was stuck at around 136-138 for months and months. I decided I needed to actually track my calories and exercise and use the diary. It worked!!!! I guess I had perfected the art of maintenance but when it came to losing, I wasn't getting it. Since I joined I lost 7 pounds. I'm delighted. I eat 1200 calories plus my exercise calories which are usually about 500-600 hundred a day. I am very satisfied foodwise and there are some days I need to conciously eat to fulfill the days caloric requirements.
    Throughout the weight loss process, exercise has been extremely beneficial to me for my health and maintaining my losses over time.
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello there
    I am 46 and find the same thing including being from Canada. Up until 35 I could eat pretty much anything and not gain weight. After that it's been a battle. I went with the flo for a few yrs and just started being focused. I've lost 44.8 lbs so far using WW but decided to go for MFP. So many people are happy with it. A family mbr of mine is still tracking on MFP but lost 65 lbs in a yr. They are much younger but still that's impressive.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I've just gone 40 and live in the cold North East of England and am finding the weight is very slow in coming off!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 41! Started losing weight in January 2012. Maybe it is a bit harder to lose weight once you're older but the same principle applies: eat a bit less, move a bit more. You can do this! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Mandy9954
    Mandy9954 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm over 40 by a few years lol... Never had a problem with my weight till this last year or so, grrr ,l... I'm struggling to eat 1,200 calories aday, anyone got any tips or ideas on food & excersize Tia x
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 58 and have lost and gained weight a number of times. It was getting very hard to loose it the past few years. I live near St. louis so it does get cold here. I do get to go to work and my job is an active one,that helps. but I am having success with this messuring out my food and putting everything I eat in my diary. I have been only doing this 8 days but it seems to be working. I'd like to be freinds for me making commets back and forth seem to keep my mind on loosing weight and not on what is in the fridge.
  • Hi,I'm 49,and my weight keeps going up and up....you get the picture!I have just started
    back today,because if I don't,in time I'll end up weighing even more!
    It was like a blizzard here in Canada,so may have to wait to walk today.I'll try to stay away
    from the fridge.I know this time I need to get serious about it.
    Nice to meet you.Sandra
  • Dianthe
    Dianthe Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 46 in southwest Ohio where the weather does whatever it wants and the seasons don't matter! Thankfully my employer has a fitness center in our office so I can walk on the treadmill at lunch...and I'm always amazed at how much better I feel once I'm done. I'd be happy to help keep you motivated and am looking for people to do the same for me. I've struggled with weight all my life and after surgery on both knees last year, I'm just done with it. I want to get healthier, I need to get healthier. Best of luck to all of us!
  • HeatherTB2012
    HeatherTB2012 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 43 and I know how frustrating it can be - I lead an incredibly busy life and I have let myself gain 30 lbs that I really shouldn't be carrying around. I decided Dec 27, after a dear friend died of a heart attack (he was 49) that instead of always putting work, family, housework, etc first, I needed to actually take better care of myself.

    Anybody reading this who can relate - please add me - I genuinely feel that support from others who understand makes a difference. I'm down 4 pounds so it's slow, steady improvement...but I'll take it! My friend JD never got this opportunity.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm 51. I think exercise becomes a more important part of weight control as we get older. The best tips I can give you are:

    1. Don't use age as an excuse, even if it is a legit one.
    2. Eat right. Eat for health and not for weight loss. If you eat a healthy diet and stick to your calorie goals you will get to a healthy weight.
    3. Have patience. Don't get caught up in gimmicks for quick weight loss. Eat a diet that you can live with forever.
    4. Exercise! Start slow if you are not used to it, but constantly push yourself to do more. Intensity matters. Include aerobic, flexibility and strength exercises. Find activities you enjoy. It shouldn't feel like work all of the time (though it probably will some of the time)
    5. Don't get discouraged when you have a bad day/weekend/week. You will have them. Everyone does. Shake it off and get back on track.


    I am over 60 and used to live in the cold Midwest. I now live in Arizona, but the weather can always be an excuse. Too hot or too cold. There are lots of good DVD's with various workouts that can be fun. An easy one to get started with are the Leslie Samsone walkd DVD's. Just get moving it will come. I am the most fit that I have been in years and I credit MFP for the tools and friends to help make it happen.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I also welcome new friends.
  • onion68
    onion68 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 44, living in the chilly northeast and also find that my motivation to exercise is sapped on these long cold winter days. Personally, I prefer to walk outside, but right now that's just not feasible. I have an elliptical machine in my bedroom that I have just started putting to use as a weight loss tool, instead of a place to drape clothing! I also have some chronic health issues/joint pain that limit my activities. I've set up a plan for myself where I am starting to exercise in small, manageable chunks of time. For this week, I will use the elliptical for 20 minutes a day. Next week, I will add more time, and the week after that as well. I've learned in my 44 years and in my many journeys to weight loss that I have to take each day as it comes. I focus on doing my best for THAT day. I try not to worry about the future and the monumental task of losing 90 lbs. I try to live in the present. My hope is that I will follow through on my plans of making good food choices and doing my exercise TODAY, so that when the tomorrow arrives, i will be so much closer to my goals. Add me as your friend if you'd like...I can use all the support I can get!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'm 47. I've been here a couple years. I am going to disagree with a lot of people and tell you that weight loss has nothing to do with exercise. Weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit. That's it. It's that simple. You do not have to exercise to lose weight. Exercise has other benefits, however. You'll feel and look better if you exercise.

    What works for me is eating nutrient dense foods, lean meat, eggs, nuts, fruit, and lots of veggies, and enjoying but limiting sweets and other things like that. I cook 100% at home. I haven't had a meal out in quite some time. Fill up on good wholesome food. Don't eat low fat junk. You want to fill up. The better wholesome food keeps you full longer. And, you won't have the urge to snack. Eliminate junk from your house. It's ok to have a serving of ice cream, if it it's into your calories, and if you've eating well that day. But, a serving is very small. You'll be shocked. But, once you get used to it, it's no biggie.

    Please don't use age as an excuse. Age has nothing to do with it. If you simply start eating right and reducing your portions, you'll start losing.

    Good luck.
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    I'm 66 and I consider myself as 'Older' certinally not at your age. I lost two and half stone a couple of years ago. It wasnt easy, it never is, its just a matter of will power. I did it through being very careful what I ate and lots and lots of cardio excersise. My belief is It would not have happend without the excersise as well. I,ve managed to keep it all off by still going to the gym at least 4 times a week and calorie counting. This App has certinally helped me on my journey. Trust me if I can do it anyone can.. Good look, but you must keep a positive attitude and watch what you put in your mouth, simple really. :-)