Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone?



  • Mandybean88
    Tomatoes in sandwiches are NOT allowed to remotely touch bread ever O_O
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I eat items on my plate one at a time usually, and if I find a bit that I've already finished the rest of (like if there's a bit of carrot hidden under mash that I've missed and I've moved on from carrots) I get REALLY annoyed.

    I have a friend who arranged his Macdonalds fries in size order and eats them biggest to smallest too. He says it helps with getting the right sauce amount, because by the time you get to smallest you get less sauce because you've used some of it.
  • pinkbullets
    pinkbullets Posts: 15 Member
    If I'm eating french fries or chips, I have to eat the smallest ones first and leave the largest ones for last. I didn't notice I did that until someone called me out on it >_<
  • brittryan1017
    I eat the crust off of pizza first, so I can focus on the yummy, melty, cheesy part for the remainder of my meal. :laugh:

    Me too! And I eat the pointy part last. Its the best part of the pizza!
    When I eat chicken wings I save the pieces with the two bones in it for last or trade out with my sister so I can have only the piece with the two bones.
    If my cereal gets soggy I refuse to eat it. But I love oatmeal.
  • liftingcoach
    liftingcoach Posts: 65 Member
    I eat buffalo chicken wings with a knife and fork! I will pick up fried chicken wings with my fingers, but any kind of sauced wing, only with knife and fork.
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    I cover my mouth when I chew, even though I keep my mouth closed.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Love this topic post! Finally I've found "my people" - always thought I was the only one haha.

    Everyone at work and home knows "Becky won't eat that. It has 'foreign objects in it'" lol.

    I consider "foreign objects" to be anything that stands out in the food makeup. If that makes sense haha. Like, if I'm eating spaghetti .... and I SEE the chopped onion or bell pepper, etc. i have to pick it out and not eat it.

    Or say there's home chili for dinner - if I walk up to the pot and see chunky tomatoes in it - that means no chili for me tonight fellas! lol

    My sister makes this chicken dish - has rice, chicken breast chunked up, with ritz crackers on top, and if she makes it with cream of mushroom soup (as the dish calls for) and not cream of chicken like i beg for - I won't eat it. I tell her I'm not eating food with cream of booger (as in from the nose lol) soup in it lol. Because I can actually see the lil' square chunks of mushroom in the dish and it freaks me out.

    I think really it's a texture thing more than anything. I see the onion or bell pepper in the spaghetti and I know when I bite into it it'll crunch. My brain says, spaghetti doesn't crunch. If I see the chunky tomato in the chili and I know when I bite into it it'll be smushy. My brain says, no no chili ain't smushy! - same with the cream of mushroom deal, biting into it, I know it's sort of rubbery and smushy - my brain says AHHHHHHHHHHHHH BUGERS! (how DOES one properly spell that word anyway? lol)
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Oh yeah, and I also line my fries up shortest to longest - two at a time. Then when I get to the end if there's only 1 left, - i will break it in half, so it's like I'm eating 2 at one time. of if there's 3 left, i'll break 1 of those left in half so it's like i'm eating 2 at a time - then i'll have the last 2 together.

    And if it is a snack from a bag - I always eat it 2 at a time.
    Like m&m's - cheetos, rice cakes, etc. If it comes from a bag and you eat it 2 at a time - I would say at least 90% of the time, you always end the bag having 2 pieces. As oppose to a handful of 5, or just 1 left, etc.

    And if I have a bag of m&m's - i pour them out on the table, and arrange them by color. Then, I find the pile with the lowest amount in it. And I'll eat the difference of the other colors, in twos, til it reaches the same amount left of the pile that had the lowest # to begin with anyways....and then i'll eat 1 from each pile at one time - til the piles are all gone at the same time together.

    (however, these issues - may fall under my self diagnosed OCD issue and not exactly a strange eating quirk lol)
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    When I used to eat fast food all the time I had this thing where whatever sandwich I ate, I would take it apart and eat the pieces separately. Like when I'd get the grilled chicken sandwich from Burger King, I'd eat the bottom part of the bun first, then the top with all the mayo and lettuce, then the chicken. I did this with breakfast sandwiches, too.

    I also have a tendency not to ever want to finish things. Like if there is a little bit of cereal in the bottom of the box, I'll grab a new box instead of getting what I could out of the old one first. Especially with drinks like milk or orange juice. I have no idea why. Drives everyone crazy. :)
  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    This thread is awesome!

    No mustard on the cheese side for me. I hate how it looks, how it tastes. Everyone says the sandwich all gets chewed together and goes to the same place. Doesn't matter to me, don't do it!!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    after reading this. i dont feel so bad! i guess i have some of the same stuff as some of these guys. i like to eat a lot with my fingers. pizza i will pick off all the toppings and cheese then eat the dough and sauce. or in a salad i will eat things individually rather then pick them up with the fork in combinations. i also like variety in a meal. i cant just eat a sandwich. i have to have 2 or 3 items to pick between. i also cant stand wet or soggy foods. like Italian beef when people dip it in the juice or stuffing. i also hate any meats that i can see fat or bones. has to be boneless skinless items. and messy sandwiches like egg sandwiches with the runny egg yoke its icky to me.

    and if i eat mm or skittles i do eat them by color! wow lol i didnt realize i did this! and chex mix i eat the same item until its gone and then on to another. and sometimes when im eating french fries i do leave the short ones for last cause i like the crunchy ones? i am weird!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I like to do the alphabet


    I Freestyle
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I can't eat a burger that has mayo on the same side as the tomato or pickle. I can't eat a burger with a pickle on it as the same side as the tomato. And I can't eat a burger with cheese on the same side as the pickle, either.

    So if I get a burger with a pickle, it can't have mayo, and the pickle has to go under the patty so it doesn't touch the tomato or cheese. If I get a burger with mayo and a pickle, it can't have cheese or tomato on it. In which case, I will be unhappy with the burger because the two things I like most on a burger are cheese and tomato.

    Unfortunately, the only way I like pickles is on a burger.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    And honestly, this entire thread isn't about judging each other's food choices. It's about weird food quirks, hence the title Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone? If I had wanted it to include "Feel free to judge others harshly!", I would have included that.

    Good call. Can't we just be nice and share info. My only real quirk is presentation. I am the cook for our family and I do make some very nice meals. However, I expect us to eat when the food is hot and properly presented on the plate or bowl. I guess the other thing is that I like to take a bite of food and then put my fork or spoon down till I am done with that bite.

    Not too quirky...just some culinary experience and having lived abroad. And at times I LOVE to have my corn and potatoes and peas all in a big pile!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    The only thing I can remember doing as a kid was turning my plate as I ate. I ate each group first and they could not touch (usually veggies first because they tasted the worst [canned beans cooked in their canned water, blahh!!] and the meat last because it tasted the best) and I wouldn't switch to a different food at all. Then I'd spin my plate to the next food. I *still* do it now haha.

    Texture plays a huge part for me. I'm not a fan of soggy things like cereal or veggies (hello, gross canned veggies!) and peas are too dry in the middle; they just taste funny.

    I like eating my M&Ms in colors usually starting with the colors I don't like like brown and yellow and finishing with either blue or green. Or I make sure if there's more of one color to eat those first so at the end there's one of each. I also split my Oreos and eat the icing first and need to have milk to dunk them in (to get them soggier...weird, I know :p) otherwise they're too dry.
  • raspberryblonde
    I, too, group candies by color. Sometimes I smash two Skittles together and eat them in pairs. And I don't eat green M&M's - ever.

    It's been a while since I had a Pop-Tart, but when I did eat them, they had to be broken in half and eaten from the center out to the edges.

    All sandwiches (which had better not have pickles anywhere bread-adjacent), MUST be cut on the diagonal and eaten from the center out.

    Any candy bars (Three Musketeers, especially), must have the outer chocolate peeled off and eaten prior to eating the center.

    I despise syrup on pancakes or waffles, but I require it for sausage.

    But I really don't care if my food touches. My cats, however, will not let canned food touch their dry food - all canned foods must be eaten from a separate dish.
  • mastersoloist
    Bacon. Lots and lots of bacon.
  • MommaHoff
    MommaHoff Posts: 54 Member
    When I eat sandwiches I don't eat it as a sandwich. I open it up and eat the veggies, all the tomatoes all the bell peppers all the olives and so on. Then I eat the meat, then the cheese, then if I'm still hungry I'll eat the bread.

    I can't eat grapes because they may me think of eyeball popping. Same goes for whole olives but if they are sliced I can. Any kind of melon grosses me out because the texture reminds me of styrofoam.

    When eating a meal I have to eat all of one thing before I can move on to the next thing. Like if I start on the meat I have to eat it all before I can eat the sweet taters or veg.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    I have issues with different textures of foods together in the same mouth full. So no stews for me (meat and veggies in the same bite? Ack!). Most soups are out, except for Campbell's tomato soup. I don't really like mashed potatoes, but if I'm eating "real" mashed potatoes and come across a "lump" I will gag.

    The only other thing I can think of is that I don't ever drink any hot drinks. Ever. To me, fluids are supposed to be cold, preferably on ice. I even put ice in my juice when I drink it. But not in milk, because that would just we weird! ;-)
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    I eat roughly a pound of sweet potato's per day. I feel weird doing it but...................Oh well!