OMG :( any support??

amberlusc Posts: 22
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Today i weighed myself in for the first time on myfitness pal, and i have gained 7lb
i just burst out crying becasue i have never tried harder in my life to lose this weight, and this week has been a week of complete denial and i have nothing to show for it at all.
I have three small reasons why this might have happened, but i think they are pretty pathetic excuses tbh:

1. I have been doing a lot more strength training espeically on my abs and thighs, and maybe the buildup in muscle is adding weight
2. I weigh myself on the Nintendo Wii, and i always used to do it with clothes on and it takes that into account (e.g. -2lb), whereas today i did it in just underwear with no reduction for clothes, so maybe this is the true value.
3. That the value i first entered was wrong (becasue i didnt weigh myself right then becasue I didnt realise that you kept weighing yourself)

When i look in the mirror my stomach seems flatter and i feel less wobbly, but maybe thats just psychological.
Does anyone have any words of advice, before i go and buy a massive bar of chocolate which i know i will regret :(

Thank you xxx


  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    As much as we all want to see a smaller number on the scale, that really isn't the important part. Yes, part of it could be because of muscle gain. The important thing is size and body fat percentage. Worry about those things and you won't get down about the number your scale is showing. If you feel good, if your clothes are fitting loser or you have lost sizes, that is the important part. Stop weighing your self unless you have a significant amount to lose, because it will only make you depressed to not see it go down. I have to put a note on my scale that says "wait till Friday" because I want to weigh myself every day. I am really more concerned about BF% but I cannot help getting really frustrated when the number on the scale doesn't go down, and sometimes goes up a few grams! Try not to get too discouraged.
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    First off hello and welcome! I know how you feel about seeing no progress after working so hard. I would suggest to you that you invest in a cheap analog or digital scale. I wouldn' trust a nintendo wii to weigh myself. I have heard of them being off up to 15 lbs :noway: I have 2 scales in my kitchen, one digital , one analog, they have a difference of about 2.5-3 lbs. I would say try weighing in in the AM as soon as you wake up and go potty. Thats when I do it. I am a scale addict so I weigh myself like everyday but I only log my weight after every few lbs lost. I don't have a specific day of the week I log. Just keep doing what you are doing and I am sure that you will see a difference eventually. When I first started I lost like 5 lbs in one week from water weight and then thats when I had to start busting my butt and counting calories to a T to lose that 1 lb a week. Good luck!
  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    I started working out and watching what I eat and feel like I have gained weight as well. I weigh myself way to much and I think thats a good idea to put a note on your scale. Good Luck it takes time... and the hardest part is waiting!
  • amberlusc
    amberlusc Posts: 22
    thanks guys :)
    i also forgot to mention that the day i started this, was the day i started the pill. and the doctor said to expect a 3-4lb gain in weight in the first month, which should then decrease again.
    I guess it could be that.
    I have decided this week i am gonna kick-*kitten* and workout and eat healthy like crazy!
    Im not gonna go down the old route of mine - it didnt work, eat chooclate.
    Here goes for the second time :)
  • DaNuKea
    DaNuKea Posts: 3
    DON'T GIVE UP!! All this may be true but you need to regroup and start from where you are now. First if you are going to weigh yourself make sure the scale is calibrated (how do you do this) it it is a electric scale take a 3-5 pund weight and set it on th scale it should register the exact amount of the this three more times to calibrate it (adjust if necessary). Remember every time a scale is moved it must be recalibrated. Second always weigh yourself the same time (morning preferably) and the same day in the same conditions (naked, clothes, just undies) this will give you consistency. And yes muscle does weigh more than fat so if you have incorparated strength training then you may see the scale go up but give it a week or so and it will go down just as drastically as the new muscle helps burn more fat. Now eating if you know you have snacked here or there or did not document things as they needed to be then honesty is the best policy no matter how bad the week or day you have to own it, accept it, and just do better. Hope this helps stay focused and stay strong!
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Keep going!!!! THere is nothing worse than thinking you've lost and feeling you've lost only to see a number that says you haven't - but as the others said, it's just a number and if your stomach feels less wobbly and you've been working out there will be some change somewhere in cms even if not in lbs this week! I can never be bothered to measure myself (dont really want to know!!) but it is meant to be a fantastic way of seeing the changes in real terms, not just on the scale.
    I would also invest in some good scales if the weigh in is important, the wii can be out, and depends on battery life left, the surface the wii is balanced on etc. etc. - far too many variables for it to be able to affect your day like it did.
    Well done for staying off the chocolate, that's my first reaction too, and then I spend even longer berating myself for letting everything sliip!! Good luck this week. :bigsmile:
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Keep at it! When I went on the pill I gained weight, about 7lbs. Also weight can depend on where you are in your monthly cycle AND lastly the Wii is not always that accurate with weight. Try & make sure you weigh yourself naked first thing in the morning or at least the same time of day each time. If you find the pill makes you gain weight, tell your GP & ask to try another brand. they all have different effects.
    Don't go for the chocolate!!!:wink:
  • twts
    twts Posts: 4
    I know how you feel! I honestly think weighing scales are the enemy! Especilly if you haven't been on them for a while! The only reason I weigh myself these days is because I need to estimate how much weight I've lost for "My Fitness Pal," but before I was weighing myself I messured myself, and based how much weight I'd lost that way, maybe that would be a better option for you?

    Love Twts :) x
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    you've got a really positive attitude... the thing about NOT doing what you normally would do and eat chocolate, thats great! stick at it! the pill could cause a little bit of weight gain and the fact that this is your first week of working out a lot causes your body to hold on to water more that usual i think, so just keep drinking your 8 glasses of water a day and let your body adjust to it and keep eating nice healthy foods and you WILL get there!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Not sure if someone else has mentioned this already but you need to know: :smile:

    When you first start a new exercise routine, especially strength training, but cardio too, your muscles RETAIN WATER. They're in shock. Once they adjust to your new exercise routine (I think the general time frame is around 3 weeks), you'll see a good loss. But right now, that extra water is masking any fat loss & is showing as a gain on the scale.
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