I get days where i have No motivation

twts Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Yesterday was one of those days! I honestly couldn't be bothered what's so ever! The house was full to the brim with fatty foods, as none of the other tennants are on a diet! To top everything off i was working the late shift at work! So instead of making an effort and cooking something healthy, I simply "stuffed my face" with chocolate, yougurt, crisps! I felt awful afterwards, and was too ashamed to log any of the foods into my personal food diary, so yesterday's diary still remains empty. So I don't know if I should leave it empty and start afresh today, o fill Yesterdy's diary with all the food i remeber eating to help me stear clear of them! What do you think?


  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    First of all, hang in there! It does get easier!! And one day won't break you - just commit to a better day today! :)

    I personally log everything - even really atrocious days. It drives home where I'm vulnerable and what foods/drinks I turn to when I'm in one of those moods. It also makes me stop and think about why I'm having a bad day and what might be driving me to eat, because I tend to over eat based on emotion rather than hunger. I also sometimes look back over the past few days for a general idea of what I've been eating which is helping me to learn how certain foods and water intake affect the scale.

    Oh, and one other thought - if you force yourself to log every single day, it'll become habit and it will start to become engrained in your thoughts. Like yesterday I was faced with a choice of sandwiches, crisps, and fruit at lunch - I was about to grab some crisps and I litterally stopped and thought about logging it all later and just took a low cal sandwich and some fruit!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Believe me, you are NOT alone in that! I seem to have at least one day a month when I don't even bother logging in cuz I've been sooooooo "bad"! And then sometimes I'll feel so guilty that I WILL try to log EVERYTHING in to make myself feel guilty.
    It's bound to happen every now and then. Just do what you feel as far as logging or not logging goes. But, the main thing to remember is to be "good" MOST of the time! :wink:
  • twts
    twts Posts: 4
    Thank you :) x x
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I think you are very normal. We are never going to be perfect. Accept and appreciate imperfection. The next meal or day is a new one and you will do better. One day at a time. see below passage I posted the other day. Hang in there and take it one day at a time.

    One day it may be so easy to do everything right you don't even need to think, whereas the next day everything is an effort. When you face a difficult day, it's easy to want to give up, yet this might be the day that breaks the plateau or the day you reach the next milestone. To give up at this point, when you have come so far, is not an option.

    Even though your goal may be far away, struggling one more step gets you closer. When the labor of the day is too much, turn to your support--a person, a book, a quote, or your higher power (or all of these things). Cling to the support you have to help you take the next step toward your goal. Much later, after you have met your goal, you'll appreciate the struggle for having made you stronger.

    Action for the day: Days of struggle are bound to happen, but help is not far away. Today, reach for that help whenever you need it.
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    I say start fresh today and don't worry about the blank day! I have lost count on those days I have had. :ohwell:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Yesterday was one of those days! I honestly couldn't be bothered what's so ever! The house was full to the brim with fatty foods, as none of the other tennants are on a diet! To top everything off i was working the late shift at work! So instead of making an effort and cooking something healthy, I simply "stuffed my face" with chocolate, yougurt, crisps! I felt awful afterwards, and was too ashamed to log any of the foods into my personal food diary, so yesterday's diary still remains empty. So I don't know if I should leave it empty and start afresh today, o fill Yesterdy's diary with all the food i remeber eating to help me stear clear of them! What do you think?

    I look st it this way: whatever I put in my log is between my log and me. (My log is not public). If I lie to my log, I'm only lying to myself. So, yes, I log everything unless I forget something. This increases my self-awareness and helps me learn more about my eating habits. And llke someone said, knowing I will have to log a "bad" food down, might stop me from eating that food because I'll feel bad when I see it written down.
    We all have our "blue" days and everyone cheats at one time or another. Pick yourself up and start anew today.
  • Log it. Forgive yourself the slip up, but face it. It's a fact we all have bad days but I think it's important to face them head on. Place it in it's proper perspective though too. Nothing bad is going to happen in the world because you ate some junk food one day. It's really o.k. I had to give myself this same pep talk on Sunday by the way. Face it, accept it and move forward. You're still doing really great!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    We all do. I would log them. That way you can see what you did and how you can correct it. Today's a new day. Just do what you can make it a great day full of great choices.
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