Help, almost at my goal weight and don't know what to do..



  • I guess that's what it is. I haven't really been lifting or anything. Only cardio! How long should I lift?
    And thank you all so much!
  • Congrats on being so close to your goal! I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is the 130-135 range, so I know that goal weight puts us about in the middle of our healthy weight range. Technically, I guess you could lower your goal a bit, but first I'd try doing ab excerises. Even though I'm further from the goal than you are, I have noticed a huge difference in my stomach since I have started doing the 30 Day Shred and adding other ab exercise (planking, crunches, etc.) to my cardio work out. Good luck!
  • grendella
    grendella Posts: 158 Member
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing it'll just fall off eventually.
  • moraid
    moraid Posts: 10
    I am in exactly the same position, nearly at goal weight but tummy still has fat. Thanks for all the suggestion above :-) I've not done much weight training as didn't want to bulk up. Any suggestions for types and reps is appreciated :-) x
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Eat clean, clean, clean. Strength training and cardio. :)
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    The only way to get rid of belly fat is to cut down on carbs and other fatty foods and have lean proteins etc. Belly fat is the hardest to lose too in any case.

    Sorry but false.

    The only way to lose belly fat is to lower your body fat % by eating more and lifting heavy weights.

    that isn't the only way to lose body fat %
  • mike5802
    mike5802 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on (nearly) reaching your goal!

    Spot fat reduction has pretty much been debunked. Yes, more strength exercise will replace fat with muscle, but I suspect that you have not truly reached your optimal weight. Charts are one thing, but our bodies tell us what that weight is by storing excess fat until we reach that point.

    I'm 15 lbs away from the weight where I know from past experience that my belly fat is minimized. At 61 y.o., I'm realistic and OK with the fact that I may always have a little extra around the middle. Cheers. - Mike

    My blog:
  • free8gent
    free8gent Posts: 61 Member
    I am in exactly the same position, nearly at goal weight but tummy still has fat. Thanks for all the suggestion above :-) I've not done much weight training as didn't want to bulk up. Any suggestions for types and reps is appreciated :-) x

    Weight training does not make women bulk up. Check out some of the success pics on MFP from women who lift weights. Sure, if you are a professional bodybuilder you can become bulky as a woman, but that comes with a very specific diet and supplements. For other woman, weights is what will tone your body, decrease body fat, and increase your metabolism over the long haul.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I use the Ab Glider. Maintain toning exercises and start using small weights to add muscle. (LEAN and MEAN) Keep on going! Congrats to your success!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am in the same spot as you, i have about 4 lbs left to hit till my goal, i have hit it before but can't stay there... anyway, i am happy with every other part of my body but my tummy. i still have lower belly fat that sticks out and makes me look bloated all the time. I have gone back to jm rin30 2 days ago, as i find i am more toned when i do here dvd's. I was doing slim in 6 and lost all my definition i had with jm's dvd's. so back to her, i think it's bv/c she does more weigh exercises then just squats, lunges, etc
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Same position, same height and almost the same weight.
  • 141 and 5'5" still sounds a little high to me for a woman. That was around my starting weight when I decided to lose weight. I'm 5'4" though.

    You have to take body frame/type into consideration. 140 lbs for one person is not the same for another. My mom is 5'4" and I'm 5'5", but we are built completely differently. She has a very small frame and doesn't build muscle like I do, so I can weigh 15 lbs more than her and still wear a size smaller than she does.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    141 and 5'5" still sounds a little high to me for a woman. That was around my starting weight when I decided to lose weight. I'm 5'4" though.

    You have to take body frame/type into consideration. 140 lbs for one person is not the same for another. My mom is 5'4" and I'm 5'5", but we are built completely differently. She has a very small frame and doesn't build muscle like I do, so I can weigh 15 lbs more than her and still wear a size smaller than she does.

    i'm sure it varies, but the fact that she still has belly fat tells me that maybe she's not at her ideal weight.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i see where you are coming from with that... my question is what is one to do when their body likes being at a certain weight? I fight hard and can't ever get under and then my dr said she doesn't want me to go lower either b/c age factors in on how low you should go etc....
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member


    The squat rack became like the altar, where life and death would pass in front of your eyes, and you looked forward to that every squat workout - The Golden Eagle