I need MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ALWAYS start off sooooo good, then after week 1 im done!!! I need to lose weight! my doctor says i need to lose 30 pounds to not get type 2 diabetes! I have a 6 yr old lil boy who needs me! Please help!!! Any advice???


  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    YOU have to want it.
  • bexamarie
    Break it down into smaller goals with congratulatory gifts when you reach them. Think of what you want: a new dress/pair of jeans/camera lens/golf club. obviously the gift needs to reflex your feeling of success in reaching the goal.

    This is my plan anyway, I have between 60-98lbs to lose depending on where on the healthy scale I want to get to. My first goal is 5lbs and my gift will be a small jig around the living room accompanied by loud music (no neighbours).

    Also think of what the end goal is and why you want/need to achieve it. :wink:
  • cosmic0074
    cosmic0074 Posts: 91 Member
    Change your computer wallpaper to an unflattering picture of you, and perhaps write a couple motivational quotes on post-its and stick it to your door or mirror, along with a picture of your boy.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I ALWAYS start off sooooo good, then after week 1 im done!!! I need to lose weight! my doctor says i need to lose 30 pounds to not get type 2 diabetes! I have a 6 yr old lil boy who needs me! Please help!!! Any advice???
    If you aren't motivated enough to avoid diabetes for your kid, I'm not sure anyone here is going to be able to offer your anything more potent than that.
  • CombatGirl93
    CombatGirl93 Posts: 45 Member
    Know that you're not alone, and all of us are trying to do the same thing :D
    We're all in this together! You can do it girl! ^_^
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I ALWAYS start off sooooo good, then after week 1 im done!!! I need to lose weight! my doctor says i need to lose 30 pounds to not get type 2 diabetes! I have a 6 yr old lil boy who needs me! Please help!!! Any advice???
    If you aren't motivated enough to avoid diabetes for your kid, I'm not sure anyone here is going to be able to offer your anything more potent than that.

    Yeah what more do you need?
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    Robert Anthony's words : You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    Are you going super healthy with the eating and not allowing yourself any "treats" because you can only go so long that way.....or if you try to cut out everything all at once that can be a deal breaker after about a week too. I started out restricting EVERYTHING and then had an "I need to eat junk" feeling after a week so then I took it one switch at a time..1st sweets went to Fiber 1 bars or double churned ice cream and soda went to 1 diet soda a day and I still keep my small coffee in the morning then exercise it off.
    Be kind to yourself and it should become a habit of good eating after around 2 weeks time, but the beginning is hard. Hang in there and good luck!
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Spring is 3 months away. Get it in gear! Only you can push yourself. The first day is the hardest, the first week and finally it gets easier and when u eat things that I call "normal human food" you will feel yuk! You will find that you enjoy things healthier and make good choices. You'll look back and be so happy, proud you did it! And proud at the doctors office when you go back for your checkup! The greatest words I ever heard were: You dont need to lose anymore weight!

    Good Luck! :)
  • babyshroom
    babyshroom Posts: 46 Member
    Change your computer wallpaper to an unflattering picture of you, and perhaps write a couple motivational quotes on post-its and stick it to your door or mirror, along with a picture of your boy.

    Motivational quotes can be great! I find to make myself feel good about getting ALL healthy food when I go to the grocery store, I let myself have one un-needed non-food treat. A new lipstick, some bubble bath, a magazine, etc.

    I think if I used an unflattering picture of myself as my computer desktop, it would just depress me and that triggers me eating more.
  • Adelaidekempf
    You need to want to live and be there for your son. I lost a friend how had a son same age. She was told the same and could get motivated. She started too late and her son is now all alone.

    Try to pull yourself up, small goals and everytime it feels too hard - look at your son and smile.

    Good luck. If you need help i am there to motivate you. I have a son myself whom I love to bits. He is my motivation.

    :smile: Keep it up girl - you can do it.
  • habu68123
    habu68123 Posts: 78 Member
    Are you well educated in diabetes? I recently had a test come back in the pre-diabetic range and with a strong family history of diabetes I figured it was time to get serious about it. I signed up for a free diabetes education class at our local hospital. If a full hour of discussion regarding all of the possible side affects doesn't motivate you nothing will. The best quote I took away from the class "if you don't control it, diabetes will control you".
  • TinkerBelly65
    Listen I was having a moment of weakness last night, I was only day 3 into my "another" attemp of loosing all this weight. I went on here and read threw peoples moments and goals and It got me to stay strong. So I think If you use Myfitnesspal they way its intended your'll stay motivated & the fact that you shouldnt want a illness you can def PREVENT :O) Friend me if you want Ill try my best to keep you company as I too and trying hard to loose weight
  • stevenyuzk
    stevenyuzk Posts: 88 Member
    I am sticking more with patience than motivation. Basically i dont expect anything in the short-term and I dont think too much about it either. slowly it is becoming a part of my daily routine where if I dont workout and diet I feel like something i forgot to do something.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Find a super fun class you can take with your son! Martial arts is good, and you can bet he'll keep you going even on days you don't want to. You'll get the exercise you need, and he'll learn to enjoy activities to keep HIM healthy as well. :)
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Switch your brain from "want to do it" to "going to do it"...... Every time you need more motivation.... look at your child.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    To save me retyping everything I say to people in this situation I started a Facebook page facebook.com/motivatormandy or if you're not a slave to Facebook http://motivationmandy.blogspot.ca.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    Maybe you focusing on a big goal is getting too overwhelming. Try making smaller goals and maybe everytime you achieve the small goals will motivate you to reach that main goal!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Just imagine yourself fit, healthy, happy, wearing clothes and not worrying about fat rolls or cellulite or whether you need to suck in your stomach and wear something over to hide your lovehandles. Think how much easier SHOPPING will be. How much will power you will have gained by that point, and how FABULOUS you will look.

    Then tell me you don't want to do it. I have to do this everyday. Last night I posted a picture of myself when I was 19 (I'm almost 24 now) and I looked good. It's motivation for me to keep going because back then I was doing simple workouts but my belly was flat and I looked GOOD. If you have someone who's a similar body type, get their picture and put it where you'll see it everyday, or if you were thinner at one time, put a picture of you from that time around your house/apt.

    If you SEE your goal everyday, I think it will motivate you. Or put up a picture of you looking your worst. That can be great motivation as well!! I'm only on week 2, so I feel you girl! The temptation to quit is so strong, but we gotta hang in!!!
  • egm53
    egm53 Posts: 1
    I am terrible about starting out great at the beginning of the week, but losing steam at the end. I just try to resist my cravings, but when I cave in, I try to just wake up and start over the next day. If you want to eat sweets, you should eat fruit such as berries with light whipped cream. If you go over your calorie limit, just wake up and try again. Good luck!!!! You can do it!!!!!!