What are the pros and cons of having a cheat day for meals?



  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    On one of the diets I was on, yes I have been on many, Pizza Hut pizza was our cheat meal. We treated it as a reward for doing well during the week. As the months went by I found myself eating less and less of the pizza. At first I easily ate 1/2 of the large. Then I was taking home part of the medium. On this diet, which I am on by myself I don't want any cheat day. I am like a lot of the others. Once I get that taste in my mouth it's going to ruin it for me. I am finding that my eating problems is like an alcoholic. I have to stay away from it. If I cheat once I'm in danger.
  • I've had 1 "treat" day every week, since i started my weight loss journey in august. it's never much but maybe a burger or a piece of cake.(something i had been craving that week) but i stay within my calorie goal, and i still do my jog and burn the calories. as long as you get back to your diet/excercise/weight loss routine it won't effect you. a friend told me this...if you're unhealthy and eat only salad one day a week or month will that make you healthy?? so treating yourself every once in a while will not effect you. i lost weight through the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays and i definitly treated myself at that time.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    My cheat days are special occations birthdays ,Christmas etc so mine are few and far between