Intro :)

Hey everyone. I just joined up today a friend of mine suggested trying this out. I am 24 years old and 5'9 and always have struggled with my weight ever since I was around 16-17 years old. I am currently in the Army stationed at Fort Bragg. Recently changed jobs and went from being active all the time to working odd hours and sitting behind a computer. That plus becoming generally lazy and depressed I ballooned back to my Pre- basic training weight of almost 230 lbs. I could not only be just miserable at this weight but I can also lose my job. That alone plus reading a lot of everyones stories and seeing the success pictures is definitely motivating me to get back on track. My goal weight is between 155-165 range is normally where I feel at my best.

Nice to meet you all.


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Welcome Heather :)
  • kirstenindy
    kirstenindy Posts: 2 Member
    Im a dog groomer in Indiana. I LOVE my job but want to enjoy it even more. I want this weight not not stop me from doing the things I love. I am tired and wore out too early in a day... being free of this weight will allow me to be happier as well. Im excited!! Feel free to add me so I can soak in all the help and encouragement out there...
  • ChazMikoyan
    Welcome and pleased to meet you! It sounds like you've come to the right place - the tools and people here are absolutely outstanding.

    I sit in front of a computer all day as part of my job but used to do manual labor, so I know how you feel about your recent job change and the effect that can have.

    Since you're already here I know that you can do this. I wish you much success! Feel free to add me is you're also looking for motivation and/or support.
  • csj1977
    First of all Welcome and Thankyou for your service!!! I served from 1995 to 1998 and always was the guy who got taped... I struggled... Always threatened with a chapter out from my NCO/COs. I do not know how it is done now and hopefully it is different. When I was in I asked my platoon sergeant how come the people who do drugs and commit crimes get all the chances in the world and with me you want to drop me like a dime. It wasnt fair.... I pushed foward and made tape and eventually weight. Got out and well gained it back and more. I am looking to regain my life back and start thinking for me. I would be honored if I could be one of your battle buddies in this endevor... 13Foxtrot10 Vet
  • rmgatch
    rmgatch Posts: 38
    Welcome Heather. Thank you for your service.
    Request sent.
  • nomoremasa23
    nomoremasa23 Posts: 18 Member
    HI Heather,

    My goal weight is right around yours! You can do this, its all about putting yourself and your health first because you deserve it! Especially if there is something on the line if it doesnt happen. My story is similar, I have to lose weight to have a baby and need to do it because time is ticking so we both have more of a reason to lose the weight. I am a great cheerleader and I am so motivated to kick *kitten* and get started.
  • heatherselway
    Thanks everyone :)