Half way to my first goal - 40lbs down *with pics*

erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
On May 29th, 2012 a friend introduced me to MFP. I started it with no expectations, no plans, nothing. I didn't even think I could stick to it. It was spontaneous and unplanned. I had always known I needed to lose weight (I have been overweight my entire life) but I had no idea what my weight was. Even when I was younger my mother would never tell me my weight, I avoided weighing in at the doctors office or in other situations - so I had no idea. I got on the scale and saw the number, I was quite surprised that I was actually 30lbs over what I thought I may have been in the first place (which I already knew was gravely unacceptable). I didn't dwell on the number and I just started counting calories. The first day I started MFP I had eaten over 900 calories in MUFFINS (which was not normal to have muffins but if I did I ate that many)....that day itself was well over 2,000 calories. MFP put me at about 1700 calories and I started counting the calories and taking my dog for walks (started at 15 minutes and now almost eight months later, when I go its at least 65 minutes)... I started playing Just Dance on Wii (15 minutes and I can now go for 50 trying to go even longer) and just moving more....I have lowered my intake and now am generally between 1400-1600 on a normal day. I work part time at a salad bar while going to school so I log my shifts and keep my activity level at sedentary. I started being more active in general - I actually enjoy working out (just dance, walking, stationary bike, elliptical) I started doing aquafit classes through the city (which have ended) but I love them. I have just found things I like to do but I'm still not a work out junkie. I eat a lot less now and I eat a bit better. I cut down on pop, butter etc...but I still allow myself to eat whatever I want if its within my calories and I still enjoy going out with family and friends to restaurants. I have gone down almost 4 jean sizes (I can fit into the 4th size down but it's a tad uncomfortable ha). I've been able to buy more clothes / smaller sizes. I am the size I was when I was about sixteen right now and hoping to be smaller than I have been in general. My first goal is to hit 80lbs but in the end I hope to lose about 120lbs.

I am 5'7 and I do not want to post my weight on here just yet but I am 40.8 pounds down as of 2 days ago and I am loving it.
I have lost several inches all over, not sure how many since I haven't been tracking the entire time I've been using MFP. I drink water like there is NO tomorrow. I don't fret if I have an over calorie day (I used to but I'm getting better at it). I generally feel healthier. I have gone down 6.4 BMI points and I am still 'obese' but no longer 'morbidly obese'!

I have gone on vacay during this time and just let myself enjoy it and I have been able to hop back on the wagon as soon as I came back. Have not missed a day logging on at all. :)

Here are some pics:

Passport photos (long story short I got them redone again before I went - I saw this difference and I was floored)


Full shots
10 days before MFP in May 2012 / October 2012 wearing new jeans that were 3 sizes smaller! / December


May 2012 in NYC before MFP:

Christmas 2012:

Anyway, I thought since I was half way to my first major goal that I should post! :) over 235 days on MFP :)


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